《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》eight


Lucy stood shivering in her boots outside the bus station, holding her fur ear muffs tight as waves of her blonde hair whipped around her face.

"Laurie's bus isn't here yet dad," Eric said as he ran out of the bus station, tightening his jacket around him. "Can we get in the car and turn on the heat? I'm freezing," Eric begged.

"I'm not wasting gas just so you can be comfortable," Red snapped.

Lucy's teeth chattered, "Oh please Daddy," she whined.

"You heard what I said," Red softened a little seeing his daughter shivering.

"Damn the gas shortage," she mumbled.

"What was that?" Kitty yelled over the howling of the wind.

"Nothing Mama!" Lucy chirped.

"Can we at least go wait inside?" Eric begged, pulling Lucy into his side to keep them both warm and avoid freezing to death.

"I'm not waiting in that bus station with those people!" Kitty whispered, looking around warily. "Oh Eric I forgot to tell you, your sister's bringing a friend home so you'll be sleeping in the basement."

Lucy winced, already feeling bad for her twin. She'd let him stay in her room—but she really didn't care to find out what—or who, her brother dreamed about.

"The basement! They should sleep in Laurie's room! Or bunk up in Lucy's!" Eric protested.

"Oh and Red I've been thinking, maybe this Thanksgiving we skip the big turkey, little ones are on sale at Piggly Wiggly," Kitty rocked back and forth, trying to keep warm.

"This family doesn't scrimp on holidays! Can you imagine my mother sitting down to a chicken!" Red asked.

"Red your mother doesn't eat my cooking anyways, so that won't be a problem," Kitty rolled her eyes.

"Then she can starve," Lucy seethed. She wasn't overly fond of Grandma Forman, the bitch Bernice had been making her mother's life a living hell for as long as she could remember.

Last Christmas, Lucy had accidentally spilt the gravy on her when she said they wouldn't have money problems if her mother had "kept her legs shut." At Red's birthday that year, Lucy made sure to step on her toes—literally—when she said Kitty was raising her children with bad habits by having alcohol in the house. The earliest revenge Lucy remembered getting on the old hag was when she was six and Bernice said Kitty's Easter dress made her look fat; Lucy took all of Grandma's cigarettes and flushed them and hid the glasses she kept laying around the house so she couldn't drive to buy more. When she got caught, Lucy cried saying she didn't want the cigarettes to hurt her sweet old grandmother. In reality, she knew her grandmother was hopelessly dependent and would even worry herself sick if she didn't get a smoke.

"Lucy!" Red yelled warningly, while Kitty gave her trademark nervous laughter.

"Mommy! Daddy! This is Kate!" Laurie's voice cheered as she came running out of the bus station with another blonde girl.

Laurie looked at Lucy, who's entire face was now tinted pink, "Daddy! You let her out here to freeze!" her older sister yelled, quickly wrapping her into a hug.

"Yeah you wouldn't want her to get as cold as your dead heart," Eric said sarcastically as the two girls embraced, both of them giving him and identical steely glare.

He quickly turned around and bumped into Kate, his jaw quite literally dropping and his eyes widening. Lucy pulled back from the hug as Red ushered them to the car, giving her twin a heeding stare as she passed.


Everyone sat around the table at The Hub. Lucy walked around from the counter, carrying her soda and taking a seat next to Donna.

"So this Kate is she hot?" Hyde asked from across the table. Lucy rolled her eyes and sent a swift kick under the table.

Hyde winced before looking over to Lucy, "Oh you jealous LSD?"

"Nothing for me to be jealous of Steven," she whispered menacingly, darting her eyes to Donna.

Hyde obviously didn't catch her hint and stole her soda, "Well of course there isn't sweetheart."

"Shh, Eric now tell us, is the college lady hot?" Fez said, trying to sound innocent.

"Of course she's hot. All college girls are hot. I mean we've seen the brochures right?" Kelso looked up, eating some fries.

Lucy once again rolled her eyes and leaned over to pinch Kelso, he quickly swatted her away.

"Ok Donna, help me play some music, right now," Jackie pushed her chair back from the table, walking over to the juke box.

"So she's hot?" Hyde asked once the girls had left earshot.

"Oh so hot!" Eric exclaimed.

"You dillweed!" Lucy whispered.

"Aw she is jealous," Hyde smiled, "It's okay, I mean, you have other qualities," he smirked, purposefully trying to get on her nerves.

"Yes. Like your feet!" Fez chimed in.

"Thank you Fezzie. No, I wouldn't be jealous of a hopelessly dumb blonde like her in a million years." Lucy turned her attention back to Hyde.

"Well you were jealous of Pam Macy in junior high, that's why you stuffed your bra. Remember—" Kelso started laughing, not being able to finish his thought, "Remember when you came to school one day and—and all the tissues were falling out and trailing behind you?" Kelso was laughing hysterically now and the other boys were snickering.

Lucy did remember because the boys made a point to bring it up nearly everyday until they got to highschool. She kicked under the table again, hitting the same spot on Hyde's shin before turning to give Kelso a look, and if looks could kill, Kelso would be six feet under.

Lucy stood up, grabbing her coat hanging on her chair and stomped off to the exit.

"Oh don't be upset Lucy!" Hyde turned his head, still laughing, "We love you, flat chest and all!" Hyde called as she was opening the door.

Lucy froze in her spot and turned around, "Well you know Steven, stuffing my bra was a temporary fix, I think I'm more than sufficient now," she gestured down her body. "If only there was a fix for what you're lacking," she winced. "Because acting like a dick isn't gonna get you a bigger one."

With that, Lucy Forman flipped her hair with a smirk and walked out of The Hub, distinctly hearing Kelso yell "Burn!" as the door slam shut.

Lucy was in the kitchen nearly all day helping Kitty prepare for Thanksgiving. Grandma Forman had called upwards of twenty times in one day. Around the fifth time, Lucy decided she would pick up the phone and talk to Grandma, if Lucy made her voice a little more peppy, her and Kitty were almost indistinguishable over the phone. Around the tenth time, Lucy decided to let the phone hang off the hook.

Lucy loved her mother, and the fact that not everyone did made her overly protective. Even though she wanted to get out of Point Place as quickly as possible, she wished that didn't mean leaving her mom.


"Lucy dear, can you take these cookies down to the basement?" Kitty asked handing her a plate of cookies.

Lucy walked down the basement steps and stopped halfway down when she heard the boys talking.

"So you made out with a college girl?" she furrowed her eyebrows at Hyde's question.

She slowly walked down the stairs. "Kind of," Eric answered, Lucy's eyes widened.

"Start talking," Hyde demanded.

"Yeah tell it like a story. Like a really sexy story," Kelso spoke up.

Eric's eyes widened when he saw Lucy at the foot of the steps, "Oh please, don't stop on account of me. Tell the story Eric," her voice was dangerously calm. She stood in front of the couch and handed the plate of cookies to Fez, who smiled contently.

"Okay...she like jammed her entire tongue into my mouth and you wouldn't think a girl like that had so much tongue," Eric started rambling.

The other boys nodded interested and smiled pervertedly. Hyde had his hands around Lucy's waist ready to pull her down to his lap but she swatted him away. Instead, she lunged at her brother and smacked him upside the head, keeping his hair in her fist.

"What the hell were you thinking?" she shrieked.

"You said to tell the story!" Eric clawed at her hand, trying to be free of her grasp.

The boys all watched in a mixture of amusement and horror.

"You. Are. An. Idiot." she enunciated every word

"Twin Code! Twin Code!" Eric yelled desperately.

"Girl Code overrides Twin Code!" she sang.

Eric finally managed to pull Lucy off of him and she fell to the couch. She didn't even notice Hyde's arm wrapping around her waist. The twins stared at one another in silence.

"Oh no," realization dawned on him. "I feel kind of dirty," her old brother finally emerged from his college girl fantasy.

"Dirty is good!" Kelso insisted and Lucy reached over to smack him but Hyde caught her wrist, she yanked it back and held her hands in her lap.

"No, like I feel bad. Look, I think I got to tell Donna," Eric said.

"Really? Well on behalf of men everywhere—" Hyde leaned up off the couch to smack Eric.

"Yeah man the right thing to do is juggle them both before it blows up in your face!" Kelso said. This time Lucy did manage to smack him.

Lucy got up off the couch and started up the stairs, looking up to see Donna. Lucy would leave Eric to tell his almost-girlfriend, it wasn't her responsibility.

"I kissed a girl!" Eric yelled as Donna came down. The boys yelled at him disappointed and walked up the stairs.

Lucy slouched in one of the kitchen stools. "What's wrong honey?" Kitty asked, checking the oven.

Lucy played with placemats in front of her, "Is stupidity genetic?" she asked.

Kitty laughed loudly and the boys walked in, instantly raiding the fridge. Red looked around at the three boys and sighed, "Why are you here? Why are you always here?! It's Thanksgiving! Don't you have families?"

The boys looked down and shrugged. Just then, Donna stormed up the stairs and out of the house.

"I guess Donna didn't take it very well," Kelso noted.

"Thanks Captain Obvious!" Lucy said.

"Take what well?" Red asked, looking to the boys who all looked away.

Red stepped closer to Kelso, waiting for him to break. "Eric made out with Kate," Kelso giggled.

"Anything else?" Red asked.

"Your son is a whore!" Fez laughed.

Eric walked to the kitchen and the four teens quickly scrambled, not wanting to get in the way of Red's fury.

Everyone sat around the table, ready to eat the delicious feast.

"Now is everything at the table? I still feel like I forgot something," Kitty said.

Everyone paled when the phone began to ring. "Oh my God I forgot your mother!" Kitty yelled, running to pick up the phone.

The three siblings jumped up from their seats and ran to the car. The Toyota was blocking them in and Eric moved it as Laurie sped the Cruiser out of the driveway. Lucy pushed open the door and Eric jumped into the car. If they weren't so stressed about their grandmother it would've been the coolest thing they've ever done.

It was a good thing there weren't that many cars on the road and they were all in their houses because Laurie was going fast enough to give them all whiplash.

The three silently walked into the dining room. Kitty and Red looked at them expectantly.

"Where's your grandma?" Red asked as they all sat down silent.

"She's not coming. She said she's going to Cousin Joel's for Thanksgiving," Laurie said.

"Oh that's not so bad," Red tried to cheer up Kitty as he reached to undo the foil from the food.

"Actually she said it was a shame she couldn't spend what might be her last Thanksgiving with her family. But she does hope we all enjoy ourselves," Eric said.

"Ever heard of sugarcoating?" Lucy asked, bewildered that he couldn't let their parents be unaware of just how passive aggressive Bernice was.

It was okay though, Lucy left dog poop on her porch.

"Well you know what, that's just fine. I don't need to kiss some old lady's A-S-S on my holiday," Kitty said as she dished food onto her plate.

Everyone at the table looked at her in shock, "You heard what I spelled!" Kitty said.

The rest of Thanksgiving was very awkward. With Red and Kitty feeling both annoyed and guilty with forgetting Grandma, Kate having kissed Eric, Eric trying to get Donna back, and Lucy just trying to make it through the holiday.

Even at the party when all the neighbors came over for dessert, Lucy made sure to sit in the corner. She stayed with Donna for moral support since Midge dragged her to their house. She didn't even get up to get pie so Donna wouldn't have to be alone.

Eric came over to thank her for coming and Lucy got up to leave before Donna yanked her back down.

Hyde came over to offer Donna some pie and Donna yanked her up.

"What? I didn't kiss her!" Hyde yelled.

Lucy shrugged as Donna pulled her to the steps and she reached to steal the plate from Hyde.

Lucy finally was able to convince Donna to go talk to her brother and once her bedroom door shut, Lucy fell onto her bed with a sigh. Thanksgiving was exhausting.

She perked up when she heard the phone ring, "What the hell do you want Grandma!" she yelled.

On the other side of the line she heard laughing, "This is Nick. Whatever did poor Grandma do?"

Lucy's stomach dropped, "Oh god I'm sorry. Um long story, but to sum it up she's a whiny entitled hag," her venomous words were ironic with her sweet tone.

Nick laughed again, "Well I tried to call earlier but I just got the busy tone."

Lucy winced, "Oh that was probably when I left it off the hook because, again, Grandma."

"She must really be terrible."

"She is. But I see you memorized the number successfully."

"I did. So I passed your test?"

"I suppose so," Lucy smirked.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date," Nick asked.

Lucy nearly fell off her bed out of shock. "Um, sure, movies?"

"Sounds good to me. Just tell me when and where."

Lucy smiled as she told him to grab a pen and paper and write down the information.

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