《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Twenty




When Edward and I arrived home, I went straight to Alice's room and got changed into my pajama's. "Bella?" Emmett asked. "Yep?" I asked as I turned around to face him. "Can we wrestle?" he asked excitedly. "Not tonight Emmett, I need to sleep unlike you" I laughed. "OK, tomorrow though?" he asked.

"Sure" I said. "Cool, night Bella" Emmett said and I presume walked to his and Rosalie's room. "Can I come in Bella?" Edward asked from the doorway. "Of course you can come in" I said and goy up and hugged him. "Just wanted to say goodnight to you" Edward said.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" I asked him. "OK" he said. We both went back to Alice's bed and I got under the covers and snuggled up to Edward cools body. "Goodnight Bella" Edward murmured as I nodded off to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, Emmett came running into the room Yelling "Wake up, wake up!". I rolled over onto my stomach and buried my face in my pillow, blocking out the sun that was shining through the window and making crystals off Emmett. Ha, Emmett sparkling, so funny. "You're gonna get your ass kicked Em" I said as I untangled my legs from the sheets.

What can I say? I'm a messy sleeper. "Come on Bella, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and then be prepared to get your ass kicked" Emmett said excitedly. I snorted. "Yeah right, you're going to wish you never wanted to fight me in the first place" I said as I walked into the bathroom.

I quickly showered and got dressed, made my bed and packed up my clothes then walked downstairs to the kitchen where I could hear people laughing. "Morning Bella" Esme greeted me. "Do you want some pancakes?" she asked pointing to a large plate with pancakes. "Help yourself" she said, handing me a plate.


"Thanks" I said and walked over to the plate and got three then walked back over to the table and sat down. "So, we heard that you're going to fight Emmett now Bella" Esme said. "Yep, he's going down" I said. "Nah-uh, it's you that's going down Bella" Emmett said confidently. "I bet on Bella" Edward said. There then came a chorus of "I bet on Bella" and "I bet on Emmett's" following.

"You bet?" I asked looking at everyone in the kitchen. "Yep, sometimes thing get boring around here so we bet on things, makes them more interesting" Edward explained. "OK, Emmet, I bet you $500 that I can beat you" I offered.

"You're on" he said. I finished my breakfast and we all walked outside. "OK, no rules apart from that you can't kill or injure each other OK? This is play fighting" Esme said pointedly looking at Emmett. "OK?" she asked. Emmett and I both said yes. "First on the ground wins" Esme said.


Emmett ran at me at the same time I phased and threw out a claw and hit him right in threw chest sending him flying backwards. I followed him and pout my paw on his chest, pinning him to the ground. He struggled against me and I increased the pressure to keep him there. "Bella wins, she could have killed you then" Esme said. I phased back and whispered "Ha-ha" into Emmett's ear before getting up and walking back to Edward who was trading money with the others. . "Unfair" Emmett whined.

"Oh, and you owe me $500" I said as I looked back at him. "Fine" he grumbled but reached into his pocket and took out five one hundred dollar notes and handed them to me reluctantly. "Bella, could we fight, I would like to see how you would do against me?" Jasper asked. "OK" I said. For the rest of the day, I fought everyone, even Edward after we convinced him he wouldn't hurt me. After lots of convincing though he accepted.


Edward was at a disadvantage because his power didn't work on me. In the end it was a tie. "I should probably be heading back home now" I said. "You are welcome here anytime you want Bella" Esme said as she hugged me.

"Thank you" I said as I hugged her back. "I'll see you at school then Bella" Alice said. "OK" I said. "Bella? Does Charlie know about you been a griffin?" Edward asked once he had walked me out to my truck.

"No, I'M not sure how he will react" I said. "Are you going to tell him then?" Edward asked. "I don't know, I mean, he has a right to know since he is my dad. I might tell him" I said. "OK, well I'll see you tomorrow OK Bella?" he asked. "Bye Edward" I said as I leaned up and kissed him. It was a gentle kiss and he pecked me on the lips once more before I got into my truck and started to drive home.

Once I got home, I started making dinner while mulling over the thoughts of whether or not I should tell Charlie that I am a griffin.

(A/N)hMMM....I CANT STOP WRITING...think I'm gonna post another chapter...good for you guys that I'm so full of ideas for now..

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