《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Eleven




I woke up the next morning and took a shower, feeling refreshed. I walked downstairs with my bag and got a granola bar to eat on my way to school. I got in my truck and started driving to school. I must've taken my time in the shower because when I got to school, cars were already in the parking lot.

I parked my truck and got out. Something silver caught my eye on my tire as I closed my door. I went to the back of the truck to see what it was. Oh, that's why my truck didn't slide on the ice this morning; Charlie put chains on my tyres for extra grip. I was touched that Charlie had done that, not that I would actually get hurt if I did crash. Well, I would, but I would heal really quickly.

I felt eyes on me so I looked up and saw Edward staring at me from five cars down on my right. I smiled and he smiled back, but that look quickly changed into a dread and horror as I heard tire's squeaking. I looked to my left, and saw Tyler's van coming at me. I was stuck between the two, the back of my car, and the body of Tyler's van.

The urge to transform and fly away was so hard to beat down that my legs wouldn't move me out of here. I couldn't move in fear of transforming, and I couldn't do that, everyone would know. They would know my secret. I was frozen. I could either transform and let everyone found out my secret, or I could get hit, but people would wonder why I heal so fast, or I could run. This would be the most sensible.

The van was getting closer, and all of these thoughts had only taken me a few seconds to process in my fast mind. The best choice was running. So I ran. And I hope no-one saw me because I ran a bit faster than the average human speed. Tyler's van crashed into the rear of my truck, the bumper taking all the impact. "Bella, are you alright?" Edward asked. I looked at him confused.


"When did you get over here?" I asked. He was right in front of me that meant he had to have gone around the back of Tyler's van to get to me. "I ran behind the van" he lied. "You're lying" I said. He looked at me surprised. People were now starting to swarm around us, someone calling an ambulance, others getting teachers, someone calling the cops. Great, now Charlie will be involved.

"Come on Bella, let's go. Are you alright? Do you hurt anywhere?" Edward asked as we walked away from everyone who was crowding around Tyler's van trying to get him out. "I'm alright, I didn't get hit, how did you get around the back of the van so fast?" I asked. He was lying, what was he lying about though? That's what I want to know, what is he lying about? He could've gone around the back, but why is that a lie?

"I ran around the back of the van Bella" he said. "Fine" I said letting it go for now. "Bella!" I heard Charlie yell. He ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. "Are you alright? Did you get hit? Are you hurt? Do you want to press charges?" he threw questions at me left right and centre. "Dad. Dad! I'm fine, I didn't get hit and no, I don't want to press charges, and it was an accident" I said.

"OK, let's get you to an ambulance then, just in case" he said. "Dad, I'm fine, I didn't get hit, I don't need to go to the ambulance" I argued. "Bella please, for me, just in case" he said. "Fine, although there is nothing wrong with me" I said and gave in. I hopped into the ambulance and looked back at Edward.

He was talking to his family who all held expressions of concern except Rosalie, she held anger.


They closed the doors and I lay on the bed as they drove to the hospital. Why is it that Edward lied? He could've gone around the back, but he was lying. Why is this so confusing? He had a good explanation, a prefect one but it was a lie. Why is this bugging me?

What did he do then? Go in front of the Van? But it was hitting my truck, and I didn't see him run. Is he faster than me? I hate this! I'm just going to forget about this. When we got to the hospital, they took me to a room and told me that Dr Cullen would be here soon.

Edward's dad. And didn't they just check me over?

"I'm so sorry Bella" Tyler apologised again. Dear god, why did you have to put me in a room with Tyler?

"Tyler shut up, I'm fine" I said. But no, he kept on apologising. I turned my back to him, hoping he would get the hint to shut up. I heard someone outside the door chuckled before it opened and in walked Dr Cullen.

He looked nothing like Edward apart from the same pale skin and gold eyes. How can an adoptive family have the same coloured eyes and skin when they aren't even related? "Ah, Bella Swan and Tyler Crowley" he greeted as he walked inside.

"Dr Cullen" I greeted. "Bella, you have no injuries that need taking care of so here are your discharge papers, just sign them then you can go" he said and gave me a pen and paper. "Also it's nice to meet you, you're all Edward and Alice talk about" he smiled a friendly smile at me. "Nice to meet you to Dr Cullen" I blushed.

"Call me Carlisle" he said and walked over to help Tyler. I signed the discharge forms and handed them back to Carlisle. "I hope to see you again Bella, but under better circumstances next time" he smiled at me to show he was joking. "What's the time?" I asked him. "It's 10:30am" he said, looking at his watch.

It's still early."Am I allowed to go back to school?" I asked. "I don't see why not" he said. "See you Carlisle" I said and opened the door and walked to the reception room. "Bella" Charlie said and came up and hugged me. "Let's go home Bells" he said. "Can I go back to school?" I asked.

"I thought you would want to stay home for the rest of the day" he said. "No, I want to go back to school" I said. "OK, I'll drop you off since your truck is in Port Angeles getting repaired. It'll be back in a few days. Would you like me to pick you up?" he asked as we got into the cruiser and he started driving to school.

"No thanks, it's a sort walk home, I can walk, or I'll get a ride with someone" I said. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yep, I'm sure, I'll see you at home dad" I said and got out of the cruiser. "See you at home Bells" he said and drove off. I walked towards the office to go and sign in.

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