《For-Getting You》Chapter 3. Destiny


I really love Jake from thirteen reasons why, he is so cute, I love watching Netflix, while eating my favorite cookies and cream ice cream, my phone rings, it's a message from my ex "Really want to talk" trust me I'm not gonna listen to him again,

We were together from five years I avoided his possessiveness but ,I'm done with him and his habit of controlling my life, I'm free and I can give up on him gladly but not on my freedom.

It made an noise as I put my empty glass down on the bar counter, everytime I close my eyes I see her, I see her in my arms, I starts pouring more whiskey in my glass but an hand gets hold of my arm to stop me,

"Stop it Troy, it's enough" Erik said taking the bottle from my hand,

"Why should I stop? You tell me you are my friend, you tell me, why the hell should I?" I replied annoyed,

"You should stop because you are hurting yourself" he paces in room,

"I don't know man what to do? I can't sleep because whenever I close my eyes I see her, I don't know whether I should smile or cry" I said putting my face in my hands, I get up from chair for another drink,

"It have been seven damn years Troy why you don't forget it!" he shouts,

I froze on my spot hearing this, I turn around to look him in eyes,

"You said to me to forget it"

"Yes I did Troy because those memories are killing you" he puts his hand on my shoulder,

"Do you really think I can forget it.. I can forget her, I'm alive today because I have her memories with me Erik" he tries to say something but I stop him in middle, "It's not like I didn't try to kill myself..... Trust me Erik I tried to kill myself many times but everytime something stopped me and then I understood that my destiny don't want me to die as my destiny have something worst then death for me in its box"


"It's not like this Troy you still can live, laugh like you used to its just you have to move on" Erik said with a real concern on his face,

"I can't move on"

"You can try, won't you try it for your best friend Troy? " He asked me but I keep on staring in a blank space,"Let's go out Troy like we used to just like old times"

"I can't Erik, I don't wanna go anywhere, you go out with Mary" I starts going upstairs,

"I'm not leaving you here in this condition"

"Go she is like my sister and I don't want you to trouble her go now" I said,


"You know I have a flight tomorrow I'll try to sleep, and don't worry I won't die, I'm dead already" I let's out an little laugh and heads straight in my room,

I fall on the bed and an tear escape my eye, sometimes I really wish that if someone could take away my every fortune but gives me back my laugh.. my happiness.. my life.. my love..


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