《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Eighteen




Oh shit.

I just killed Laurent's friends. And double crap. The Cullen's know what I am now. Can't be too bad can it? I know their secret; it's only fair that they know mine. But what if Edward hate's me now? Humans can't usually turn into giant birds. True, but not everyone is vampires either. But what about Laurent?

I just killed his friends. At least I think they are his friends. Oh crap, what did I do? But he attacked me, I was only defending myself. He was really starting to creep me out with all the staring he was doing. And that red head was just a plain bitch saying she could kill me.

I looked at Laurent and he didn't seem angry at me. "Are you angry at me?" I asked him. He laughed and I looked at him confused. "Laurent, do you need the mental institution? I just killed your friends and you're laughing" I told him. "They're not my friends, I just ran with them, I didn't even like them that much, and besides, I was going to kill James anyway with the way he kept looking at you" he said.

I gaped at him. "So you're not mad at me?" I asked. "No, like I said, I didn't really like them that much anyway" he said. I laughed for no reason, probably just relief that Laurent wasn't angry at me. "You're a griffin?" Carlisle asked, sounding astounded. I turned to face the Cullen's now. They were all looking at me with a look of astonishment on their faces. Well at least they haven't started running yet.

"You know what a griffin is?" I asked. Not much people usually know what griffin's are. "Yes, I thought there were none left. I know that they have a body of a lion and the wings and body of an eagle and they are very powerful creatures. But I never knew that humans could change into Griffins. I haven't seen one in about 150 years, and that explains your scent" he said, now looking at me with a look of awe in his eyes.


"So you're a griffin?" Alice asked. I nodded my head towards them. "Yep, another supernatural creature" I murmured. I haven't encountered any witches or goblins yet. "So that's why my visions are blocked" she said. "Visions?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, some vampires have gifts, for example I can see the future, Jasper can feel emotions and Edward can read minds, but not yours" Alice said. "And I take it you already know that we run faster than humans and our hearing is better?" she asked. "Yep, Laurent told me everything about vampires" I said. "Including the Volturi?" Carlisle asked. "Yep" I said.

"That's breaking our law you know?" Carlisle asked Laurent. "I know, but there isn't much chance of them finding out, and besides, Bella isn't technically human" Laurent said. "Bella, are any of your sense enhanced?" Carlisle asked me. "Yes, my hearing is better than humans and even better when I am in griffin form. My eyes sight is a bit better than average humans but when I am in form it is really good, I can see figures moving from high up in the sky and when I'm in griffin form I am really strong, oh, and my claws are sharp" I said and looked over at Laurent and laughed at the grimace on his face. Poor him.

"Never get on her bad side, her claws are really sharp, they even hurt vampires" Laurent warned. I laughed and they all looked wearily at me. "Hey! I was just defending myself, you shouldn't have tried to eat me" I said to Laurent. "How was I supposed to know that you would turn into a griffin huh?" Laurent answered back.

"Serves you right" I poked my tongue out at him. "What happened?" Emmett asked, sounding really interested and excited. "Well, when I first saw Bella sitting in the meadow in France, I tried to eat her" at this Edward growled "but she turned into a griffin and clawed me. Let's just say I still have the scar" Laurent said.


"Can we see it?" Emmett asked. "Emmett!" Rosalie said and hit him across the head. "No it's alright" Laurent said and turned around and lifted up his t-shirt to reveal a long scar that went from the bottom left right along his back to the top right. Emmett whistled. "Damn Bella, you can do damage" he said. "I know" I said. "Do you wanna fight some time?' Emmett asked, his eyes twinkling with excitement. I laughed.

"Only if you want to get your ass beaten by a girl, sure" I said. "Oh bring it Bella" Emmett challenged. "Emmett, if you hurt her I will hurt you" Edward said. I was touched that he cared about me. He's my mate, I was so afraid that he would reject me if I told him I liked him. But apparently he likes me as well.

"Hold on, we aren't fighting right now" Emmett said. "Could I have a word with Laurent for a second please?" I asked. "Sure" Carlisle said. Laurent came and picked me up and ran far enough away so they couldn't hear us. "What do you want to talk about Bella?" he asked.

"What do you think about becoming vegetarian?" I asked him. He sighed. "I don't think I could do it Bella, I love human blood too much" he said. I sighed. "OK, I was just wondering, so, where will you be going now?" I asked. "Don't know, thought I might just travel through the states" he said.

"OK, so I guess we will see each other again some time later then?" I asked. "Sure, but I should probably go, I'm sure they want to talk to you about a lot of stuff and I'm really sure that Emmett wants to fight you" Laurent grinned at me. "Well he can wait" I said grinning back.

He picked me up again and ran back to where the Cullen's were standing in a circle waiting for us. "Hurt Bella and I will hunt you guys down and kill you" Laurent said. "We would never hurt Bella" Carlisle said sincerely. "I know, I'm sorry but I have to go now, Bella, I'll see you sometime" Laurent said and with that he ran off into the forest.

"Can I talk to you Bella?" Edward asked walking up to me. "Sure" I said. "We'll see you guys at the house when you return ok?" Carlisle asked. We both nodded our heads and they picked up the baseball gear and started getting into their cars. When they had gone from eyesight, Edward turned to look at me.

"So, are you angry at me for being your mate?" he asked, bowing his head slightly. "Angry? I'm not mad, I told you, I sort of like you too" I said shyly. "Could I try something?" Edward asked me. "Sure" I said looking up at him to find him looking at my lips nervously. He wants to kiss me? I'm defiantly not complaining. He inched his face closer to mine and I closed my eyes and leaned forwards, my lips gently touching his.

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