《For-Getting You》Chapter 5. The Interview


I keep standing there, and he keep staring at me, It was quite enough to creep me out but the guy was not staring at me in a creepy way, he was looking at me and his face was having an expression of shock.

I clear my throat, so he'll stop looking at me, and at last he did,

He seems embarrass now "Your name?" he asked again having a serious look on his face,

"It's Keira Peers Sir" I replied, he turns around to put his files on the table behind him and I hear him taking a deep breath,

"Please sit down"He turns to face me and I take my seat, now he have a sly smile on his face,

He is very handsome blue eyes and a long nose thin lips but more than sexy he is rather charming, he have a very charming face and angelic smile.

"So Keira you are from Birmingham" he says looking through my credentials, "You are indeed an intelligent girl Keira",

"Thank You sir" I smile,

"Please introduce yourself" he asks politely,

"Of course sir, myself Keira Peers I'm from Birmingham, I'm a graduate from Birmingham university, I'm an enthusiast I'm good at communication, managing difficult tasks, working effectively and open to learn new things" I try my best not to shutter as my heartbeat fastens just a little,

"But do you think you can do this job I mean this job is very demanding and our boss is very demanding" he says,

Wait he is not the boss, OK maybe he is his manager or something I'm so dumb why an multi billionaire like him would personally take interviews for his assistant "Well Sir every job demands hard work and it's our responsibility to accomplish it and I can do it".


"You are quite confident and I like it"

Listening to this a smile shine on my face he continues "Your family..... They live here?"

Well why he is interested in my family "No Sir they live in Birmingham"

"Then why you left that place" he leans back on his chair.

"After graduation I made my mind to get a good job and my friend was moving here so I came here with her to do something independently" I'm being honest and you should be honest I told him what's true,

"Are you capable of taking responsibilities?" he asks raising an eyebrow,

"Yes Sir I'm capable of working hard and taking responsibilities" I can, I'm really hard working I hope they'll give me the job.

After asking more question about my qualifications and skills he says "Very Well it was very nice seeing you.. I'm mean meeting you Keira if you'll get selected then you'll get the call OK"

I get up from my chair to leave

"Thank You Sir have a good day"

"You too" I turn around to leave, closing the door behind me I hear him taking a deep breath but why he was looking so confused and stressed, maybe because of work but why he was looking at me like that thinking I grab taxi for home.

We are relaxing while watching All the Boys I loved,

Taking a bite of her pizza Betty turns to me "Don't you think it'll be so good if all the handsome guys will fall for me"

"Well I believe they'll definitely fall for you but when you'll take them for shopping I'm sure they all will run away" I mock and she give me punch on my arm.

"Handsome reminds me of Adam how was interview?"

I was about answer but she doesn't give me a chance "Did you see him in person like how was he? I mean was he very sexy and handsome tell me tell" she asks excited taking my hands in her she is as curious as a child.



"No what does that mean?" her excited smile disappears,

"I mean The Troy Adams didn't take my interview but some other guy maybe his business manager took the interview"

She frowns then her eyes starts to shine again "How was the manger?" she wiggles her eyebrows,

"He was handsome but he was more charming and friendly looking guy"

"OK so how was it?"

"It was good he seemed impressed they said that to give me a call if I'll get selected" I say taking bit of my favorite sausage pizza,"But"

"But what?"

"When I entered his room, I mean when he first saw me he was shocked"

"Shocked why, weren't you wearing makeup?" she jokes

I laugh a fake laugh,"No like seriously he was looking at me shocked and without blinking I don't understand why?"

"Was he creep?" she asks now serious,

"No he was not at all creep but why he was looking at me like that?" I start to think.

"Maybe he was expecting someone else and was shocked to see you come in Keira stop thinking so much"

"That could be true, I should stop thinking about it" I say but my mind was still asking the about it.


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