《The Ballet Shoes》"That's the thing about love"


Louis listened to the rigid breathing of the person on the other end. The person wouldn't speak for minutes. Finally Louis broke the silence.

"Mum?" Louis spoke.

"L, I've been trying for so long to call you but I couldn't will myself to until now." his mum said, she sounded sad in a way.

"We haven't talked since that day." Louis said sitting back down on the cot.

"I," she paused "I know L I know. Do you think we could meet up or something?" Jay asked nervously.

"I'm your son mum not Justin Bieber don't be so nervous talking to me." Louis said with a sigh.

"Nervous is all I am right now, you well the last time I saw you, you brought nothing but nerves when you came around and-" she stopped before saying anything else.

"You don't need to be mum I've changed." Louis said softly.

"Oh." Jay replied simply.

"Course you wouldn't know, you would have if you came when I needed you the first time I called." Louis tried keeping his cool.

He remembered standing outside the apartment with Liams body and hearing the sirens fade away carrying the only person he ever loved.

"I'm sorry Louis."

"I'll talk to Harry mum I'd like you to meet him and our son." Louis said ignoring her apology.

He wasn't accepting any pity apology because that's all that one was pity because she felt sorry for not being there for him when he needed her.

"You two have a son?" his mother questioned.

"Yes, he's wonderful. I'd love for you to meet him as well." Louis said.

"When?" she asked.

"Like I said let me talk to Harry and I will probably text you and tell you when and where. I'm supposed to be home right now with him but you called so." Louis said.

"Oh right then, get home to him then get back to me." Jay said.

"Right mum I'll talk to you later then." Louis said.

"I love you." his mum said.

Louis hung up hearing the words, he would believe that once she showed it.

Louis arrived back Harry was sat on the couch watching TV William was in his cradle and Niall was gone.

"Hey," Louis said awkwardly "where's Niall?"

Harry looked up at him silently patting the spot next to him. Louis sat down and leaned back getting comfortable Harry leaned into him and Louis wrapped his arm around him gently. Harry rested his head on his chest.

"He's gone back to his." Harry said.

Louis nodded.

"I didn't mean to say what I did earlier. I love making love to you baby I really do it's just I don't want making love to be every time we want to be intimate."

Harry shook his head.

"Lou, I don't want to make love every time either we that was just ridiculous. I deserved to be called a bitch I admit."

Louis giggled pecking the boys head.

"You are far from a bitch princess." Louis said softly.

"That was a great talk we had so serious." Harry laughed and Louis did as well.

"Now I do have something serious to talk about." Louis swallowed.

"When you say it's serious it must really be so out with it." Harry said sitting up.

"Well as I was leaving the warehouse to come back after you texted back. My mum called." Louis explained.


"Your mum called you? Is that why it took so long? What did she want?" Harry rambled.

"Nothing really, a bunch of shit," Louis paused a moment looking at William contemplating on taking him to meet his mum, "she wants to see us well me originally but I told her I wouldn't without you or William."

"How much did you tell her?" Harry said leaning back con Louis.

"Not much." Louis responded bluntly.

"I don't want our son getting between all this drama with our families you know?" Harry said.

Louis looked at the peaceful innocent bundle in the cradle.

"I don't either."

"So if you want to go meet your mum go for it but our son isn't until you two are on absolute good terms."

"He's my son too I can say who he sees and doesn't too." Louis said.

"Louis calm down okay. I just think it's best he doesn't until it's sorted." Harry said calmly.

Louis huffed in irritation getting off the couch walking outside onto the balcony sitting down.

Harry was aggravated and pissed off because of how Louis was behaving, especially towards him. He had done nothing but be a protective mum and state his feelings freely. Was that why Louis was so off. He demanded to know why Louis was acting like this.

"Louis," he said leaning on the railing of the balcony "what's wrong with you?" he put a hand on his hip.

"You." Louis said plainly.

"You're unbelievable." Harry threw his hand up smacking his thigh bringing it back down.

Harry wasn't going to have it.

"You're in the dog house you're sleeping on the couch." Harry said leaving him there.

He scooped up William and went to bed locking the door behind him. His feelings were hurt and all he felt like right now was rubbish. He put William in his cradle and stripped down to his boxers. Crawling into bed he took Louis' pillow and hugged it closely to him letting his tears stain the fabric.

The door knob jiggled and Harry hugged the pillow tighter. The door opened, Louis put the card back in his wallet that he used to pick the lock.

"If your here to hurt my feelings more then leave." Harry said.

Louis stayed silent he was crying as well. He crawled onto the bed and laid next to him. He put his head in the crevice of Harry's neck, Harry felt Louis' tears roll down his neck.

"I'm so sorry I've been such a dick to you. You were right I shouldn't bring William into things until I know for certain."

"This isn't about him."

Louis remained silent.

"Here lately you've done nothing but hurt my feelings. I've done nothing but say what I feel is right and you've just spat in my face." Harry cried harder.

He buried his face into the pillow slightly.

"Baby I keep hurting you and it killsme. I need you, god I fucking need you." Louis cried into Harry's back.

"What have I done Louis?" Harry asked sadly.

He sat up staring at their baby.

"Nothing." Louis answered.

"I've done something Louis and whatever it is I'm so sorry," Harry squeezed the pillow standing up facing the boy "yell at me Louis, scream in my face, do anything to make you feel better towards me just don't hate me."


Louis shook his head.

"You've just-" Louis stopped.

"Louis I swear if you don't tell me what your thinking I'm going to leave with William." Harry said starting to get some clothes packed.

"It's just sometimes you can be a grown up and it's really annoying how you boss me now." Louis admitted.

"I have no choice but to be a grown up Louis, our son came, this apartment came. Someone had to put the pants on and step up so here I am." Harry continued packing his bag.

"Be the grown up to William not me." Louis said with a tone.

"I have been." Harry said and zipped the bag of clothes shut.

"What are you doing?" Louis asked when Harry started putting his pants on.

"Leaving." Harry said simply.

"But you said if I told you what I was thinking you wouldn't." Louis said.

"Well for fuck sakes Harry I can't not hurt you. I'm not perfect never have been and I never will be. I can't please you like you want, your stubborn as hell and I fucking love you," Louis got off the bed and pushed Harry against the wall gently "that's the thing about love, you have to spend a lifetime proving to someone their worth and love that you have for them." Louis pressed his forehead against Harry's. 

"Louis." Harry whispered. 

"Losing you would be like living without rain," Louis caressed his face "it be impossible." 

Harry loved this boy, his heart belonged to Louis and he knew it. No matter how hard he tried to deny it. He couldn't. Louis was the rain that Harry needed and Harry was the shelter Louis needed from the storms in his life. They both knew it, that the life they had before was something small to them. Only because of each other. The life they had now was caught up by the past. The past they thought they had conquered came back and bit them. But the past only brought them to each other. The inevitable they thought they could ignore wasn't easy to ignore now. 

Louis pressed his lips to Harry's moving them slowly in sync with his. Louis grabbed Harry's hair pulling it slightly. 

"Lou." Harry said. 

It was night out and the only light they had to go by was the moon streaming through the blinds. It was rather beautiful. Louis knocked the bag from Harry's shoulder pulling him to the bed. Harry climbed on top of the boy. 

"I love you, I love you, I love you." Louis repeated as the kiss deepened. 

Louis flipped them around and trailed kisses down Harry's neck and back up. 

"God I love you." Harry could taste the salt of Louis' tears. 

Harry could feel himself hardening against Louis' bum. It drove Harry crazy and for the first he wanted to fuck Louis.

"Louis can I?" Harry asked between the heated kiss. 

"Go on come baby." Louis said. 

"No Lou I mean fuck you." Harry said awkwardly. 

"Are, are you sure?" Louis asked. 

"I may have one girl part inside me but that doesn't stop the male parts of me that want to fuck you sometimes." Harry giggled. 

Louis giggled as well. Louis always wanted Harry to fuck him but he never imagined it actually happening the thought drove him crazy as he attacked Harry's lips with great pleasure. Louis peeled the pants back off of Harry taking the boxers off with them. He was already naked with in a second of getting Harry's off. Harry flipped them around and kissed Louis down his body slowly, grazing his tongue along his length. Louis' back bucked off the bed. 

"Fuck." Louis moaned. 

"One sec," Harry hopped off the bed swiftly and moved William to his room grabbing the monitor placing it on the table before grabbing a condom from the drawer of his night table, "shall we." 

Harry slid on the condom and prepped Louis. He pumped two fingers in and out slowly at first then fast. When he earned a good begging moan from Louis he stopped. 

"Are you ready?" Harry questioned. 

Louis nodded quickly licking his lips. Harry laid on his back and prompted Louis to get on top. Louis straddled his lap and rose up. Louis slowly lowered down on his length. Wincing at the pinch he felt. Harry looked at Louis whose eyes were pinched shut until he stuck in as much as he could. 

"Fuck!" Louis moaned loudly before moving up and down slowly. 

Harry threw his arms around the boy and gripped him tightly. 

"Sh-shit." Harry growled and instructed Louis to go faster and he did. 

"Oh god." Louis breathed as he did as he was told. 

The quick movement sent both over the edge. Harry vigorously kissed Louis and felt himself tense and he felt Louis tense. It was a matter of seconds before they both came undone. Harry angled himself differently and moved faster. Louis tensed up. 

"Harry oh my god." Louis moaned as he came undone. 

Harry watched and came undone not long after. They fell next to each other in a panting mess. 

"That was," Harry paused "that was amazing." 

Louis wiped his eyes. 

"Babe why are you crying did I hurt you? You should of told me to stop." Harry rambled. 

"No you didn't hurt me," Louis rolled over facing Harry "what just happened I've never seen you so careful and worried about me in our entire relationship." 

Harry smiled at the boys words. It was true the whole time Harry kept his eyes right on Louis and was gentle even when he went fast. 

"I was nervous." Harry admitted. 

Louis pecked his cheek and smiled softly. 

"I'm going to go get the baby." he smiled before hopping off the bed and sliding on some sweats. 

He returned with the baby and put him in his usual spot which was on Harry's side in his small cradle. Harry opened his arms and Louis went right in them. 

The way Harry held Louis said everything. Louis started to drift off. 

"I know I haven't told you before but I don't want to lose you either." 

That was the last thing Louis heard before drifting off in his arms. 

What did Jay want to see Louis for so suddenly? Harry thought. It bothered Harry so suddenly because he didn't want Louis hurt. He didn't want his mum to hurt him the same way Anne hurt him. The pain from that was horrible and he didn't want Louis to feel it too, but you won't know until you try. Harry was going to let Louis talk to his mum he wasn't going to be selfish. He went to sleep hoping for the best. 


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