《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Fourteen




We arrived at our house and immediately Alice pulled Bella inside. "Come on Bella, come and meet our parents" she said excitedly. The rest of us followed at a leisurely pace inside behind Bella and Alice. "Bella, this is Esme and Carlisle" Alice said as she pointed to both of them who were standing just inside the door.

She's beautiful, Esme thought while Carlisle thought of how odd her scent was. A mixture of human but also animal. Odd. "It's nice to meet you Bella" Esme said as she went and hugged Bella. "Alice and Edward have told us heaps about you" she said. Yeah, and somehow I told them I think Bella might be my mate.

"Thank you Esme, it's nice to meet you" Bella said as she hugged Esme back. "Nice to meet you Bella" Carlisle said, putting out his hand which Bella shook in greeting. "You too Carlisle" Bella replied.

"Bella, do you play baseball?" Emmett asked. I don't even know why they think it is a good idea to play baseball tomorrow. Bella's human. She can't know we are vampires so we have to play at human speed which is really slow. What if Emmett slips up and runs too fast or if he breaks a bat or hits the ball too hard?

I stopped thinking of the worse possible outcomes as Bella replied. "Yeah I play" Bella said. "Cool, want to play baseball with us tomorrow? If you don't want to you can stay here with Alice?" Emmett asked. "No I'll play" Bella said. "Cool, now come see my room Bella" Alice said, dragging Bella by the wrist out of the room.

"I can see why you like her Edward" Esme said. "She's beautiful" she added. I nodded my head in silent agreement. Bella is beautiful. And smart and funny and kind. But she's also human. She could never love someone like me. A vampire. Dejected, I slumped my shoulders and started walking up to my room.



I knew this is the house that I flew over, but what was the white figure that I saw in the forest? It looked like Edward from what I could see. Or it could have been Jasper. How can they run that fast? Are they human? And what about when Edward walked too fast to open my door? He walks too fast for human speed, his eyes along with his families are all gold which is an unusual colour and all their skin is cold.

Are they human? "I can see why you like her Edward" I heard Esme say as Alice pulled me out of the room. "She's beautiful" and that was the last of the conversation I heard as Alice started pulling me up the stairs. Edward likes me? Since when? Does he know I like him? >"Bella, this is mine and Jasper's room" Alice said as she opened a door and walked in. I followed behind her and took a look at the room.

It wasn't bright pink like I thought Alice's room would be but the walls were a dark shade of blue, there was a queen sized bed, a dresser, a bookshelf and a wardrobe that looked to be the size of the bed. There was a window which had white lace curtains either side of it. All in all it was a nice comforting and welcoming room. It suited Alice and Jasper's personality perfectly.

I could see a bit of Jasper's personality through the bookshelf which held lots of civil war books which I bet my life on, she has never read. The bed had black green pillows and a black duvet. "Could I give you a make-over Bella?" Alice asked me. I hesitated. Did I want to get all sparkled up? What was the point of it anyway when it's not going to last forever and she'll have to do it again?

"Please?" Alice asked, noticing my hesitation. "OK" I said. Why not? A few hours later my hair was done up in some intricate design, I had a light cover of make up on and Alice had changed me into a pair of grey skinny jeans and a plain white top which went good together.


"I look pretty" I commented as I looked into the mirror. Alice can work miracles. I still look like myself but only enhanced features. "No you don't. You look beautiful, hot and pretty all combined" Alice said. I blushed. I haven't been called hot let alone pretty in a long time. "Thanks Alice" I said and gave her a hug.

"No problem, now let's go downstairs and get some junk food and some movies. We can order pizza of you want?" Alice asked. "OK" I said. We went downstairs and Alice ordered the pizza while I went and looked through the DVD's. They had like 400 to choose from, and all different types.

It took me a while to choose a DVD but I eventually chose three that I really wanted to watch and Alice came back into the living room, her arms full of lollies and chips. "Hey Bella, have you picked the DVD's?" she asked. "Yep, could we watch these three?" I asked holding up Wedding Singer, Billy Madison and Big Daddy. I love Adam Sandler movies.

"Adam Sandler?" Alice asked with a raised eyebrow."Hey! I love Adam Sandler, don't dis him" I said. "I was just wondering, I like those movies too" she said. "Where is everyone else?" I asked. "Um, I think Carlisle and Esme went out on a date, same as Rosalie and Emmett and Edward's in his room I think so it's just us three" Alice said.

"Why don't we ask Edward if he wants to join us?" I asked. "You can go and ask him, I'll wait downstairs for the pizza" she said as we walked into her room and she dumped the food on her bed. "His bedrooms on the top floor, first door on your left" she said. "Thanks" I said as I started walking up the stairs.

I walked up to the top of the stairs and knocked on the first door to my left. "Come in" I heard Edward's velvet voice say. I opened the door and walked into his room. I looked around his room. One wall was covered in nothing but CD's and books. His other wall had his queen sized bed against it and the other wall was nothing but glass.

The view from his window was breathtaking. You could see nothing but trees and there was a river going through the trees. "It's a beautiful view isn't it Bella?" Edward asked me. I gasped and turned around to find Edward behind me not even aware that I had walked forward. I looked up at him into his golden brown eyes. He looked back at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes.

I stopped breathing. He blinked and his eyes seemed to refocus. "Did you want something Bella?" he asked. I must've imagined that he was going to lean in and kiss me for a second there. "Oh, sorry, Um, Alice and I were wondering if you wanted to join us with watching a movie" I asked. "OK" he said. We walked out of his room, him shutting his door behind him and walked down to Alice's room. "Pizza arrived" she pointed to the box of pizza sitting on her bed. "Cool, what movie do you want to watch first?" I asked.

"Wedding singer. I'll put it on" she said. While she put the movie in her DVD player, I walked over to the bed and grabbed a pack of lollies and opened them, getting on the bed and sitting next to Edward who was already sitting on the side of the bed.

Alice walked back over and got her own bag of chips and settled herself on the bed.

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