《For-Getting You》Chapter 19. Feelings


"You are fired"

His words hit me like slap on my face, I'm feeling bad, I won't have felt the same a month ago but now when I'm attracted to him, when I feel something for him this hurt even more, and I'm being fired without doing anything.

I really wanna tell him but he just don't want to listen to me, I have no idea who sent those files from my ID and my PC, I understand that it have cost him a lot he was going to win that Car Expo with those designs but now..

"Mr. Adams at least listen to me for a second" I'll explain everything, I look at him with pleading eyes, I hope he didn't notice the tears which are welling up in them, but his eyes they are cold they look like there is no emotions left in him just anger "I'm not the one who have done this believe me please"

"I did.. I believed and I don't repeat the same mistake twice so you better leave quietly or you wanna see how my security work here" he snaps harshly.

That's it, I was trying to explain because of him but he don't deserve it he don't deserve my loyalty, I have an respect he thinks that I can't live without his job or him then he is wrong he is so damn wrong..

"Troy just listen.." he cuts of Erik in middle.

"I told you.. Just stop defending her damn it!" he shouts at him.

Hiding my tears from them I rush out from his room, I collect my stuff from my cabin and leaves his damn building, I don't want to spend a second here..

Many people giving me a stare and I was able to hear the whispering of gossips from girls "I think she also said no to him, I wonder how can she say no to him I mean is she blind" I hear one girl saying, It annoys me more idiot, rude creature he didn't even give me an chance to explain.

I come out from his empire of arrogance, I was walking but I stop my steps and look up at his office his cabin's huge window was clearly seen, I look at it, I don't know why but I felt like someone was staring at me from there.

Oh come on Keira do you really think he'll be looking at you, he never felt anything for you, these are just your stupid feelings..

She tried to tell me something but I really didn't wanted to hear her as I knew she'll just lie to save herself, firing her was killing me, it was killing me that she'll leave, it was killing me that I won't see her beautiful eyes, it was killing me that I won't see her again, and now when my every second wants her presence around me, when I want to see her smiling face all the time,

Those feelings of mine for her are strong but this feeling of being betrayed is also not weak, my anger is fueling the fire more..

Erik and Mary left without uttering a single word.. Well I was also not giving them the chance to speak as I know they'll defend her so it's better that they don't utter a word because I really don't wanna hurt two more people I care for..

I made my way to my window and I saw her walking away with her stuff in her hands, seeing her leaving like this kills me I really wanna run after her and hold her in my arms and never let go..


She stopped on her tracks, she faced up at my direction, I hide myself so she won't see me looking at her, no matter how hard it is but a part of me is happy that she is going, it'll be good for her to go away from me I'll always hurt her feelings but she'll be happier far from me far from my cursed shadow which will just hurt her..

"He said those words so casually Betty as if I don't matter in his life at all" I take the tissue paper from her "Thank you"

"It's alright now would you please stop singing the same song for the fifth time" Betty replied annoyed "Baby why are you taking it too seriously you know about him don't you he do these things a lot, appointing someone then firing her is his favorite game so stop crying you already know that he is asshole"

"You are right but he didn't even listen to me" she huffs "I got it Betty but it hurts"

"Why?" she asked, sitting comfortably on my bed,

"Because I was enjoying my job" I replied her,

"Oh.. My baby stop crying girl you don't have to cry when you know you didn't do anything, it's him who did it" she shrugged her shoulders,

I gave her an confused look,

"You didn't get it did yeah?" I shook my head in negative, "Naive girl it was his plan, you just told me that he hates you and wanted to fire you"

"That all was at start" she cuts me off.

"He can't change no one change.. Maybe it was all his plan to frame you, I'm sure he did it himself to get you fired" no she is wrong I know he can't do this he is not like that.

"No Betty he can't do that"

"And what makes you so sure about it?" she raises her eyebrow.

"Because it have cost him a lot he was super excited about that Car Expo I don't think so he can do that" and I have seen honesty in his eyes he can't do that.. must be thinking that I'm mad because he just insulted me he fired me but I'm still not just defending him but also thinking about his eyes but it's not my fault it happens when you like someone..

"Oh.. Keira don't forget that it's The Troy Adams we are talking about you know he is not just among the richest but he is also the most rudest and ruthless of all he can do anything, so now just stop feeling bad about it, I know you'll find a better job because you deserve it, now you have some rest" she get up from bed.

"But still I think he can't do it and he is not rude and ruthless" I said,

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because I.. know him.." I sigh,

"No you don't" with that she leaves my room,

I was just about say love.. Do I'm really in love with him.. Then I think these distances will be beneficial because sometimes we come closer by going away..

"I hope you all are clear now" my employees reply "Good you all can go now" after greeting me they all take their leave from meeting room,

I lay a little more on my seat to straighten my back, I'm working like a machine, and it's all because of her, it have been two days when I last saw her.. Yeah she betrayed me but I still wanna see her, I took care of that mess she did, it took me time of two days to came up with new designs and features but now situation is under control and it's good now.


I open my cabin's door and take my seat.

"Can I come in?" Erik asked, he was very pissed off from me but now he is better though Mary is still angry with me.

"Of course you can Erik"

"I just came to give you these reports" he said putting the reports on my desk.

"Alright, I'll tell Keira to.." oh not again I again forget that she is not here.

"Kiera? Troy this like for the fifth time you did it, her name is always on your lips" he sits on the chair in front of me.

"What's a big deal in it.. She was working for me, I used to call her a lot so it's normal" I explain.

"Yeah it's normal that you can't forget her but you shouldn't forget that you are the one who fired her, and by the way when did you start explaining yourself" he said,.

"Yes I did and I hope you know why I did it, and I'm not explaining I'm just telling you" he is still angry about it.

"I do, and I also know that you didn't give her an chance to explain"

"As I didn't want to hear her lies alright, and if you wanna talk about her you can leave" I really don't wanna argue him.

"I'm leaving anyways your new assistant will be joining from tomorrow, have a nice day Mr. Adams" he acts like a kid, he slammed the door hard.

I see my watch it's half past 11, I'm working for late hours today, at least it will keep me occupied as sleep is not an good friend of mine, but I'm done now so I can leave now.

I start walking towards elevator, but my steps stopped on my tracks in front of her cabin, I opened the door and get inside it, I'm still able to smell her scent in this room, the picture of her sitting and working with her few strands coming at her face comes in my mind Oh God I miss her.. I sighs

I need her..

After getting ready I made my way downstairs, to have a glass of juice, before leaving I have to pick up that file from my living room, I pick the file from the center table of my living room.

My couch takes my mind back to the moment when Keira came here for the first time, and how we fell on my couch, she was looking so embarrassed and nervous, I was lost in her eyes and in her beauty, I was just about to kiss her.

Oh Troy just stop it.. Stop thinking about her, don't forget it that you pushed her away..

"Your coffee sir" I look up and an my new assistant puts my cup on table, she keep standing their with batting her fake long eyelashes, at me her face is plastered with makeup, "You can leave" she annoys me standing their like this.

"I just wanted to know how's coffee?" she replied in an low tone,

I took a sip of it and I really wanna spit it out "This is the worst coffee I have ever had" her mouth goes open in shock "Just throw it and get me a cup of espresso from Starbucks you have ten minutes" she leaves my room quickly, now I'm not just missing Keira but I'm also missing her coffee.. I miss how she used to enter in my room with her perfect coffee in her hands, now when she is not with me I realize how different and rare girl she was, she was not like other girls, girls like Sherley my new assistant who is trying her best to get my attention on her very first day, but Keira she never acted like that she was always so concentrated on her work, I was the one who always keep looking at her, I really wanna see her I miss her..

I unlock my car to leave for home, it's eight in evening and the weather is good.

"Excuse me sir" I turn around and it's my new assistant.

"Yes Sherley" I ask her.

"Sir can you please drop me at my place" she said with looking at me with her big eyes, she is beautiful but she is nothing like Keira, I don't think that now days I find anyone else more beautiful than her.

I really wanna say no because I know she is doing her best to get my attention, the way she sway her hips whenever she walks around me, today she tried her best with her low neck blouse that I'll look at her cleavage but as I said before I don't like doing all these things, people always make rumours about me that I'm an playboy, I keep changing my girls with my bedsheets, but the truth is I'm not an playboy, I never was even in my high school I was an one women man and still I'm.. That's why I can't forget her, though these silly rumours have an benefit as well because of these people hate me and I like it..

I would say it's easy for me to live with her memories in my heart rather than spending my life with someone else.. but things with Kiera are different.

"Get in" that's all I said.

"Thank you so much Sir" she hops in quickly.

We drove in silence, Thank God she is not speaking much, "Which turn I have to take?" she has been navigating me, as I don't know where she lives.

"Well.. I guess you can take me wherever you want let just end this game now" she speaks in slutry voice, she touch my shoulders with her long painted nails fake eyelashed batting at me.

"Really but you tell where you want it to be?" I reply in an husky voice.

"Alright then I won't mind your house but if you want you can take me here in your car" she rubs back of my neck with her hand and her other hand stroking my leg up and down,

"So what you want me to be gentle or rough" I ask in her ear and she shiver at my words,


"Alright then" I take my mouth closer to her she eagerly come near me to kiss me, I get hold of her shoulders and push her back, unlocking my door I get out of my car, leaving her confused, I open her door and grab her arm roughly, she squirms of my grip, closing the door, I let go of her arm.

"What the hell, it hurts" I chuckle at her words,

"Oh you wanted me to be rough sweetie, what you think I'll fall in your fucking trap, believe me I don't fall for sluts like you who open their legs wide for every men just for money and fame, I hope everything is clear in your head now, have a goodnight miss, you don't have to wake up early tomorrow because you are fired, you better don't show me your fake face again" I get in my car leaving her there.

It was not her fault she must have heard those rumours about me, but the truth is no one can come in my life.

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