《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》nine


Lucy walked down to the kitchen and took a seat at the table.

"Good morning," her father said as she kissed him on the cheek.

"So what are you kids planning to do this weekend?" Kitty asked as she poured everyone orange juice.

"Oh, probably just hanging out in the basement," Eric said, taking a bite of his toast.

"Actually, I have a date," Lucy spoke up casually.

Everyone's forks dropped to their plate.

"What!" she looked around baffled, "Is it that entirely unbelievable that I have a date?"

"With who?" Red boomed.

"Is it Steven—" Kitty started.

"Mom! Ew no." Lucy yelled. "His name is Nick, he's a very nice boy I met him in Kenosha," Lucy said calmly.

Eric actually laughed out loud, "Oh god this is just too good," he wiped away fake tears.

Lucy rolled her eyes, "What?"

"It's just, sis, come on you've never even kissed anyone," Eric laughed.

"You're not going," Red said, drinking his coffee.

"What?" Lucy spun around to face her father.

"We don't know this boy, you're not going."

"Daddy please," Lucy said.

"Red, she can go. She's 17," Kitty reasoned.

Everyone looked at Kitty in shock, she never disagreed with their father.

"Well if we're going to let Eric go on dates with Donna, we have to let Lucy go on dates with this Nate boy."

"Nick," Lucy interjected.

"Nick boy," Kitty corrected herself.

"Donna and I are not dating!" Eric insisted.

Red finally sighed and stood up from the table, "Fine! Can't even tell my own daughter what she can do," he muttered.

"Thank you Daddy!" Lucy yelled after him. She turned to Kitty and hugged her, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Lucy sat on her bed, deep in thought and on the border of dread. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about what Eric said at breakfast. Then she heard the anticipated tapping on her window. She went over to open it up and Hyde stepped into her room.

"Alright what's up? You sounded weird on the phone," Hyde said.

Lucy bit her lip, she had thought it over but hated that she had to do it. "I have a date."

Hyde turned around to look at her with annoyance, "Why are telling me?"

"It's the boy. From the disco," she explained.

"Ok?" Hyde asked, not masking his annoyance.

"I've never been kissed," Lucy said softly.

"Okay and—oh," realization dawned on him. "Why me? Why not Kelso or Fez? They won't mind," Hyde said.

"Oh don't pretend you mind Steven," Lucy tried to joke, "Besides, not only is Kelso dating Jackie, but he'd tell everyone and their uncle. And Fez, well Fez would make it weird afterwards and think I'm in love with him." Hyde nodded in understanding. "You, you wouldn't tell. Because this is just as embarrassing for you as it is for me," she was trying to convince him that it was a good idea but it sounded like she was trying to convince herself. "And you definitely wouldn't think I, you know, love you or anything."


"Well, sounds like you've thought this all out," Hyde said.

Lucy just shrugged, "You don't have to. I just figured it was better to at least ask."

"Do I get paid?" Hyde asked jokingly.

"I'm not prostituting you," Lucy laughed, her nerves dissipating.

"Damn, so I'm just tutoring you in kissing?" he asked. Lucy just nodded. Hyde sighed and put down the trinket he was looking at, "Fine."

The two stood in front of eachother awkwardly. Lucy spoke up, "So—" she was cut off when Steven crashed his lips to hers, his hands cupped her face.

Without thinking, she reached up and slapped him. She quickly pulled away and her hands flew up to cover her mouth as she laughed.

Hyde winced, "You know doll, I can't teach you to kiss if you don't actually let me kiss you."

"I know I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said still laughing. "It was instinct," she winced.

"Okay um—maybe sit down," Hyde rubbed the back of his neck. Lucy nodded and sat down on her bed. Hyde sat down in front of her, he leaned forward and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. He was so close their foreheads were almost touching. "Are you going to let me kiss you now?" he whispered.

Lucy was going to tease him but suddenly her words were caught in her throat. So all she could do was nod.

And then he kissed her again, it wasn't as rash as when he first did. Her eyes quickly fluttered shut as she calmed down, and she reached to wrap her arms around his neck.

His lips are softer than I thought they'd be.

Soon, the kiss deepened and Lucy didn't even realize her back had hit the bed and he had climbed on top of her. Her hands moved up and entangled with his curls. He pulled back from the kiss and she whined before he started kissing her neck.

Ok Steven Hyde can kiss.

His lips reconnected with her own while warning bells were going off in her head. She tried to push the nagging thought away.

Steven Hyde, shit I'm kissing Steven Hyde.

And that's when they both seemed to be pulled back to reality because Hyde literally jumped back and Lucy sat up. Their faces were flushed and their breathing was unsteady and their lips were swollen.

They were silent for a bit, trying to process what had just happened.

"I'm just gonna go," Hyde stood up and went towards the window.

Lucy just nodded, still in shock. "Don't tell," she whispered hoarsely.

"I won't," he reassured her before ducking out of her window, probably to just get back in the house through the basement door.

Lucy ran her hands through her hair and fell back on her bed. A small giggle escaping her lips, she had a date.

Lucy was running around the house, trying to get ready for when Nick arrived.

"Jackie! Jackie!" she called as she sprinted down the basement stairs. "Do you still have the red lipstick I let you borrow?"


She stopped at the foot of the steps as everyone, except Hyde, turned to look at her in shock.

"Damn—" Kelso started as Jackie hit his chest.

"Ay!" Fez exclaimed.

"I did pick the wrong twin," Donna smiled jokingly.

"Stop gawking at her! That's my sister!" Eric stood up to stand in front of her and block her.

She had her hair half-up in a top bun, her golden hair cascading down. She was in bell-bottom jeans and a red sweater.

Jackie stood up to get her purse, "Who's the lucky fella?" she asked as she walked toward Lucy to hand her the lipstick.

"Nick Thompson," Lucy smirked.

"The boy from the disco you called me about!" Jackie squealed.

Lucy nodded and Jackie grabbed her friend's hands and jumped up and down, "Oh my God! You look so hot! He'll have to kiss you wearing that!"

"Are you nervous for your date?" Donna teased.

Lucy just blushed and shrugged.

"Ok but if he takes you to dinner buy the most expensive thing on the menu, if he doesn't buy it for you he's not worth it," Jackie explained.

"Don't rush into anything you're not comfortable with," Donna instructed.

"Laugh at all his jokes," Jackie continued.

"Be yourself," Donna continued.

Lucy pushed her way past the girls, "I think I'll be fine," she laughed as she went to sit down on the couch.

She waited there until Nick came. When the doorbell rang, Lucy jumped up and ran up the stairs.

"We should let her have some privacy," Donna thought aloud.

"Oh yeah totally," everyone nodded in agreement.

They all stared at the TV a moment longer before all jumping up to run upstairs.

In the living room, everyone watched in horror as Nick shook Red's hand.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Forman," he greeted politely.

"So you're the one who wants to take out my daughter," Red was sizing up the boy like a predator looking at its prey.

"Yes sir," he nodded. Before he came, Lucy instructed him to be on his best behavior with her father, like a soldier and his drill sergeant.

Red was still staring him down and Lucy laughed nervously, something everyone joked that she got from her mother.

"Well you two have fun!" Kitty yelled trying to usher them out the door before her husband killed the boy.

"Be home by 11!" Red boomed.

"Yes Daddy!" Lucy yelled nervously. She looked to Nick, "I just have to grab my purse, you go wait in the car," she pushed him out the door, not wanting to leave him alone with her father or friends.

She ran to the kitchen where she left her purse.

"He's so hot!" Donna and Jackie whispered, following her.

"He looks like an idiot in that jacket," Hyde said unimpressed.

"Be nice," she hissed as she passed him.

Eric ran up to her, following her back to the front door. He blocked her, "Hey, just um—you know, you can call me if you need anything," he said, actually concerned for his twin.

"Thanks little brother," she smiled, "but please get out of my way." She reached up to ruffle his hair as she walked out.

The date was going well, Nick had a nice car, nice hair, good sense of humor. They went to eat before going to see their movie. Nick came down for the weekend from college, she had already known from when they talked on the phone. The only thing she made sure was that he had never been with a Laurie. Luckily, he hadn't.

The movie was ok. But if you asked Lucy the plot she wouldn't be able to tell you. She was too distracted thinking about what all her friends were saying and if her dad liked Nick, she really did want his approval.

When they walked out of the theater, Lucy was still distracted. "So I had fun tonight," Nick said as he opened the car door for Lucy.

"Huh? Oh me too!" Lucy smiled, snapping out of her daze as she got into the car.

Nick got in the car and looked over to Lucy, "So, you want to go out again next weekend?"

"Aw you like me," Lucy teased.

"Well you are looking super sexy tonight," Nick laughed.

"I always look super sexy," Lucy corrected, whispering as Nick leaned in closer.

Nick held her chin in his hand and closed the gap to kiss her. "I do like you Lucy," Nick whispered as he pulled away from the kiss.

Lucy blushed as he started the car and they drove back to her house. But for some reason, she didn't have the stomach flipping sensation she did with her first kiss, and for the life of her she couldn't figure out why.

Lucy got home that night and changed out of her clothes into a University of Wisconsin hoodie Laurie left behind. Jackie and Kelso had left right after her, in the mood to makeout. Fez was called home by his host parents. Donna had bombarded her with questions when she got home, all of which she patiently answered.

She finally went outside to lay in the grass and star gaze. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt someone lay down besides her.

"What are you doing out here LSD?" he asked.

"Just thinking," she said. "What are you doing here Steven?" she turned to look at him curiously.

"I've been thinking about you—about the kiss," he said.

"Steven, you don't actually like me. And on the off chance you do, you wouldn't be happy with me. You need a girl that's dangerous, and hot, and easy. I'm not any of that," Lucy refused to look at Steven.

"Well sounds like you got it all figured out," Steven said sarcastically, as he pushed off the ground and walked off.

Lucy pushed herself up on her elbows, "Yep," she sighed to herself defeated and confused.

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