《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Thirteen




I went for a quick fly to stretch my wings before I landed again and made some dinner for me and Charlie. He came home and we ate quietly then I done the dishes. "Night Bells, I'm going to bed now" he said. "OK, night dad" I said. I heard his footsteps go upstairs until I heard his door shut. I cleaned up the kitchen then went upstairs and got ready for bed, not going for another fly.

I turned out my light and hopped in bed.

The next morning I got out of bed and took a shower. I got dressed in my normal clothes and went downstairs to grab some breakfast. While I was eating my bowl of cereal, I heard a knock on the door. Who could that be? I went to the door and opened it. "Hey Edward" I greeted. That's right, he was picking me up today. I took in what he was wearing. I never got to look at his clothes, always focused on the beauty of his face.

It looks like it has been carved by an angel. His jaw was absolutely perfect. He was wearing light blue jeans, and a plain white t-shirt that hugged his chest, accentuating his muscles. God he looks handsome. That's right, I said handsome. Not hot. That sounds too degrading for him. He looks like an angel. "Um Bella, are you alright?" he asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I blushed. Which doesn't happen that often. "Sorry, what did you say?" I asked, embarrassed he had caught me ogling him shamelessly. "I was just wondering if you ready to go?" he asked. "Oh yeah, just let me get my bag" I said and walked back into the kitchen. I got my bag, and locked the front door.


Edward had parked his Volvo in the driveway so I walked towards it. Edward beat me to it, might I say a bit too fast for a human run, and opened the door for me. I looked up at him, startled. He looked a bit shocked too, but composed his features that I almost believed I didn't see it. I got into the car.

"God, I'm so stupid, why did I do that? She could've seen" Edward growled angrily at himself as he walked around to his side of the car. What did he mean by that? Could've seen what? He opened his door and got in, turning on the car and reversing out of the driveway with grace that even I was jealous of.

We drove to school in comfortable silence, neither of us wanting to break it by talking. We got to school and he got out and walked around to open my door for me. "I thought gentlemen no longer lived" I smiled at him. "What can I say, Esme raised me right" he smiled.

Damn him and his smile. I shook my head and hopped out taking his hand. "Come on, let's get to class" Edward said. The rest of the week went by the same way; Edward continued picking me up for school even though I had my truck. I wasn't complaining though, it just gave me an excuse to stay with him longer.

Today was Friday and as usual Charlie was already gone off to work and he left a note saying "Have fun at the Cullens". I finished packing my overnight back and walked downstairs. I had some butter on toast and then waited for Edward to arrive to pick me up. I heard a knock on the door and I went to answer it.


"Morning Edward" I greeted as I took in his appearance. The same as usual, looking really handsome in a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. "Morning Bella, you got your stuff packed?" Edward asked me. "Yep, it's in the kitchen" I said. "Let me get it for you" he said and walked inside into the kitchen.

"Ready to go Bella?' Edward asked me as he came back carrying my overnight bag. "Sure" I said. We walked outside after locking the house up and getting in the car. "Alice is excited for this weekend" Edward commented. "Same" I said. I was actually; I never really had sleepovers in Phoenix.

>We kept silent for the rest of the car ride to school. Alice came bounding up to me once we arrived at school. "Hey Bella! You excited for tonight?' she asked me. "Yep" I said. "Good, I'll see you at lunch" she said and gave me a hug before she ran off to her class since the bell had rang.

"See you at lunch Edward" I said. "Bye Bella" he said. We both walked off in different directions to our classes. The rest of the day was uneventful apart from my excitement getting bigger as the day went on. I couldn't wait until we get to the Cullen's house.

By the end of the day I was practically jumping up and down in excitement. "Ready to go Bella?" Edward asked me as he walked up to his car. "Yep" I said. He opened my door for me and I hopped in. He walked around to his side and hopped in, starting the car and reversing. His siblings followed behind us as we drove to his house.

We arrived at his place ten minutes later and we hopped out of the car. I gasped as I took it in. It looks different than looking at it from bird's eye view. It looks more beautiful. "Your house is beautiful" I said. "Want to see the inside?"Alice asked as she came up to me. "Sure" I said.

We walked up to the porch and in through the door. I took in the inside and was astounded. "Gosh, this looks like a castle from the 1800's, it's amazing Alice" I said. The walls were all painted white and pictures adorned the walls and the furniture was a mix of modern and old.

"Bella, I would like you to meet my mum and dad" Alice said. I looked over at her and found two people standing beside her. "This is Carlisle and Esme" she introduced them. "Nice to meet you, your house is so beautiful" I said and shook Carlisle's hand. Esme surprised me by bringing me into a hug. I hugged her back.

"Nice to meet you Bella, Alice is right, you are beautiful" she said. "Thanks" I blushed. "Alright, come on Bella, let's go up to my room and I'll give you a tour of the house" she said.

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