《Catharsis | AVOOCU Sequel》Chapter 10: Once More, Unexpected
[Chapter 10: Once More, Unexpected]
Damn... The screen in front of me shone brightly, thousands of words displayed. My lips pressed together as I leaned back. All the results all are about games.
"Tae, did you find anything?" I glanced over to the Seong who was sitting on my desk.
His back was facing me, but I heard him grumble. "Not yet— though there is a shit ton of something called 'Harry Potter' whenever I search 'transportation magic'."
I rose a brow, why did he phrase it like that? It's like— I closed a tab before looking up, "Wait, do you not know what Harry Potter is?"
His head tilted back, eyes staring back at mine. "... am I supposed to?"
I snorted, "Wait— really?!" I blinked multiple times, leaning forward slightly. "Is it like non-existent from where you lived or something? It's, like, super famous!"
"I did not even use the internet until a few years ago." He replied with squinted eyes. Huh— it's not even an internet thing though. I giggled, waving him off. Anyways, I thought to myself as I went back to work, there's not much that helps us. Like, there's a bunch of stuff that are characteristics of people getting reincarnated— not being transported itself.
My lips pressed together as I darted my narrowed eyes away. Maybe there's a connection between this situation and how we got reincarnated. But then again— I was the only one that got hit by Truck-kun (with my knowledge) and as of now, only Tae-young and I have gone back. It's just— the circumstances are too different. My hand fell under my chin. Was it really someone who did this? Or is this some sort of universal concept by the other world? Other worlds?
"You know, I'm surprised to see you two like this." My head perked up at the new voice, eyes moving over to the doorway. Kakashi's body was slightly out of the doorway, with other bobs of hair behind him. Awww, they're all together— spying on us like that!
Wait... it just dawned on me. Damn, if I wasn't for this body, I would've been able to sense them. "How so?" I asked, pushing a hair strand back.
In that instant, Naruto's head popped up behind him. "Aren't you two supposed to be fighting?! You were really miserable, dattebayo!"
"Oh, we made up." I explained nonchalantly with a careless shrug. "Well, not that we fought in the first place." But did I make it that much of a big deal?
Sakura loudly exclaimed with disbelief.
"You were miserable?" Ah.
My hands waved up, frantically waving around at my crush's sudden crestfallen face. "I mean, yeah— but like, it's gone now! Don't worry!" I giggled with a small smile. "Isn't it better than, uh, wanting to stab you???" I mean, that was the original idea. I mean— what?
Despite my words, the man only frowned with narrowed eyes. Like he was— okay, he was totally judging me. "...Sto... ing... like that..." Hah? His voice had muffled when he turned his head away that I couldn't hear him clearly. What did he say? My lips pressed into a deep line, oh well, it's probably not important. I can also him later.
"But I'm surprised," I suddenly thought, turning my attention back to the fictional characters. I ignored the small hum and heat that my laptop gave off. "You guys seem... too relaxed." My brows furrowed in confusion. Shouldn't they have taken more caution in this? "Shouldn't you be more worried?"
"That's right," And they're Stepping in, the teacher opted to sit on one of the other bunk beds. "But for some reason, we can't help but feel at ease."
Can't help? I repeated. That's— that's really suspicious. "Genjutsu?"
"Not likely," Sasuke crossed his arms with his usual aloof expression. "We would have detected it already." Ah, that's true, the Sharingan is broken in that aspect. My index finger tapped against my laptop. So what really is happening here? Can it even be explained?
Naruto let out a long hum, strolling right in. "But nothing's happening right now, and we don't really have any leads." His head tilted towards me, the glint in his blue eyes brightening with a small smile. "So all we have to do is wait, dattebayo."
Sakura sighed at that, placing a hand on her forehead. "That doesn't mean we can be careless."
The blond whipped his head back at her dramatically. "I— I know that!"
"...Are you sure that this isn't a genjutsu?" My crush commented on with a deadpan.
I giggled, "I mean, if it is then it's a very advanced one," Feeling that my muscles were stiff, I stretched my arms, letting my fingers touch the bottom of the top bed. "But anyways, this is boring—" I turned off my laptop, removing it from my burning lap. My eyes darted up at the fictional characters. "Wanna play another round of Uno?"
Okay then... I averted my eyes away from the dreadful eyes directed at me. Everyone's already scarred.
Letting out a hum, my eyes narrowed in thought. But if not war, then what else...? And then— I got it. With a small gasp leaving my lips, I clapped my hands together. "Wanna watch another anime?"
"Why...? Why did it end up like this?"
"Ah, I haven't seen this in so long!" Tae-young exclaimed, grinning widely at the laptop. On the screen was the very first scene of Kimetsu no Yaiba— the one where Tanjiro carries a bloodied Nezuko.
I couldn't help but feel amused by his antics. "Demon Slayer was your favorite anime, right?" As the scenery in the anime changed, my eyes glanced over the other's reactions. They all gave perplexed expressions, suddenly thrown into the new world.
The adult's gleaming eyes caught back my attention. "Of course it is!" I let out a laugh, he's really going into fanboy mode. "The story is fucking awesome and the fight scenes are so cool!"
I giggled, leaning against the sofa. "Yeah, yeah, I know!" So much that used Tanjiro's name as your username. "But shhhhh..." I placed an index finger over my lips. "No spoilers."
To be honest, there wasn't much thought into picking what to play. I just decided to watch something somewhat similar to the setting that Team 7 was used to.
But ah... the nostalgia. I thought, watching as Tanjiro's family bid him farewell.
"Man, that dude's family sure are nice," Naruto commented with a small smile, reaching in for a chip from the bag.
"Tanjiro has pretty eyes," Sakura stated nonchalantly.
"That's what you took from that?" I asked, in which she shrugged. You know what, I'm not gonna think about it.
"Did he just... smell that vase?" Sasuke suddenly voiced out, furrowing his brows in disdain. Lookin frack at the laptop, the anime was now showing Tanjiro visiting the village near his home.
"It smells like a cat."
"Is he a dog?"
"Hey," Kakashi spoke in a half-hearted angry manner at the blond's accusation. The boy only sheepishly laughed, bobbing his head apologetically.
I waved them off, snacking on the food. "It becomes important, don't worry~!"
We all continued watching the episode, chatting along and commentating on whatever was happening. It was pretty fun, I had to admit, watching them draw their conclusions on what was going to appear next. Well, until...
"Wh— What is... How did this happen?!"
Everyone gasped at the bloody sight of Tanjiro's family— brutally murdered. I sucked in a sharp breath, this feels... oddly familiar. familiar, actually. My eyes trailed away from the screen, only to stop at Sasuke. The Uchiha's eyes were unusually widened, lips parted slightly in utter horror. No wait— it wasn't in horror, it was—
...Oh. I know why.
Clamping my mouth shut, I held in the urge to sigh. No wonder why this hurts. But, I stared back at the laptop, where the scene of despair turned into desperate hope. I can't help but continue watching.
"It's painful to breathe... the frozen air hurts my lungs. I have to continue moving forward... I have to move my legs faster."
Smiling, I was very amused as Sakura's face contorted into confusion as the camera panned over Nezuko's subtle transformation. Near her, the Seong was silent, eyes glued to the show intently.
"Not yet, we're still far from the village. I need to go faster. I won't let her die. I'll save her. Your big brother will definitely save you!"
"Woah!" Naruto tensed at the blood-curdling scream, leaning back against the couch. His hands were up in surprise. "What's up with her!"
"She's turning into a demon." Tae promptly answered him with a small smile, eyes dart to him briefly before looking back at the anime. I let out a small hum, how cute.
As Tanjiro monologued, I thought back to a certain raven head. I probably shouldn't have played this one— it kinda hits way too close to home. Is Sasuke going to get into an angsty mood? Is he going to want to stop watching? I... I don't blame him—
My breath hitched as the music— it matched perfectly with the sight of Nezuko's tears. Nezuko was crying as she tried to fight back— break free of her demon urges. Why is this... making me so emotional? I've had no trouble watching this the first time.
"Oh," I suddenly let out as Giyuu finally came onto the screen. "Obligatory angsty character #1!" I joked, easing the tension.
My crush turned his head at me, "You can't just call him that!" He complained, though there was no ill intent to it.
I giggled, shrugging it off, "What? It's true though!" There's also Obanai, Genya, Rui... does Yushiro and Shinobi count?
"Oh, he's fast." The scarecrow commented as the Hashira suddenly scooped Tanjiro's sister out of his hands. "Though, I don't know if he's any faster than us."
The alive main character shook his head. "Nah, I'm totally faster than him, dattebayo!" He grinned arrogantly.
"Yeah, right. I'd like to see for sure." Sakura challenged with a finger pointed at him. I could only narrow my eyes. Why the hell are you comparing yourselves to fictional characters? I then blinked. But then again, they are fictional as well.
"You can't grasp the authority over someone else's life and death!"
Are you sure about that? I thought. But then I mulled it over. I mean, I... I killed someone. And sure, there wasn't any other choice, innocent people were gonna die but— My lips pushed together in mild frustration. And yet just a few words and I was shoved into a whole essential crisis.
Is it possible to decide who to kill?
"Nezuko is... Nezuko is different. She doesn't eat people!"
I blinked again. And there Tanjiro goes, acting like the great protagonist he is. I commentated to myself, smiling as the scene played out. Everyone else was quiet and unwilling to speak, tension high and focused.
Now I remember why I liked this show.
"Oh, it's already this late," I noted, glancing up from the clock, which showed that it was already past 7 pm.
"Wait, rea— holy shit!" I looked back at the Seong, who suddenly stood up with a hand on his head. "I should be heading back!" The dark-haired adult said in a rush, already packing up.
I stood up as well, placing a hand on my hip, "I'm going with you, it's safer that way."
Tae-young, who was in amidst of shoving his laptop into his bag, craned his head up at me. "What? Why?" In that instant, he bit back on his words. "No— I mean, I would like that but—" His brows furrowed, I could feel the concern radiating off again. "What if something happens again?"
"That's all the more reason for me to come then. It seems you can't take care of yourself in that situation." I reasoned with a dismissive hand. Considering that's how he died. Seeing how he wanted to refute, even more, I patted him on the shoulder lightly. "It'll be fine~!"
Sakura, who was the nearest to the laptop, tapped the keyboard, pausing the episode. We actually went pretty far: we were already in episode 11. "Want us to stop for today?" The pinkette asked.
"Yeah, yeah— thanks!"
After that, it didn't take long for Tae and me to step out of the dorm and shorter to walk out of the campus.
"Hey Tae-young," I started, kicking the air with hands behind my back. The air was pretty chilly, despite it being summer. Though, I didn't feel cold thanks to my clothes. Hearing the man next to me hum in acknowledgment, I faced him. He wore just a simple red tee and jeans, along with the same jacket from when we first met. "What do you think would've happened if we were transported into the Demon Slayer world instead of Naruto?"
Tae rose a brow, it was something that he didn't expect, but he thought about it, considering the way he darted his eyes up to the setting sky with the slightest of scrunch. "I'd probably fuck up and be a demon."
I snorted. "Really?!" I giggled with a small smile. Reaching up, I pulled on my ponytail so that it was tighter. "Come on, have better confidence in yourself!"
"No, I'm just being realistic." With narrowed eyes, I puffed out my cheeks. This bitch. Glancing back at me, he exhaled with a soft chuckle. "...Or not."
I nodded, turning away to look at the sidewalk. Considering where we were, there weren't many people walking around, so our aimless footsteps resonated clearly against the pavement. "Well," I raised a finger. "Even if you did turn into a demon, I'm pretty sure I'll be there to protect you!" My hand turned into a fist, as I just imagined it— me as a demon slayer! Giggling, I swayed from side to side. I look so cool!
"Even if you get killed because of it?"
"Hey," I pointed at him with a frown, causing him to reel back lightly. "No— don't think like that. If anything, I'll just do a Tanjiro move and ." Though, that might not even work due to not being a main character. Moving back, I smiled softly at him. "And won't you protect me as well?"
"That's—!" He stammered, widening his eyes before averting away. Awww, you tsun tsun! "I mean, yeah— of course, I would!" His feet shuffled closer to me. "I'm not an asshole, unlike a certain someone."
"We know too many, which one," I replied curtly.
"Ah." Makes sense. "Yeah, they do seem like the type to leave people behind but I swear, they're not like that!" I hoped, at least. I mean, why would he join the team? I tilted my head to the side. "Actually, if he were to be transported to that world, he'd probably be a Hashira."
The Seong huffed, stopping as he pressed the button on the traffic light. "But all he uses are poisons," He pointed out as I stopped as well. "What, is he supposed to replace Shinobu? Hell no."
"We can have multiple poison users!" I reasoned lightly, amused with his antics. Wait... I suddenly pondered, pursuing my lips in thought. Shinobu... "Is Shinobu your type?"
He choked. Didn't even try to hide his shock. "Wha— I— uh—" He blabbered on, red rising from his neck. " But— but that's not the-- the reason why—"
I just— I just stared. Yet, I was barely surprised. Everything makes so much more sense. I giggled, waving him off with a smile. "It's fine. I think she's hot as well." In the corners of my eyes, I saw the light change, indicating that it was our time to go. Grabbing the hem of Tae's sleeve, I pulled him over as I walked onto the crossroad.
Ah... everything's been— it's been better than when I first came here. I couldn't help but think, my lips pursing together. Yet, there was just a giddiness fluttering in my chest. Heck, I just— I just don't feel as bad anymore. And I didn't even realize why until—
"You know," I told him when we ended on the other side. I didn't let go of him, not yet. "I'm surprised we didn't stop after episode one." My foot tapped the ground lightly as I averted his gaze.
Tae-young cocked his head to the side in confusion, furrowing his brows. "Why? It was a great episo..." His voice trailed off— only to widen his eyes as it dawned on him. "Oh."
"Mhm," I nodded in confirmation. I tucked a hair strand behind my ear. The chill air brushed against my face, causing me to sniff. "Well— it wasn't so bad for me but, but I didn't know how Sasuke would react." About that scene with Tanjiro's family. "That look in his eyes when the scene happened— I know for sure that he was remembering about what happened in the past." Just— just the similarities, pretty ironic, isn't it?
But then I smiled. "And then Giyuu came. The way Tanjiro practically begged to spare Nezuko, I couldn't help but think, 'Would Sasuke do that for me?'" I let out a soft sigh. "I know I would do that for him, I know that now but, would he do the same?" I giggled because I wasn't sad. "But then I remembered that one mission." The mission to the land of Waves.
"Sh- shut up! You're going to be fine. You have to be! I- I can do something! Where's- where's Kakashi-sensei?! You- you CAN'T-"
"I realized that yeah, he would." I turned to the adult, noticing just how the street lights managed to capture the perfect image of him— how his eyes seemed to sparkle, just like the stars. "That's the same with you and your siblings, right?"
I knew he was taken back: by the way he took a step back with his lips slightly parted. And yet, he quickly composed himself with a firm expression. "Of course. I'm not that dumb to not know that." He joked.
I smiled, yup, that's the whole... the whole idea of family, right? Glancing away, I carefully thought about my next words. "You know, before I died, I completely detested myself. I talked about this before right?" I know I did it just yesterday but I just wanted to make sure things were clear. "And so when we— I came back here, I thought of how cruel fate could be." Raising my head, I reached up to the dark sky. My hand was far, far away from the stars— the light.
But it was enough for me to feel warmth. It was enough for me to smile— nothing fake in that one.
"But— after all this, after spending time with you— just laughing and being myself," I took a deep breath, turning back to him. I— I never got to say this. My utmost feelings. "I— I forgot that I used to hate myself. I forgot about all of my worries and just, just had fun. I— I loved it. of it."
He looked so pretty— so much that I couldn't help but smile. Aah... why do I feel my stomach churning into butterflies? But— but in a good way! "And, um, I think... I think I've finally gotten to—"
My entire body froze at the sudden steel grip on my wrist, pulling me back. Whipping my head around, my eyes landed on who grabbed me and— no.
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