《The Ballet Shoes》"So I'm a bitch?"



I was hoping you'd be the one to find this. I didn't know how I felt about you being with him until I actually saw you two in it. I want you for myself and if I can't have you then that's it."

The letter ended with that.

"He should have told me before any of this. None of this would of happened if he would of just talked to me." Harry said.

"He went very far to doom things for us that's for sure." Louis said.

Harry kissed his lips. Louis tasted the salt of tears from Harry and pulled back.

"What's wrong?" Louis questioned caressing his cheek.

"I just can't believe he did that to you and I hate that I was so clueless that I couldn't stop it." Harry cried.

Louis wiped his tears away.

"That was for you, I'd do it again if it meant keeping you and our son safe. I hated every second of it felt so dirty afterwards but it was for you and our baby." Louis said kissing his forehead.

Louis rummaged around in a pile of cd cases pulling out a disk holding it the air. It read Let It Be Me by Ray Lamontagne. Louis put the disk in a small player in the corner.

"Dance with me?" Louis said softly.

"This is the first time you've ever asked me to dance properly." Harry smirked.

"Can't a man dance with his boyfriend?" Louis joked.

"I suppose so." Harry smiled.

Louis pecked his lips hitting the restart button. They rocked back and forth to the song. Louis twirled Harry around.

"You hear the words?" Louis whispered.

"No I wasn't paying any attention." Harry said.

"Listen," Louis said and started singing to Harry the words "Now, I remember all too well, just how it feels to be all alone, you feel like you'd give anything for just a little place you can call your own," Louis hummed the beat and finished the lyric "let it be me dear god let it be me."

Harry interrupted his singing by putting his lips on Louis'. Harry let the words of the song fill the kiss with words he couldn't quite figure out or say.

"Let it be me." Harry said against Louis' lips.

"Let it be me." Louis smiled and kissed him.

They continued rocking back and forth holding each other closely. Harry did a ballerina spin and Louis caught him, lifting him by the waist Harry bent his leg at the knee and extended the other straight back. Putting one arm back with the straight leg. Louis did a swift spin gently putting him down.

"You are better at Ballet then I thought." Harry smiled.

"I only dance like that for you." Louis said.

"I miss my baby." Harry pouted his lip.

"But I'm right here." Louis joked.

"I mean Will." Harry crossed his arms.

"I wanted to do more than just dance and make you feel better." Louis whined like a child.

"Come on casanova we got a parenting job to do. Maybe tonight?" Harry raised a brow teasingly.

"Ay I might take you up on that." Louis winked.

Harry was beyond thankful that he had someone like Louis. Louis had a way of making him happy when he wasn't even trying. Even when he didn't want Louis there and just wanted to be alone he some how changed his mood then and there.



Once back home the two noticed Niall was fast asleep. It was a little late 10:30pm to be exact. William was in his rocker fast asleep too, Harry picked him up carefully and carried him back to their room putting him in his cot.

They decided to just let Niall stay over since he wasn't much of a bother and he watched William for a few hours for them.

"See we could have stayed out longer," Louis kissed Harry's shoulder "all was well."

"Well I missed William." Harry said with a raised brow.

"Hm." Louis said.

"The doctor said there's not much we can do being I have a broken shoulder blade." Harry said motioning to the sling his arm was in.

"There's plenty," Louis smirked "let's see you can ride me, I can blow you, you can blow me, we can just make out and fond until we come."

Harry's breathing hitched a little.

"That sounds," Harry cleared his throat "that sounds nice."

"Ay." Louis said with a knowing grin.

"It's been ages since we've done anything," Harry said as Louis started kissing down his neck seductively, "mmm." he moaned.

"Does princess like that?" Louis said rolling Harry's shirt up to kiss his chest and down.

"Y-yes." Harry breathed.

Louis continued his assault and kissed along the waist of Harrys pants.

"What do you want to do?" Louis questioned looking up at Harry.

"Fuck." Harry said quickly.

Harry was hard and aching for some pleasure. He's been wanting this for ages. Louis was throbbing in his pants, he felt a little awkward having their son in the room with them as they had sex.

"This is so weird." Louis giggled.

"Wh-what is?" Harry bit his lip.

"Doing this with Will in here." Louis smiled.

"Put him in his room with the monitor until we are done." Harry said.

Louis nodded flipping on the monitor and grabbing the other putting it at Williams feet. He carried William with his cot into his room and left the door open. Going back to their room directly across.

"Okay?" Louis questioned.

"Yeah." Harry said with a nod.

Louis shut the door to a small crack so if Niall got up he wouldn't see anything. Louis crawled on the bed eager. Louis planted sloppy and fast kisses all over. Harry stopped Louis as he went to pull his shirt off.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked confused and dropped his hands from his shirt.

"Last time we did this I didn't look like the Frankenstein." Harry looked down at his stomach where the small inflamed healing incision was covered by his shirt.

"Don't cover up for me, don't be ashamed of something beautiful like that," Louis grabbed the bottom of Harry's shirt lifting just enough to reveal the spot, "that little spot is just like your unique spot it brought something wonderful into this world. It brought us William. Don't ever think it's ugly cause it's not." Louis said softly.

He pressed a kiss onto Harry's cheek. Harry leaned into Louis' kiss.

"Yeah?" Louis said.

Harry nodded with a soft expression on his face.

"I don't want sex Lou I want love." Harry reminded him off the first time they had made love.

Louis went back to that day remembering how breathtaking Harry's inked skin looked in the light of that day. How absolutely beautiful his face looked when he admired him. The day William was made.


Harry and Louis peeled each others clothes off gently. Each looked at each other for beat taking each other in. Harry pulled Louis closer to him.

"Now kiss the hell out of me you fool!" Harry said giggling.

Louis giggled and kissed Harry as he wanted. He kissed down his neck and gently across the mark he called ugly.

"Beautiful." Louis said kissing the mark again, "this is beautiful too." Louis said kissing Harry's unique spot.

"I love you." Harry whispered.

Louis put on a condom and lube, and slid into Harry. Harry winced at the pinching. It had been so long it almost felt like the first time all over again. Louis thrusted into him more neatly and carefully. It wasn't rough it was intimate.

"Kiss me please." Harry begged.

Louis' trembling lips met Harrys over and over in soft little pecks. Kisses everywhere Harry yearned for them at. Harry's hand found his own length and began pumping. Louis could feel him tense underneath him, he angled differently and it sent Harry over the edge. He comed not long after Harry moaning Harry's name.

"Harry?" Louis said after they gathered themselves up some.


"I don't want to make love everytime you know?" Louis questioned.

"We agreed before Lou that we should all the time." Harry said.

"No?" Louis scrunched his brows "we didn't." he crossed his arms.

"Why are you getting all defensive?" Harry said feeling the tensity between them.

"I'm not, I'm just saying that I don't want to make love all the time it doesn't seem real." Louis said.

"I'm not talking about this with you right now." Harry said getting on his boxers the best he could.

He pulled on some sweatpants and held his arm that was in pain.

"You are being a b-" Louis stopped.

"What were you about to call me?" Harry said annoyed.

Louis remained silent.

"What were you going to call me?!" Harry yelled.

"I was going to call you a bitch because that's what your being right now!" Louis yelled back.

"Oh I'm a bitch because I don't want to have sex as often as you?" Harry yelled.

"Yeah you are!"

Williams cry rang through the monitor. Louis went to go but Harry stopped him.

"Don't you dare touch him!" Harry said infuriated.

Harry stormed out the room into Williams picking him up then shutting the door in Louis' face locking it.

"Open the door Harry I'm sorry." Louis sounded sad.

Harry felt the tears stream down his face. He sat down in the rocker rocking William. He needed to be fed.

"Oi what's going on?" Niall questioned from the end of the hall.

"Nothing Niall." Louis shrugged walking back in the room.

"Why do you treat him like that?" Niall asked following him in.

"I don't mean to." Louis looked down.

Williams door creaked open and Harry came out walking to the kitchen. Louis went to follow him but Niall put an arm out stopping him.

"I don't think that's such a good idea right now he needs himself right now. I heard every word and it didn't sound too good." Niall said.

"It's never good when I argue with him." Louis said shrugging on a coat and his vans.

"Where you going?" Niall questioned.

Harry walked back by with a bottle and shut the door locking it again. Louis turned his head looking at the door.

"To give him space so he won't hold himself up in there like that." Louis said as his voice shook.

"Louis don't do anything stupid." Niall urged when he saw a familiar old look Louis made when he wanted a drink. 

"I've done enough stupid things in my life enough for the both of us to go straight to hell." Louis said before turning and walking out. 

"Drinking isn't always the solution." Niall said from the doorway.

"I'm not going for a bloody drink!" Louis snapped slamming the door behind him. 

 Niall shook his head before turning and knocking gently on the door where Harry was. 


"I was wondering if you are okay?" Niall said. 

Harry got up unlocking the door and cracking it open for Niall to come in. He went and sat right where he has been for the last 20 minutes. 

"Thank you for watching him by the way." Harry said his eyes were red from all the hard crying. 

"It was no problem." Niall shrugged. 

"Where did you learn to take care of kids?" Harry said trying to keep his mind from the earlier incident. 

"I got a nephew back in Ireland I would sometimes watch him for my brother and his wife." Niall said. 

"Oh." Harry replied simply. 

"Could you please burp him for me?" Harry questioned. 

"Of course." Niall threw the burp cloth over his shoulder and burped William. 

"Here," Harry handed him the bottle "You finish feeding him I need a shower." 

Niall nodded and sat in the chair. 

Louis layed down on the cot in the old warehouse, he pulled a picture up on his phone of Harry holding William with so much pride and adoration. His beautiful smile brought the whole picture together. He brought up the options and set it as the lock screen on his phone. His background was Harry kissing him on the cheek. 

To Hazza: 

Hi princess ;) I just wanted to let you know I'm not doing anything bad. I'm at the warehouse. I love you so much. 

Harry's feelings were hurt immensely by what happened. He read the message and reluctantly replied. 

To Lou: 

Come home.... we should talk this out. I love you most. 

No matter how hard Harry tried to be mad at Louis no matter the reason. He couldn't stay mad long. He saw Louis in William and he didn't want William to not have his father. He wasn't working this out for William however, he was working it out for himself. He needed Louis and Louis needed him. William needed them maybe not now but he would later. 

Just as Louis was about to leave his phone rang. He looked down at the number and was shocked. 

"Hello?" he answered. 


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