《For-Getting You》Chapter 28. Saved


I entered my apartment, closing the door behind, leaning my back on door, I close my eyes and the moment of Troy kissing me delicately flashes in front of my eyes, he is so sweet,

I touch my forehead where he planted that soft, loving kiss tonight was just perfect I'm so happy,

A voice of moan bring me back to reality, what is going on here, maybe it's TV,

"I love it"

I don't think so it's a TV I step further and the scene in living room left me embarrassed,

Betty sitting on Stefan, I mean shirtless Stefan and making out with him kissing her everywhere and she moaning is not I would like to see,

I quickly put my hand over my eyes, and start leaving them alone but small table in corner came in my way making a bit of noise,

They both get startled,

"I'm sorry I really didn't want to disturb you guys and I didn't see anything I'm just going in my room" I said my hand still on my eyes,

"Keira remove the hand now" Betty spoke, I can tell she is smiling,

I peep in between the fingers and remove it after seeing them standing,

"I'm sorry"

"It's alright Keira you can come whenever you want it's your apartment after all" Stefan said, standing still shirtless he have tattoo of eagle on his left shoulder,

"Yeah but still, don't you worry I'm going inside my room and I have an great headphones with total noise cancellation so don't worry I won't hear anything"

"You don't have lock yourself up Keira" Betty said,

"Yeah Bet is right I was just going home" Stefan explained,

"Then Good night Stefan and I think Betty will like to go with you" I really don't want them to end their beautiful night because of me,

"No.. I won't leave you alone" Betty argued,

"Don't worry Momma I'll be fine" I replied smiling, "Now both of you go"

Stefan looked at her wearing his shirt, "I'll start the car"

"I don't want to leave you alone" Betty said stopping in front of our door,

"Shut up girl and I don't want you to end your together time now just go and have fun I'll be fine" She smiled and left the house, I locked the door and get inside,

Tonight was good not just for me but for Betty as well, She have been looking for a perfect guy for herself and I think Stefan is the right guy for her it's obvious the way they look at each other, I'm really happy.

I woke up early in the morning well you can say I didn't sleep I was just thinking about Troy and I..

I know I'm sounding stupid but it's true I'm stupidly in love with him, I don't know if everyone has these feelings when they are in love or it's just me, I don't know about others bit I'm sure that Troy also has the same feelings..


"So he didn't show up?" I nod at Erik's question working on my computer,

"And you didn't loose your temper" he laughed "I can't believe it, must have done miracle behind it" saying he start to look in his phone again "I think now I know whats the miracle" he turned his phone in my direction,

I looked at it, has a picture of me and Kiera going in hotel and one from when I was droping her, with "Official Romance?" written on it,

"What is this?" asked Erik,

"Picture I thought you'll get it" I replied again concentrating on my work,

"I know that.. I mean I can see that but you didn't tell me that you had dinner with her" I really get what he wants to know,

"He didn't show up due to some reasons, but we were already in the restaurant so I thought that we should eat at least"

"Then?" he asked again,

"Then? What I dropped her at her place" if I'll tell him that we talked then he'll just make a big deal of it, so its better this way.

Mary showed me the article of newspaper stating that we are dating, yes I want that and I'm happy from it we were looking so good together, but such kinda rumours can upset him and ruin our relationship,

Maybe I should talk to him, yeah I should,

I knocked at his cabin door,

"Come in" his voice came,

I enter in his room, Troy looks super busy today, he is working on his computer like a machine, maybe it's not a right time to talk,

"I think I know why you are here" he said it his eyes still over his screen,

"You do?" he must have seen it, explains his behavior I'm sure he don't wanna talk to me now,

"Rumours of our dating isn't it that's what you wanna talk about" he asked standing from his chair, looking perfect,

"I know you must be feeling upset and angry because of that, as you don't like all such things, but I have no idea who did this, I didn't even realize myself when they took our pictures, I didn't even know it until Mary showed this to me, but I assure you that I'm gonna get it remov.." I was about to complete my words but his finger on my lips stopped me,

"Shh.. Calm down, come here" he hold my hand taking me towards his chair, "Sit down"

Shocked and hypnotized by his eyes I did, wait what I'm sitting on his seat, his chair, I tried to get up but he stopped me by putting his hands on my shoulder,

"It's alright sit down" he said sitting on the edge of his table,

In this normal action and position he still looks as if I'm watching an photoshoot of GQ model,


"Breathe, calm down.. It's alright none of this is your fault alright, the press it's their work they do this all the time" he spoke softly,

"But you don't like all this"

"Yes I don't but doesn't matter how much I hate rumors about me I can't deny that after Erik they are my closest companion, these rumours have been with me from years, but this time I'm not bothered by it even I like what it say" his eyes looking in mine as he speaks gently,

So he is not angry and even he likes it,

"So you are not angry?"

"No not at all I wanted to ask you if you are free this weekend?" why he wanna know,

"Is there another business dinner?"

He smiled a bit at my question "No but I wanted to take you on a dinner at a place of your choice would you like to"

"Yes" I said quickly standing up from chair in excitement, he stares at me amused by my reaction "I mean.. I can.. I'm free.. Yeah.."

"Then it's done, now time for work" saying he handed me a file of our upcoming project,

I know I look like an idiot smiling at him like that but I can't stop myself,

I stretch a bit, the rest of the day have been hectic from taking calls, making calls, managing his schedule, and working on the upcoming projects it have been an busy day, and I'm still not done, my phone beeps a message from Betty "Going out won't come home tonight"

She is going out with Stefan, finally she found a right person for herself,

"You look beautiful when you smile" I looked up and he is standing leaning against doorframe of my cabin,

"I was.."

"Talking to someone special" he arch his eyebrow,

"It was Betty she is going out with Stefan"

He frowns a bit, he still don't like Stefan, it's clear by his change of expressions, "I was leaving, its getting late so.. I thought.. That I should drop you"

I want to go with him but " Thank You Mr. Adams, but I have few work left so I would be staying a little longer"

"It's alright you can work tomorrow" he spoke gently,

"No I can't leave things on tomorrow I'm already an critical case of procrastination and I want to get rid of this habit of mine so I'll work today" he smiled at my words and walks towards me,

I stand from my chair he comes in front of me, he touched my cheek delicately with his fingers, it feels like feathers on my skin, "Take Care"

I nod and he left,

It have an hour and I'm still working just few things and I'm done, God I'm really tired,

I hears a voice, they are footsteps, I peep from my half opened door in the corridor, it's no-one here, I guess I'm the only one in the building, I'm sure there are others as well in building but on this floor I'm the only one,

"Scared" someone whispered in my ear behind me,

Scared and startled by it I turn around "Jake.. You sacred me" I catch my breath,

"I'm sorry I didn't want to" he replied,

"But you did, what are you doing here I thought you left" I walk in my cabin again with him behind,

"Yes, I did but then I thought it won't be good to leave my bestest Co-worker on her own"

"Well thanks but I was about to leave" I feel wired around him for the first time maybe because his eyes look kinda dark with lust.

"My best Co-worker who is this beautiful, attractive, and witty, it's so difficult to control myself when I'm around you"

Frowning at his remark I stated "I think I should just leave" suddenly he grabs me from behind, with his manhood poking in my back it feels disgusting,

"See you did this" he speaks in my ear licking it,

"Leave me Jake or" he interrupted me,

"Or what you'll scream who will come to save you that Adams who is always behind you but you are forgetting something he is not here in fact no-one's here its just you and me all alone" saying he turned me around pushing me on my table,

Everything of my table falls on ground as I struggle beneath him, he tries to kiss my but I keep shaking my head "Leave me get off of me! Leave me Jake" I screamed my lungs out someone will hear me, he don't listen to me and keep on doing his disgusting act, I can't give up I looked in my side and saw an frame, I stretched my fingers and get hold of it, I hit him on head with it and he gets up from me groaning,

"Bitch" he murmured,

I catch my breath and made run towards the door but he catches me, I used my all power and slapped him across face, his face goes in another direction due to its impact, I grabbed the chance and run,

"Stop you bitch" saying he get hold of my shirt, he grabs it hard and tore it from my shoulder, "Leave me!" I use my all power and run away,

I kept running out in corridor looking back for, I bump into something or someone, I hold his shirt catching my breath "Save me please save me"

He cupped my face and I looked up it's him Troy he came to save me.

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