《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Nineteen




I closed my eyes as my lips gently touched hers.

Her lips were warm and soft and molded to mine perfectly. She pushed her body closer to my cold body and wrapped her arms around my neck. I tilted my head and kissed her deeply, making sure to keep her away from my venom-coated tongue. Who knows what my venom could do to her? My hands were resting on her lower back as we broke apart panting.

I didn't need to breath but she still took my breath away. "Wow" Bella said once our breathing was under control. "Bella?" I asked hesitantly. Come on Edward, she likes you too, she said so herself, nothing to worry about. "Yes?" she asked. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked before I chickened out and said never mind. She look surprised and taken aback for a second before she answered. "Of course I will, will you be my boyfriend?" she asked in return.

"Of course I will be your boyfriend" I replied happily and leaned down to kiss her again. I wrapped my arms around her waist and picked her up so her feet were off the ground. She licked my lower lip and I pulled away breathlessly. "Careful, you can't touch my tongue or teeth" I warned. "Who not?" she asked. "Because I don't know what my venom will do to you" I said.

"Oh ok" she replied. We spent the rest of the afternoon getting to know each other better. I told her all about being a vegetarian vampire and she told me all about being a griffin. "So you can read minds?" she asked. "Yep. Everyone's but yours" I said. "Now that, is cool" she said. "really" I said. "Not when you hear the thoughts of your family when they are having sex" I said. We both grimaced.


"And I thought having to listen to Phil and Renee was bad, imagine having to hear everybody's thoughts too" she said. We both looked at each other and burst into laughter. I felt lighter than I had in years. Bella makes me happy. I never laughed like this before her. I felt giddy. High on happiness.

Once we finished laughing, I told her we should probably head back. "OK" she agreed. "Stop" I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. "What? What's the matter?" she asked. "Wolves" I said. "Wolves?" she asked confused. "Shape shifters. They're Quileute, they live down in La Push" I told her. "Why are they coming here?" she asked. "They smelt vampires. James, Laurent and Victoria" I informed her.

"They're coming to check if they are still here" I said. "Shape shifters, are they human?" Bella asked. "Sort of, they turn into wolves though, not a griffin like you" I said. "They'll be here in a minute" I said. And true to that, four wolves emerged from the forest into the baseball clearing. I stepped in front of Bella to protect although I'm quite sure she could protect herself. She just killed two vampires.

Sam phased back to his human form and put his shorts on. "What are you doing here with a human?" he growled. Bella moved to my side so she wasn't hidden any more. Bella! What the fuck is she doing with a vampire? Jacobs thoughts interrupted me from answering Sam's question. I looked at Jacob, he was growling at me. How does he know Bella? "Well?" Sam asked. "My family and I were playing baseball when three nomads came along, we killed them because they attacked us" I said, leaving out the fact that one had gone. Laurent.


"Who do the other three scents belong to?" Sam asked. "Nomads. We killed then" I said. Well, Bella killed them but they don't really need to know that. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "We smelt the scent so we followed it" Sam said. I should fucking rip him apart, he's not going to kill Bella! Jacobs thoughts entered my head again and I growled. I would never kill Bella. I would rather die than hurt her.

Next second, Jacob phased and Bella gasped.


Damn. Vampires, werewolves, griffins. Where the bloody witches? I'm just waiting for one to pop out of the forest. I looked in the spot where Jacob was standing a few seconds ago and instead I found a wolf, the size of a horse standing there. His russet fur matched the colour of Jacobs and I had seen this wolf before. It was the same wolf I saw running when I was flying above La Push. The wolf phased back and there in its placed stood Jacob.

I gasped.Jacobs a werewolf and he's my friend. My friend is a werewolf. Well, my boyfriend is a vampire. Bloody hell, and here I thought I was the only supernatural creature. "Hey Bella" Jacob said casually. "You're a werewolf?" I asked. "Yeah, secrets out now" he said and smiled at me.

"What are you doing with a vampire?" he hissed out the word vampire as if it tasted bad on his tongue. "Um, he's my boyfriend" I said. "Your boyfriends with a bloodsucker?" Jacob asked angrily. "Yes, she's my mate" Edward said. "Your mate. Don't forget about the treaty then" Sam warned. "What treaty?" I asked. Geez, could this day end already? I'm getting tired. First, Laurent, James and Victoria, and now the wolves. Gosh.

"If the Cullen bite a human, bite not kill, then the treaty is void and we are allowed to attack" Sam said. "I'm well aware of that thank you Sam" Edward said. "Good, now if you don't mind, we will be going" Sam said. Edward nodded his head and they phased and took off back to La Push. I turned to look at Edward. "Can you take me back to your place now please? I'm getting tired" I said,

"Of course Bella" he said and picked me up and started running back.

(A/N)One more chapter...what d u think??you know wht I think, I think I'm gonna post One more chapter today..yay!!

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