《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Twelve




By lunch time, nearly the whole school has asked me what had happened, if I was alright, what happened to Tyler and so on. But no one asked me about Edward. It was as if they didn't see him next to me. It was as if he wasn't even there. It was weird.

Mike had asked me out again, saying 'everything will be alright, do you want me to make everything better for you?'. He could make everything better by pissing the hell off and leaving me alone. I mean come on, that was so gay. I wanted to slap him so much. I walked into the cafeteria, ignoring everyone who looked at me and went and filled up a tray with food.

I bought a pack of salt and vinegar chips, an apple, and a bottle of coke. "Bella, come sit with us" Mike yelled from his table. "Yeah, sit with us Bella" Jessica said. I shook my head at them and walked over to Edward's table. I sat down and opened my chips. Mm, salt and vinegar, my favourite."Hey" they greeted.

"Are you alright Bella?" Alice asked me. "I'm fine" I said again. Man, can't people stop asking me that same question? It's getting really annoying. "Good, because I was wondering if you wanted to come shopping with me and Rosalie this weekend?" she asked. "Shopping?" I cringed. I hate shopping! The last time I went shopping with Renee, she tried to buy me a pink dress, it was hot pink and looked like a dress a princess would wear.

Needless to say, that dress was hideous, and I never liked shopping to begin with so that put me in an even worse mood. She also tried to buy me lots of make-up. Which I hate. So no, I don't like shopping. "You don't like shopping?" she asked, appalled. "I thought everyone liked shopping" she said. "Not me, last time I went shopping, my mum tried to get me in a pink fairy dress, and I'm eighteen, that didn't go down well with me" I shuddered. That was the ugliest dress ever.

"And it was in hot pink. I don't like pink" I said. "I love pink" she said. "Yeah, her whole room is pink" Emmett chimed in. I laughed along with him. "Anyway, do you want to come shopping with me ad Rose on Saturday, or even better, you can stay the weekend, we can have a slumber party" she said. "OK" I said. Sounded like fun, I hadn't had a slumber party in ages. "You don't know what you just got yourself into. Alice can shop for hours non-stop" Edward said.

"Good thing I'm really stubborn then" I laughed. "Yeah, you and Edward are perfect for each other then, both really stubborn" Alice said. I blushed at that. Me and Edward? Alice continued talking, not noticing my blush. "We can go shopping, do make-over's, watch movies" she ticked things off on her fingers. "Hold up, make-over's?" I asked. "Yeah, not that you're not pretty, I mean, you beautiful, but its fun right?" she asked.


"Um Alice, look at my face" she did, looking confused as to why. "And?" she asked. "I don't like make-over's, that's why I never wear make-up" I said. When I had a make-over, Renee plucked my eyebrows, and I'm sure the neighbours heard my screams. I was seven and it hurt like hell. "Well, could I give you one anyway please?" she begged. "Fine" I said. "I'll ask my dad if I can come for the weekend" I said.

"Cool, here's our number, just get your dad to call us if he needs to" she said and handed me a piece of paper with her home phone number on it. "OK" I said. We spent the rest of lunch going over what we would do on the weekend, and what time I should come over. I would have my car back by then I hope. "Damn" I said under my breath. "What?" Edward asked. He wasn't supposed to hear that. "Nothing" I said. I just realised, I wouldn't be able to go flying when I was at their place. Oh well, I could wait for them to go to sleep. Or I could just go on the trip I was planning on another weekend.

"Oh, OK, the bell went by the way Bella, we have bio now" Edward said. "OK"I said and got up and put my rubbish in the bin. The bell must have gone when I was in my thoughts. We walked towards our bio class and when we got there Edward opened the door for me. "Thanks" I said and walked inside and to our table, taking my seat. For the rest of class, we copied notes of the board and talked since the teacher wasn't looking.

The bell rang and we packed up our books. "See you later Edward" I said as I walked out of the class room and towards the gym. "Hey Bella, why you hanging out with the Cullen's?" Jessica asked as she walked next to me. "Why wouldn't I?" at least they are nice and not judge people. "Because they're freaks, I told you that" she said. "Yeah, and I don't like people calling others freaks" I said and walked into the gym and to the girls changing rooms.

"Hey Bella" Emmett said as I came out of the changing rooms. "Hey Emmett" I greeted as I walked up to him. "So, who are you going to knock out this time?" he asked. I laughed. Last time we had gym, I 'accidently' hit Newton in the head. "Want to know a secret?" I asked. "Yep" he leaned in.

I stood on my tippy toes and leaned towards his ear. And then burped in it. "Huh?" he asked, a confused look on his face. "Sorry, I just couldn't resist doing that" I laughed. "Ew Bella, you're gross" he said and picked is ear. "Nah seriously, want to know the actual secret?" I asked. He grinned and leaned in.


"I hit Newton on purpose" I whispered in his ear. His eyes were wide as he looked back at me, but then is mouth formed into a grin. "That's a wonderful idea Bella" he said and then walked off. "Alright, gather round" Coach said. We all walked up to him and gathered round, nearly all the girls, checking to make sure their nails were not broken yet. "OK, we are doing dodge ball, any girls who are too chicken, go sit on the bleachers" he said. Nearly all the girls sat on the bleachers but me and three others. Chickens.

"OK, go grab some balls and get to your side, then start playing" he said. "Hey Bella, wanna team up?" Emmett said to me as we went to the sports shed and got some balls. I grinned wickedly. "Sure, I want to hit Newton" I said. He pouted. "No fair, I wanna hit him" he whined. "Too bad" I said.

"Fine, I'll get someone else. Aim for his balls though" he said. We laughed and walked out of the shed with four balls each. We all went to our own spots, and Coach blew his whistle. Emmett and I immediately started pelting anyone in sight with balls, getting them all out. By the end of the game, Emmett and I had won all the games, only getting out a few times. "High five Bella" Emmett said. I jumped to get his hand, since he was holding it up high. "Shorty" Emmett said.

"Fatty" I said in return. "Hey, I'm not fat, it's muscle" he said and flex his arm. "Whatever you want to believe Emmett" I smiled sweetly at him and went to change. I heard him 'humph' before he walked into the boys changing rooms to get changed. I laughed as I got changed. I put my bag on my back, and walked out of the gym. Mostly everyone was gone, so I headed to the road and started walking. I couldn't walk into the forest and change like I really wanted to because there was still cars in the parking lot and people could see when I took off. The longing to transform was still in my system and it wouldn't go way until I could fly. Been cramped in a room with humans all day, and not being able to transform was really hard.

I plugged my iPod into my ears and listened to moonlight sonata as I started walking home. I love the piano, and any classic music. Mainly guitar and piano. For five minutes I walked just listening to my music and the birds in the forest chirping and the leaves rustling then a car pulled up next to me. I heard a window roll down. "Bella?" I heard Edward ask. I turned my head. Edward was driving next to me in his silver Volvo, with the rest of his family in the car with him.

"Hey Edward" I greeted. "Why don't you have your truck?" he asked, saying 'truck' with disgust. I chuckled softly and turned to him, stopping walking. He stopped the car looked at me. "It's getting fixed in Port Angeles, Tyler ruined the back with his van so it's getting fixed, I'm getting it back in a few days so I'm walking home" I said. "Come on, get in" he said and motioned with his head to hop in the back.

"Um, Edward. I don't think there is enough room" I said, motioning to all the seats that were taken. "Oh, that's alright, I'll sit on Jasper's lap" Alice said and scooted over onto Jasper's lap. "Come on Bella, please?" he asked, sensing my hesitation. "It would make me feel better, you shouldn't be walking home" he pleaded with me. "OK" I said. I could always fly when I get home if Charlie is not there, or tonight. I got in and gave Edward the direction to Charlie's house ad he drove off. The car was very crowded, so I was thankful when we got to my house. "Thanks for the ride Edward" I said and got out of the car. I started walking towards the house when I heard the car engine cut off. I turned around to find Edward walking up to me.

"Bella, could I pick you up tomorrow morning?" he asked me. "Wouldn't the car be a bit crowded?" I asked. I don't think I can deal with that again. "They can take their own cars" he said. "Please?" he asked me. "OK" I said. Although I really wouldn't mind walking. "Cool, I'll see you tomorrow morning ok Bella?" he asked.

"Yep, see you guys" I waved to them all and walked inside.

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