《For-Getting You》Chapter 4. Try


My alarm in my phone starts to ring, I lazily stretches out my hand and snooz it, I was about to sleep again but my mind reminds me that today is my interview,

I wake up again, I look at my phone and I'm already fifteen minutes late, I really don't wanna be late for interview, I rush in bathroom, brush my teeth, after taking shower I start looking for the right dress to wear, if my Aunt would be here I'm sure she would be scolding me for not preparing my outfit a day earlier,

I look at the watch and it's 8:15, and I have be there before 9:00, I grabbed my checked pencil skirt with an black top, I put on some makeup.

I tied my dark reddish brown hair in a bun, as I really don't like my hairs open it irritates me sometimes yet some strands manged to come out glancing at my face in mirror I guess I look good my tan skin looks clear my brown eyes highlighted with mascara my thin nose a little red for some unknown reason I finished the look with a nice pink lip color on my full lips, I head out of my house, putting my phone in my bag,

It's a bright and beautiful summer morning, I grab a taxi and my phone rings, it's my aunt "hey aunty!"

"Hello my dear, I hope I didn't disturbed you?" She asks,

"Of course not I'm in taxi right now"

"All the very best for your interview my dear I'm sure you'll kill it" she says happily,

"Thank you aunt, how's everyone there in Birmingham?" I asked her to know about my friends,

"Everyone is good he was asking for you he told me you are not talking to him"

There she goes sometimes I don't understand why they likes him so much she is my aunt or his, "Aunt he told you wrong, it's not that I'm not talking to him but I broke up with him, anyways I'll talk about it later okay" I cleared it to her,


"Alright take care and All the best again" she says after an pause.

"Thank you aunt, you take care too", I hung up and sigh, If I would have been with my Uncle and Aunty I'm sure they would have force me to forgive him again but thank God I'm here in Toronto far from him.

I drive my car from the busy streets of the City, I reach at airport and heads toward my private jet, I can see Erik and Mary and my other employees standing over there,

"Good Morning Mary" I greet her,

She smiles with her cute face "Good Morning Troy" she came to hug me and whisper in my ear "do you have any idea what's wrong with Erik, he is very upset and silent from last night?"

"You don't worry it's just office work that's stressing him, I'll talk to him and trust me he'll be fine" I reassured her, Mary is like my sister and I don't want to worry her,

I walk towards Erik who is talking to my pilot, My pilot leaves and he turns to me "Good Morning Mr. Adams your flight will take off in half an hour"

He starts to leave but I stop him grabbing his arm, "Stop sulking like a child Erik"

"Stop drinking like mad Troy" he answers me in same tone,

I sigh "look don't be like this Mary is worried for you",

"Look Troy I can't be happy when my best friend is sad alright"

"I'm alive, I'm breathing, I'm talking, I'm working isn't it enough" I'm starting to be annoyed now, listening to my words he starts to walk away again "What do you want?" I asked

He stops "I want you to move on, but let it be I know you are gonna say you can't so just leave it"

"I'll try" hearing my words he stops,


"Seriously" he exclaimed happily "You'll try so we should go to hang out",

"I have a business to attend" I pointed towards my jet, "

"Yeah right bro we'll talk about it when you'll come back from Paris alright" he hugs me

I nod to him "Mr.Erik I think you also have interviews to take, and this time I want an very smart and professional person as my assistant clear" I say he nods smiling

"Smart and Professional was thinking about sexy and beautiful" he joked raising an eyebrow here comes the real Erik again "OK fine boss I'll find the perfect person for you all the best for your trip"

We give each other an bro hug and I get inside the plane soon it starts to move, Erik and Mary both seems happy after knowing that I'll try to move on but I just said that to make Erik happy I can never ever move on from her, I takes out the locket from my coat pocket and plants a kiss on it.

Finally I reach at my destination I give money to the taxi driver and he leaves, I look above to see how big the building is with two big "A" written on it "Adam Automobiles" I murmurs taking a deep breath,

I step inside every one is very busy I head towards the receptionist, who is a young sweet looking girl wearing specs, "Excuse me",

She looks at me with a smile on her face, "Good Morning how can I help you?"

"Good Morning, I'm here for the interview" she stop me in the middle,

"For the post of assistant?", I nod my head as she continues "top floor door no.9", I thank her and gets in elevator there are many people with me in elevator but they all gets out on lower levels now its just me standing alone in here, I won't lie I was not nervous at all but after seeing how Hardworking and focused staff they have here I'm now.

I'm kinda nervous, the door opens I head out and starts to look for door no.9 finally I found the room I walk towards it, the door opens a girl comes out of it she looks satisfied and happy, maybe her interview went well she is also much beautiful than me,

I give a knock on the door and voice answers "come in please",

Taking a deep breath I enter the room the room is beautiful, it's filled with light coming from the big window even this whole floor is much more beautiful than the ground floor,

I mean the whole building is beautiful but this floor is just exceptional.

There is a guy sitting on the his chair working on his computer, he have his back turn on me, so neither I can see his face nor he can see mine, he also looks very busy everyone in the office works so hard I wonder they are machines or what,

"Good Morning Sir" I say trying my best to sound confident,

"Good Morning" he says without turning around "so you are here for the interview".

"Yes Sir"

"Your name?"

"Keira Peers"

"Miss.Peers please have a seat", he turns around, as I was just going to sit, he sees me and he gets up from his chair looking at me,

He have an unreadable expression over his face he looks shocked as if I'm a ghost, he seems confused as if he was not expecting me, he keeps on staring at me without even blinking and I'm really confused now.


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