《Catharsis | AVOOCU Sequel》Congratulations: You've Unlocked Megumi's Interlude!
[Congratulations: You've Unlocked Megumi's Interlude!]
Scampering silently into the large bedroom, like a little mouse, I approached the curtains of a window, grabbing fistfuls of the silk-like fabric. Come on, come on...! Once I knew I had a solid hold, I experimented with my face, doing everything I can to become presentable. I took a deep breath.
Just like every day— every single day, I put on my best smile.
I yelled on the top of my lungs, watching as the silence of the tranquil morning broke apart. In a flash, I flung the curtains open and exposed the lights of the early sun to the room— brightening what was once the darkness. In success, I felt satisfied when I heard multiple groans, ranging from sporadic and deep voices. "Up, up, up!" I cheered with fists up.
"Ashley...!" I heard one of them whine, sitting up. "Why?"
"Because!" I bounced from where I stood, childishly skipping around. "Today is another day! Another day, another chance!" My clothes flowed around as I twirled around, the floorboards creaking with each step. "And— and we don't want our great caregivers to overwork themselves, right?"
"But you'll worry us with your loud racket." Ah! Whipping my body around, I smiled widely at the sight of Jane, one of our workers here. The lady huffed, placing her hands on her hips. "Now, do you have to do this every morning?"
I giggled, like the good girl I was. "Mhm!" As much as I wanted to skip over to her and just— just do anything, I held my distance. "What are we having for breakfast? Ooo— can it be hamburger?!"
I smiled as they replied with a distant expression. I smiled as they wouldn't look at me in the eye. I smiled as everyone walked past me, eager to eat or do whatever activity. I smiled when nobody stopped to wait for me.
I kept on smiling.
Smiling, smiling,
Because that was all that was of me.
"You look weird."
I blinked, glancing down at the child. My head tilted in curiosity, setting down the picture book I was reading. "Why?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. I could already predict what they were going to say.
"Your eyes," My lips pushed together at the mention of them. "They're really yellow and different. Kinda like pee. It's weird." It was... it was an innocent thing to say, coming from a child.
And yet...
I let my bangs fall over my sight, averting my eyes away, the ends of my lips twitching up. "Really, now?"
"Now, now everyone," At the sound of one of our caretaker's honey-like voice, we all eagerly turned from whatever we were doing. The man gestured to another adult, who... who looked like someone who is— "Gather around, we have a guest!"
Oh! Taking off, I rushed over to the new person's side, many others like me coming along. Narrowing my eyes, I interlocked my hands behind my back. People like that, right? The appeal of a cute girl. "Hi!" I greeted with precise cheer. They glanced down, the cons of being short and a child, I guess.
"Hello there," They replied with a small smile. Crouching down, they seemed to catch into eye contact with me— until they twitched. "Ah—" The visitor's eyes widened, quickly averting my gaze. "You all are so great!"
Ah... I smiled. Of course, I smiled, it would distract them of my—
I resisted the urge to hang my head low and sigh. Beside me, all the other children enthusiastically chatted and played with the potential parent.
Of course, it ends up like this.
Ever since I can remember, I would notice even the littlest of things. The way people talked, how they would pick up a pencil and write, how they would talk and lie— just the simple things that others wouldn't think about.
If I were to tell anyone this— they would probably take it as a blessing. As something cool! And well, it could've been, it very well could have been.
But then just as I saw all the positives, I was unable to avoid all the negatives.
Even as a child, I knew that these yellow eyes were unusual. Everyone else around me that duller eyes, ones that weren't as pigmented as mine. They— they weren't unusual, unlike mine. And so, whenever someone looked at me, I always noticed how their expressions changed— how shocked and perplexed they were at the sight of them.
I it.
I couldn't help but think: is this why? Is this why nobody wants me? If it bothers you so much— why bother looking at me at all?!
Why can't you just something?!
Why did I have to be born with these damn stupid eyes?!
...Day after day after , whenever there was a chance for me to get a new change, I did so much to look presentable. To look like someone worthy of being taken. I cheered myself up, I made sure that my clothes weren't a mess, I smiled my best even if I didn't feel like it. Even if it (and sometimes, it really did hurt)
But my best wasn't enough. Not when everyone looked away before they could even try to get to know me.
It... it was agonizing, realizing this. I never asked for this. I never asked anything about this situation. I just— I just wanted to be...
But I couldn't.
And yet...
"Why? Why do you try so hard?"
Hm? I turned my head towards Charlie, who frowned. Letting out a hum, I pushed back the cabinet door, slamming it shut. Pushing back my bangs, I smiled. My eyes shut: I wasn't in the mood for him to judge my eyes.
"...What's wrong with having hope?"
Yes, that was the only thing that pushed me towards each tomorrow. That wonderful concept was something that was natural me. Because even if it was unusual, in the end, they were just eyes. Just a part of me.
So— so surely, someone would want me eventually, right?
I would belong somewhere eventually, right?
I would become someone special in someone's eyes,
...Yes, hope was a wonderful thing—
But, it could also be dangerous and fatal.
"Ashley, you're turning 18 soon, right?"
I blinked, staring at my caretaker. Olivia had taken me out of the room when we were tasked with tucking the little kids in. Now, we stood in one of the many hallways. "Yes, that's right."
They averted their eyes like they always did. I didn't blame them, my eyes were pretty weird. "You... you do realize that," She took a deep breath, a hint of hesitance as she did so. "You will have to leave this place when you turn 18, correct?"
Ah. I remembered, leaning against the wall. "That's... that's right," I repeated, eyes cast downwards. Almost 18 years of my life... with the knowledge that no one ever wanted me. I pushed back the urge to grimace— that was something I didn't need to think about now. My attention turned back to my them. "But what's the big deal?"
"Oh, well," Why are they so... fidgety? I thought, watching as they fumbled with the bag that they had. My brows only furrowed as they took out what seemed to be a stack of papers out of her purse, handing it out to me. What... what is this? I stared at its front page. Medical records? "When we first got you, you were left deserted in the hospital."
Oh, yeah. I thought while bobbing my head. I remember how sometimes I overheard some of the caretakers whispering about me— about how I was left all alone as a baby in the hospital— alone.
"I, I did some digging and," My eyes looked up to her, who then smiled. "The records— I found the dates on when people checked in! And, well," They stammered, raising their hands feverishly. "There was one weird one on the day we found you were abandoned— where a person checked in but, but they never checked out!"
They... they what? My head cocked to the side in confusion. Is that even legal? No, wait— why is she even telling me this? It's as if... as if... My breath hitched.
"And while it's not 100% sure, it's a possibility that—"
"That they could be my parent...?" I finished for her, disbelief pooling my mind. It was just absurd— ludicrous to even think about. And yet— there was . There was hope welling up in me.
I... I could actually find them. I could find my parents!
"Thank you...!" Before I knew it, I had thrown myself onto her, embracing them tightly. My grip on the papers hardened. For once, I smiled— but it was a happy, genuine smile. "Thank you..." I mumbled softly, feeling myself tear up. It'll... it'll take longer for me to search and find— if it was possible— to find one of them. But— it was
Yes, I remembered how I got carried away by mere hope.
A hope—
That would soon grip me in the throat and sneer at me.
It— it took so long. So many sleepless nights, so many hours of just sitting and typing away— searching, searching, searching— and I finally found her.
It was actually pure coincidence that I stumbled on her Facebook. Albeit, it was one that she didn't update years ago, but that was enough for me to pinpoint the general area she was in the present.
But still, I found her.
When I finally achieved my goal, it was the middle of the damn afternoon. I knew that I had many other things to do but I— I didn't care. I sprinted out the door, only daring to bring my phone and backpack.
It's... it's around this corner...! I remembered thinking, not noticing how the sweat dripped down the side of my face. I ignored the person in my way— not when I could have potentially found my mother. The aching pain from my legs didn't even matter.
And there she was.
Halting in my tracks, I struggled to catch my breath as I saw her, walking along with... someone, I didn't know. I didn't care. It's here...! I took a sharp, yet relieved intake. My chest heaved, it was tired but also so giddy? I couldn't explain it. I just— I finally found her!
I couldn't help but smile as I walked towards her. Finally— I thought at the time. I can finally meet my mom and then— and then she'll—
I grabbed her hand. "Mo—"
It didn't occur to me at the time, why I was found abandoned at that hospital. If I had just sat down and thought, I would've realized the implications of the parents never being found.
The reason why they decided to abandon their child.
Wha... what...?
I didn't process how my— my mom harshly slapped my grip away. No— not when her piercing, a blood-curdling shriek rang in my ears like a cursed alarm. "I— I..." I couldn't even speak, it was just too much of a shock. "What...?"
Why are you here— to use me?! To fucking me again?!" She shouted, her glare freezing me in my tracks. "I can't— I you!"
She... she me? I didn't want to believe it. That all of this effort and I— But I couldn't deny the look she had. The pure anger and rage and disgust and pain and—
"You and those damn eyes— stop looking at me like a fucking puppet! Get out of my goddamn life! Go die, yo—
Mo... I processed slowly, watching as tears became streaming down her face. Instinctively, I slapped a hand over my eyes, yet at the moment, I just wanted to rip them out. "Aah..." I wailed, stepping back from her. She... she thinks I'm a monster...!
The utter agony in her face made me want to puke.
I'm— I did this...?
I did this.
My existence— these damn eyes ruined her.
I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hatethemIhateth
And the next thing I knew, I ran away.
Why did I hope for something that would only crush me?
I— I should have known this would happen. By how others would steer away from one glance of these damn eyes. Of course, people would— nobody wants to be with a monster.
But even then, I— I wanted even my parent to...!
I should have known that those desires were just that: selfish wishes.
Ever since then, I've wanted to rip them out. To stab them with scissors. To make sure they wouldn't exist anymore.
But I didn't.
I didn't want to forget the reason why I was like this— this terrible — and just— just—
I didn't know.
That hope... I need to make sure it never comes back. It come back.
Because who the hell would accept a monster like me?
"Shisui-kun, Shisui-kun!"
"Yeah, yeah, Princess, you're gonna enjoy eating this!" Shisui said with a smile, holding my hand as we walked towards a certain stall. I couldn't contain my excitement, ahhhh, I've dreamed of this!
With a pep in my step, I early swung my legs as I waited for Shisui to order our food. I was practically buzzing! "Here we go!" My head whipped at the older Uchiha, causing him to chuckle.
"Yay!" I cheered, eagerly taking one of them from his hands. Ohhhh...! I hungrily licked my lips. It looks delicious! "Thank you for the food!" I hurryingly exclaimed before downing it down.
In that instant, the sudden rush of sweetness spread across my tongue— so well I felt myself tear up. "Mmm!" I moaned, raising my head back as I chewed. It's so
"So I take it that the dango's good?" My cousin asked, chuckling at my antics.
"Mhm!" I giggled, swinging the stick around. "Nii and Sasuke are missing out on this!" I commented. Sasuke's just an ass that can't appreciate sweets! My head swayed from Side to side. "Thanks for buying it!"
I felt a hand press gently on my head. "Anytime, Princess."
"How many times do I have to tell you— I'm not a Princess!"
"Oh really?" He rose a brow. "But don't you see how both Sasuke and Itachi flock over to you?"
Huh? I blinked. "Maybe Sasuke but Nii? Nah— that's crazy." I dismissed, eyeing his Dango. Is he gonna eat it? "I don't really think they care all that much about me."
"Now that's crazy." He stated while mimicking me, poking at my cheek. I squeaked at his actions. "Like, the way you take your time to care about their worries— even Itachi's— is like how a Princess would with her subjects."
How a princess would with her subjects, huh? I couldn't help but feel doubtful. That's only just me being nice, that's all. I mean, I'm just a—
"Just how much you are willing to go for them. How much you look out for them..." Shisui smiled, though, it was a bit different this time. It was... softer. More mature. "Is just so cute."
I— um— I just— I didn't even know what to say??? Ahhhhhhhhh! I couldn't think— how could I when he says that?! Why did you have to say "Jenfwkjksjdbjajfnsjfbbejrwiwj?!?!?!???"
My face— my body felt hot. Extremely hot— but— but in a nice way??? I couldn't really explain it: it was like my stomach was fluttering. "Shi— Shisui-kun...!" I childishly whined, cowering away with my head buried in my hands. Damn you— making my past fangirlness act up!
His laughter— albeit hot— did not help in the slightest.
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Shy Walking Shadows; Book 1 of the Blood Moon Series
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