《For-Getting You》Chapter 20. Love Lost


"Good Morning" Betty is trying her best to cheer me up, "Here you go have some delicious breakfast" she put an plate of sunny side up, toast and strips of bacon, my mouth is literally watering,

"Thank you mom" she giggled at my words,

"So found any new job"

"Nope I'm trying my best though" to forget my old job and to forget him but the more I try the more I'm thinking of him, Mary and Erik called me they said sorry for thousands times and they were not even guilty of anything but still they felt bad that they were not able to help me.

Mary told me that Erik is looking in the matter and he'll prove it that I'm innocent, I wish all gets well.

I picked up my phone to check some jobs, but the first thing that pops on my screen shocked me it was an news of Troy, I put the fork down, I read it carefully, Mr. Troy Adams was seen romancing his new Assistant in middle of street, these lines were breaking me, then the picture of Troy and that bitch kills me even more, her back is hitting the car and Troy is holding her arm he is standing so close to her.

I don't know when but an lone tear escaped my eye.

"Keira are you alright" Betty came to me, she looked at my mobile screen and she squeezed my shoulder to reassure me "I told you, it's alright"

"You were right" words came out from my mouth.

"Now stop crying, hey look I know you love him, but see he don't deserve you" she wiped the tears.

"I'm crying because how stupid I was that I thought he is a nice guy, he did all these things just to get me fired so he could appoint her" I hate him.

But I'm happy that his reality came out at least now I won't feel bad for him, Betty is right he don't deserve me, he is a liar, schemer and asshole and I'm honest and loyal.

I hate you Troy Adams not because you fired me but because you lied.

"How can you be so careless? Don't you think about your reputation?" Erik days pacing in front of me.

"I have told you plenty of times before I'm still telling you I.don't.care" I start to work again,

"You fired her because she was throwing herself on you I get it but what about this.. This news is telling the other story about you"

"Erik stop exaggerating, this will be removed, now you please let me work" I pointed on the file in front of me.

"What she'll think about it?" his words made me to swallow hard to control my emotions my heart was already asking the same question.

"Whom are you talking about?" I sighs.

"You know exactly whom I'm talking about Kiera what she'll think of this"

"That is not my damn problem, I don't care what she'll think she is nothing to me" my heart aches at my own words.

"You don't mean it, just confess it Troy that you miss her, that you think about her, that you want her, that you love.." I cut him off in middle.

"I don't love her!" I snapped "I don't.. The one I used to love is dead, and I still love her.. I don't love anyone else" standing from chair I turn my back to him facing my huge office window, I hear the closing of door behind me.


Love, this small word uncovers so many wounds, the pain I felt, all that happened seven years ago, everything, everyone are so changed but me my time, my soul is still there, it all seemed like yesterday, I can still feel her around, her smell is still here with me, I still remember that day when I lost her.. when she died in my arms..

Tear ran from my eyes, I show myself like the most strong person with no emotions left in me but in reality I'm broken, I'm weak, I'm so weak that I can't even share my pain with anyone if I'll show it to Erik and Mary they'll just get stressed and I don't have anyone else, people say that sharing your pain with others lessens it but I don't believe it, I believe the more you share your pain with others the more it grows, as it just stresses others as well so I just keep my every pain inside of me, I know it is killing me from inside and that's exactly what I want..

Keira there's something about her whenever I see her, I want to talk to her, I want to share my feelings with her, feelings I have been hiding from everyone, I feel that she'll understand me, but I have made her go away from me, I myself don't know what I want, I'm a mess.. she needs to stay away from me..

If I really feel anything about her I should keep her save and only way is to stay away from her.

"Hey, come on get in" Mary pulls me in hug, I hug her back "Come on"

I enter her house, it's not that huge or big, it's just a two floored house, her house have bright colors, like shades of pink on the walls of living room, the kitchen is white, the walls against stairs are yellow, the decor are also color coordinated, her house is very homely and comfy.

"Your house is beautiful" I looked around the house and the same picture of them, hanging on wall caught my eye.

"This was the picture you saw at Troy's house" she looked at me,

"Yeah" I sighed,

"We used be so happy, anyways I'm really sorry for that day, I was unable to help you but believe me, neither me nor Erik think you did it and somewhere Troy also knows it that you are innocent" she offers me water.

"Please you don't have to be sorry about that, but thank you that you believe me" we sat on the couch, "And how can you do what no one can, after all no one can save you when devil himself is there to punish you" I let out an sad laugh.

"Well I know you are hurt by what he did but he is not a devil, he is just an angel who have lost his light of life, without that he can't see what's good and what's bad" Mary explains.

"Oh come on Mary I know he planned all that just to get me fired"

"No he didn't, who said that to you?" she looks at me with concern.

"No one I just saw his picture with his new assistant, they looked close, he never liked me from start he hated me he always wanted that girl to work for him and as I was not doing anything wrong he himself did it and framed me so I'll get fired" I hope he is enjoying with his new assistant, I can't believe on myself I still feel bad that he never felt anything for me, I hate him, at least I'm trying but still thinking him with other girl, I can't bear it..


"No he didn't do it you need to believe me on it, and that girl he fired her" she replied.

"It's so him, I think it's his habit to hurt people" I roll my eyes, I'm sure he have got what he wanted from her after that he threw her, I was feeling jealous of that girl but now I feel bad for her.

"No that's not what it is he fired her as that girl was trying to seduce Troy but he put her in place and that picture was taken at wrong moment that's it Erik told me" Is she really telling me the truth, though Mary have never lied to me before but I can't believe he'll say no to a girl who is willing to have sex with him, "Keira Troy don't hate you, he don't"

"You think so" I hope so..

"I know so, since the day you have left only your name is on his lips, Erik even told me that he is always thinking about and your coffee, trust me soon this misunderstanding will be cleared and you will work with us again" she squeezed my hand to reassure me.

I nod, I can't believe he thinks about me, he thinks about me these two things have made my day, I'm still angry on him but he is not what I was thinking him to be.

"Today is Diana's party will you come with me?" she asked

"Oh.. Yeah but I can't go there"

"Why? She invited you" she asks

"She did but I don't think so that she really mean it" I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh come on it'll be fun, this week have been hectic we will have fun there" she argues.

"But Mr. Adams will be there, and I don't wanna see him" though I'm dying to see him but I'm still mad at him for not believing so..

"Do you really think he'll come to party" she raises her eyebrow "He never attends any parties accept business parties, he won't be there now come on let's go" she pouts.

"Alright but I don't have any dress to wear" I points at my clothes.

"You can wear mine, look no more complain let's get ready" she pulls my hands to take me to her wardrobe,

"Come on man why can't you just listen to me for once" Erik huffs.

"Erik I told you I don't want to go now please stop bothering I'm already being annoyed by Diana, she has been calling me from morning singing the same song that she wants me to come to her party, I saved myself from her so now you came" I huffed shutting down my laptop.

"Troy I'm not asking you to jump from Eiffel Tower I'm asking you to come with us to have fun" Erik sits on the couch in front of me,

"Jumping from Eiffel Tower is better than going there" I argued.

"Oh.. Come on bro Keira won't be there" he raised his eyebrow.

"I don't care of she'll be there, I'm not scared to face her, she should be scared to face me after all she is the one who betrayed" I get up to grab some juice,

"Troy and you are also betraying us what about that?" I hear him shouting from living room, "You promised us that you'll try to move on this is what you call moving on"

"What you want?"

"I just want my old buddy Troy, who was full of life, full of fun" he smiles.

"That guy is dead.. He died seven years ago Erik, that's why I ask you to stop troubling yourself because of me" I stated.

"So you won't do this, I can't believe it Troy you want to die for love but you can't live for friendship" He gets up, to leave.

He is right I always hurt him and Mary, how can I tell you friend that I lied to you guys, so you'll stop worrying about me, the truth is neither I can move on nor I can live without her, if you'll take someone's breath away can he live that's what I'm going through she was my breath and they took her away from me now I'm just living but my existence was ended with her, but I can't hurt my friends, I have to live for them I'm living for them..

"Wait Erik"

He turned around his eyebrows furrowed,

"Will you give me some time to change" I asked pointing at my clothes, listening to my words a smile makes its way on his face and he comes to hug me, he is like a younger brother to me.

"I'm waiting" he smiled,

I left to change.

After trying many dresses of Mary I found the right one, though it's a bit loose on me but this one is good, she chooses her dress and we sit to do our makeup, I really like it when I'm with her, she always makes me feel like we have known each other for so long.

She did my makeup making my eyes smoky, curling my hairs, I really look different, I see myself in mirror and I look good.

"Like it" she asks widening her eyes like child.

"Loved it Fairy God Mother" we giggled.

"You just wait and I come in a second" she leaves to make her hairs, she is so nice,

I pick out my phone and click few selfies, I'm not a big fan of clicking pictures or selfie but I'm doing this to send it to Betty, though she is busy on her work but still I need to know what she think, a minute later her message appears on screen stating that you look gorgeous, I replied her thanks and put my phone back,

"Whom are you texting Troy?" she teased me,

"Nope I don't think he wants to talk to me, I wonder you always say he is a great and emotional guy but why do I get the feeling that he knows only one emotion and that's hate, not just he hates everyone, he wants everyone to hate him" I sit on couch.

"He was not like that before" she mumbles,

"He got a break up right" I don't like coming in conclusions, but I don't have any other choice they won't tell me anything so I'll unravel it myself.

"No" she says almost lost.

"Then, who is she, what's her name?" I ask again,

"Her name was Er.." before she could complete her words a knock disturbs us, she get up to open it.

"Keira let's go Erik is here" I get up and we make our way out of house,

I got an shock when I found Troy leaning on his car's hood, he stands straight as he sees me coming, I really didn't wanted to see him but here we are standing in front of each other again..

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