《For-Getting You》Chapter 18. Fired


"Your Coffee Mr. Adams" I said putting the cup on table.

"I hope this time you didn't forget the sugar" he raises his eyebrow teasingly.

"No.." my attention shifts on the drop of water which falls on his window glass, one, two.. "Oh.. It's raining.." I run near the window to see it, the view from up here looks beautiful, and being a fan of it I'm loving it..

"You like it" he comes and stands right next to me,

"Yeah.. I love it" I still keep looking out, there's only one problem that I can't open this glass window but still no barrier can stop it's aroma and feeling.

I look at him smiling only to find him staring outside with an serious face, he look so upset, but why? I touch his shoulder "Mr. Adams are you ok?"

He simply nod and I stare at his eyes which are deep blue like sea and so intense they look like they are hiding so many pains and memories in them they are just like I saw in my dreams.

"You like it right" he asked again,

"Yeah.. I do but what about you do you like it" I will leave if you don't.

"There was time when it used to sooth my soul but now it burns me" he replies looking me in eyes.

"It burns you because you have stopped feeling it start feeling it again, let this breeze to touch you, let the happiness to re-enter your life then nothing will hurt you ever.. Just start believing in your feelings.." he keeps looking at me, his phone rings and he takes the call.

I think I should go back to my work now..

She smiles and runs like a child to see the rain, her eyes shines like a sun, her face lighten up with an beautiful smile, anyone can fall in her feet for her beauty and smile, she is so innocent, she is so pure, I really wanna hold her, I really wanna feel her in my arms but I can I'll taint her, I don't deserve her I know that I'll hurt her because that's what I'm.. I'm not good for her..

But these stupid feelings are making me mad, she asked me that I like it or not.. She want me to feel the happiness around me.. How can I tell her that when I close my eyes I see my beautiful moments that I spend with her, the moment when I kissed my love for the first time..

Oh.. God I'm tormented between these two feelings of mine.. My one self is always thinking about my past, it reminds me that if I forget her I'll be betraying her.. And my other self, it just can't stop thinking about Keira, her presence is making my feeling for her stronger her innocence is forcing me to believe that I can live again, I can love again..

I'm done, girl you are becoming an hard worker day by day keep it up, I stretch my arms, with laying my head at my chair, I close my eyes and I see those deep intense blue eyes of Mr. Adams, his eyes are so soft, they are so deep as if they are hiding so many pain in them but I'm sure about one thing that this pain, this loneliness there's only one reason behind it and that lies in his past..


But what is it? I hope he was not an mafia before becoming an billionaire..

"Tired of working" I open my eyes startled to see who have came,

"Diana.. I mean Miss. Mathews"

"Oh no problem you can call me Diana so.. You look tired" she sits in front of me.

I'm not tired but I'm shocked, not because she is here, these days she usually come here but we don't interact with each other but today she is not just talking to me but she look happy, "No I'm good.."

"I know you are good Keira" what is she trying to say.

"How can I help you?" I should be polite and professional.

"I need you to come to my birthday party this weekend" she smiles,

Me? What? Did she just invited me at her party? There's something wrong in her, maybe the rain was magical "You are"

"I'm inviting you.. You'll come right?"

"Well thank you.. I can't promise but I'll try" she is acting weird today,

"It's OK I'll send you the address of venue.. By the way Troy is free? Can I go in to meet him?" she asks with an sweet smile.

"Mr. Adams is free you can go thanks again"

"Oh no need dear just think as an apology for how I acted that day, I was being really rude to you and you were just doing your job.. I'm sorry that day I was in an bad mood and I said all those things in anger" she states.

"It's fine.. I understand" but in true I don't understand this sudden change in her,she waves at me and leaves to meet him, but one thing is for sure that Diana in anger didn't scare me but smiling Diana just did.

Leave it Keira maybe she is changed for real after all it have been two weeks to that argument, now you need to focus on this work these files are very important.

"Keira you are still here?" his velvety voice comes in my ear.. Oh my name sound so perfect on his lips.. Keira get a grip he is your boss remember.

"Yeah.. Mr. Adams I was just leaving.. I mean I'll leave a bit late I need to load the data" I replied,

"It's alright you can do it tomorrow, you don't have to work this late now come on I'll drop you" he will really drop me well that's an amazing idea I would love to but these files are really very important.

"Thank You Mr. Adams that's so very kind of you but these files are very important so it'll be better if I do them today" I really don't wanna mess up anything or as he said earlier I have to resign and I don't want that and specially when I'm having some sort of feelings for him, I want to see him every day.

He walks towards me and stands beside my chair, I faced up at him still sitting, slowly he bends a bit his eyes not leaving mine even for a second "This is for the first time when I'm liking the feeling that I'm about to loose and you are going to prove me wrong" his hand gently touches my cheek and I shiver, his hands are so soft "If you want to work you can but don't stay alone for to long, and if you will need me to drop you off you just need to call me and I'll be there deal?" another deal but this time it's nice one.


"Promise it won't take too long and if I needed an lift then I'll.. call the uber" I joked and he cracks an very light smile but his small smirk is enough for me to be happy "So don't worry about me"

"I know but still it worries me Good night" he cups my face and then turns to leave.

"Good night Mr. Adams" after glancing at me for a moment he leaves.

I sigh.. It makes me extremely happy that he do cares about me I'm touched.. I know it's just small thing but it matters to me a lot, and specially when a guy like him is doing it I mean everyone says that he is Arrogant, okay.. okay I'm one of them even I call him that, he is Arrogant but still he have very soft side as well and this caring Adams is not for everyone he cares only for people who matters to him, whom he likes and I'm glad that I'm one of them now, maybe he also feels something about me.

I'm a bit late today, I reached my home late last night, and I was really very tired from work so today it was kinda very hard for me to wake up, I was thinking to take a off today but Mary said its very important to come today so here I'm, but I'm not stressed now about Mr. Adams I know he won't say anything there are two reasons first, this is not the first time when I'm late and second, he knows that I'm an hard worker and I don't know why he is nicer with me these days.

I enter the building but everyone is literally like running with works, I get in the elevator, I went to straight to his office and knocks.

"Come in" his voice sound harsh today it don't sound like yesterday but it more sound like the way he talked to me when we first met rude and cold or maybe I'm just thinking a lot, maybe he got up from other side of bed today, he is just in a bad mood that's all,

As I enter his room Erik and Mary are already sitting their, "Good Morning" I greet them cheerfully but their faces have blank expression on them, they look like they are upset what's the matter?

I look at Mr. Adams who is staring at me with an unreadable expression over his face, he look really very angry, I raise my eyebrow to question Mary about the matter, she opened her mouth to say something but then again closes it, what's wrong,

"All Good?" I said in a low voice but none of them answered.

"Yeah.. We all are Good, but I'm sure you are better than us" Mr. Adams said suddenly in harsh tone.

I stare up at him "What?"

"You didn't get it I'm saying you are better than us" he says standing up.

Is he complementing me "Well thanks but I think I'm not at good as you or as Mr. Simon and Mary"

"No.. No.. You are better than them after all you can do the things they can't even imagine" I look at him confused as his eyes are cold and dark and they are like that when he is very angry, "For example like they can't even think of betraying me and you just did it"

His words stabs like a dagger what is he saying I betray him, what he is talking about? "I.. don't understand it.."

"Keira" Mary tries to speak but he stares at her to make her quite again,

"Stop acting innocent damn it!" he snaps at me harshly, his high voice makes me a little shaky "Stop acting that you don't know anything, after what you have done you still have guts to stand in front of me"

Wait please someone tell me what I did? Because I myself don't know what I did.. I look at Erik who look stressed..

"Troy calm down" Erik speaks.

"You want me to fucking calm down! You know what she did.. Didn't ya, she have leaked our car designs of Expo and you want me to fuck calm down!" he shouts at him.

What? Me? He think that I have leaked those files.. "Mr. Adams I didn't do it"

His stromy eyes stares me "Stop lying you are making it worse for yourself, I just can't understand how can you do this and you gave my designs to my biggest rival, how much he paid you"

"Mr. Adams I'm telling you I didn't"

"Shut up!" he shouts at me,

"Troy at least listen to her for once" Erik says.

"You always defend her! I didn't like her from the beginning but you insisted to give her a chance and still you are doing the same you really think she didn't do it then how those files were sent from her email ID and from her laptop and she was the last one working on them Erik please just be out of it" he says and stands in front of me "You worked for me, for more than a month at start I thought you are not right for the job but then I start to realize that you are a nice and hardworking girl, I started to rely on you.. I started to believe you but you.. You have broke my faith" his voice now low and it's clear that it's hurting him..

"I.. Didn't.."

"Don't just don't.. I hope you remember our deal but now you don't have to resign because you are fired" he says and it hurts me..

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