《For-Getting You》Chapter 29. Forgetting Her


I called my head of security to know if Keira is still in office, as she was not picking up her phone, he told me that she is still in office but the thing that got me worried was that he told me that Jake came in office saying he forgot his phone but it have been a while and he hasn't left,

I never liked him the way he looks at every girl and now he looks at Keira, tonight I was getting intuitions like bad one and I was not wrong.

I was worried for Keira, I get in my car to see of she is fine but when I reached at my floor I found Keira running for life until she bumped into me,

Her breathing was erratic her hairs disheveled, she beg for help in between in her cries and heavy breathing, her blouse was torn, there was hand prints and bruises on her pure skin,

I cupped her tear stained face "Keira are you alright? Who did this to you?"

I swear to god if I'll find him I'll kill him at this very moment, before she could speak Jake came out of her cabin,

"Save me please.. Save me.." Keira hides behind me scared of him,

I looked at him, my blood is boiling and there's only one thing in my mind that I want to kill him,

"Stop it Keira come on tell your superman that we were having fun together and he should just leave you alone" he said laughing a dark laugh, "Troy Adams I think you should just stop your girl protection program and leave us alone"

I clenched my fists,

"Maybe you won't go"

He charges at me to hit me, I don't give him an chance and deliver an uppercut, he fell on ground and I kick him on stomach, he is bleeding already because of my punch, I grabbed him by his collar and throw him on wall, I get hold of him again punching his face making it purple,

"How dare you touch her you son of a bitch.. I told you to stay away from her but you.. You dared to touch her" I hold his neck lifting him above ground, he struggles but I can't see anything, he gave Keira my Keira pain so he deserve every bit of it, I grip him tighter,

Suddenly I felt someone holding me, "Stop leave him.. I don't want you to stain your hand in his blood" Keira said holding my arm, I looked in her eyes and it feels like someone just bought me back to reality, I calmed myself a bit and throwing this piece of shit on floor,

I put off my jacket putting it over Keira, she looks at me, I took her in my arms, as she cries, "It's alright stop crying" I soothe her kissing her temple, "Come on I'll drop you"

After telling my head of security to take care of Jake, I made Keira sit in car as we left for her home.


She is still not uttering a word, she just keep sitting in one position leaning her head on the door of car, she looks deep in thought, she is still scared of what just happened, it's not easy to forget things I know this very well but no matter how much I try or all the other men can try they can never understand what a women go through even in day to day life, and when few motherfuckers like Jake does this disgusting acts to conquer over a women it breaks them, and we can't feel what she feels, Such people deserve to die not just Jake but everyone who do this deserves to die.

I wish I could take your every pain away Keira.. I want you to be happy and always smiling you shouldn't cry as I'm here to take away your tears your sorrows..

I'm still seeing his face whenever I blink my eyes, I never thought Jake, a guy who works with me would do such filthy thing with me, I never thought he'll be like this,

I always used to see and read news about rapes, I always felt bad for the the victims but today I realized how it feels when someone tries to do this with you, Troy came and saved me from him but still I'm shaken by that, Thank God Troy came at the right time or..

Troy open the door bringing me back from my thoughts, he hold my hand helping me to come out from car, he hold me close while walking in my apartment, he is so caring..

After getting home I feel safe.

"I think you should go take a bath and change, I'll wait for you here" he spoke softly,

I nod and disappears in my room,

After cleaning myself or should I say scratching my whole body to erase his filthy touch from my body, I enter my living and he is still here but in kitchen,

"Mr. Adams what are you doing please don't do anything else you have already done a lot tonight" after fighting for me making coffee is the last thing I want from him.

"You don't worry now just go sit their I'll bring our coffees" he replied,

He sat two mugs of hot coffee on table sitting beside me,

"I know I'm not that good coffee maker as you but still I hope you'll like it" he said smiling,

"Thank You" I took a sip of it he must be joking it tastes so good my coffee doesn't stand a chance in front of his "It's amazing better than mine"

"Well that's too much but Thank You" he said looking at me, "So they are your parents" he asked looking at the picture of me with my uncle and aunt,

"No they are my Uncle and Aunt"

"What about your parents?" he took a sip from his coffee,

"Well my father died when I was in my mom's womb.. Then few years ago me and my mom were going in car and we met an accident, I went into an coma and when I woke up after weeks my mom was gone" tear made its way from my eye, I can never forget her,


"I'm sorry.. I know how it's feel when someone you love leaves you alone in this life" he wipe away the tear from my face, I nod.

He keep looking in my eyes, it seems like he want to tell me something but he is hiding it, suddenly the lights go off, making me to stand up in fear,

Did I told you guys that I'm scared of dark,

"It's power cut" he stands up "Keira it's alright I'm here you are not alone" sensing my fear he said holding my shoulders to calm me,

I hug him, his hand runs in my back to sooth me, I can hear his heart beat, I break the hug craning my neck up to see his face, he removes my lock of hair from my face cupping it in his big hands,

He leans towards me, erasing the distance between us, our breaths are the only sound in room, he presses his forehead against mine his lips just inches far from mine, he leans in to kiss me suddenly the lights came back and he leaves me,

He stares at me for a moment, it seems like he was in some sort of enchantment which just broke up,

"I can't do this to... her" saying he steps backwards "I can't do this.. I'm sorry" saying he left me standing their alone,

My feet feels numb I fell on floor hurt by what he said, he just left me.. I was doing so many things for him, I fight for him, I bear so many things for him not them I'm showing it off but from the start I was the one trying in hopes that one day he'll forget about his past and will move on with me but he, he just made it clear tonight that he can't do it anymore he gave up..

Doesn't matter how hard I try he can't forget her.. Maybe I should stop now..


I hurt her again, again she would cry because of me, thinking about it makes me insane, frustrated from everything I hit my hand furiously on bottles of alcohol kept on my bar counter, they all fell on floor making shattering sound of glass,

The fate of these glasses are better than mine when they fell they made a sound loud enough to be heard by everyone at least they got the chance to cry their heart out but me when my life died I didn't even got an chance to shout, to cry.

I know Keira was doing all those things to make me happy, but I can't do this I can't make her happy all I can do is to hurt her maybe I should stop hurting her..

Thinking I got in my bedroom, Maybe I should stop pushing her away she don't deserve it maybe I should..

"Love her" I heard a voice,

"Who's that? Who said that?" I looked around and saw myself in the mirror, but it's just not me it's my old self standing in front of me, "You are not real"

"Yes I'm not after all you destroyed me, so now you love Keira huh?" I gulped at this, "What about her.. What about Erika, for Keira you'll forget her"

"No I can never forget her"

"Yes for your new love you are forgetting everything.."

"I know but Keira don't deserve this She deserves to be happy to be loved"

"And what about Erika did she deserve to die, did now she deserve to be forgotten by you" he is accusing me,

"No.." my voice is barely audible,

"You are forgetting something aren't you the one who promised her that you'll never forget her answer me Troy"


"You remember you promised yourself that you'll spend your rest of life in her memories that you'll die in her memories, that you'll never love any other girl again"


"If you remember everything then don't you know you are betraying her"

"No.. I'm not"

"Then forget about Keira stop betraying her,"

"I'm not betraying her"

"Yes you are, you promised that you'll spend your whole life with her and now when she is not here anymore you are forgetting about the punishment you gave yourself" he said and I stared at myself, "You were the one who said that you'll live this life without her, without any happiness that will be your punishment"

"I remember"

"No you don't, and if you do then forget her!"

These words echos in my mind I covered my ears but the voices got louder, I'm on the verge of losing my sanity, desperate to end it, I picked up an vase and throw it on mirror,

The sound of shattering also shattered the voices of my head, I sigh, I run towards the small cupboard beside my bed, I opened it and take out the wooden box which have my treasure, my biggest fortune is inside it,

Putting it on bed I sat on floor, I open the box, I picked up her locket that once used to shine on her smooth neck, I ran my fingers on it, it seems I'm touching her neck, I still remember the day I gave this to her, her eyes were shining with happiness seeing the locket.

Putting it aside I pick up my breath,


hold her picture in my hand, tears escape my eyes,

My love, my life, my everything, Erika Dashwood,

I still remember everything about her I still remember the day we met seven years ago,

10 August 2015, the day I met her..

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