《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Ten




"So, what brought you to rainy Forks?" Edward asked me once we got into class and took our seats, waiting for the teacher to come in. "I just thought it would be good to spend some time with Charlie, my dad" I said, not totally lying. I had been thinking of spending some time with him but most of all I just couldn't handle it in Phoenix. I need freedom, not enclosed space like the city.

I need to be able to fly around without people watching me or me been afraid of people seeing me. Charlie works most of the time, leaving me free to do what I want. Which is mainly flying. I still have yet to fly to Italy. I think I will still put that off for a few years though. I been to France and Germany, I was curious after I done an assignment on them. But I didn't go to Italy or any other place in Europe. I might go to France again soon. It will have to be on a holiday though, Europe is further away from here than it was in Phoenix. But I could fly faster. I still don't know my fastest speed yet.

"Bella?" I heard Edward ask. "Yeah?" I said. "Are you alright? You just blanked out for a second there" he said sounding worried. "Oh yeah, I tend to get caught up in my thoughts most of the time sorry" I apologised. Like when I go flying, I can just think for hours and think. "It's alright, but you never answered my question" he said.

"What question?" I really must have been in my thoughts, usually I can multi-task. "I asked whether you were going to stay with him until graduation" he said. "Oh. Yeah, I'm staying with Charlie until graduation then probably going to college, not sure where yet though" I said. Maybe in France or somewhere different than Forks, not sure yet.


At that moment, the teacher came into class and told us to shut up and get to work, handing us out work sheets on cells in the body. We didn't talk for the rest of the period, the teacher telling everyone off who even looked at their partner. He needs to get laid, he's too grouchy.

I finished my worksheet just as Edward finished his too. I put mine upside down and got a book out of my bag. I pulled the bookmark out and started reading from where I left off. "Swan, Cullen, why aren't you working?" the teacher barked out. People looked at us, then back to their sheets muttering about how smart we are.

"We're finished" I said. The teacher grunted and went back to marking something on his desk I presume, while Edward chuckled. At what I don't know. But yet again, I only heard it with my super hearing. I read my book for a little longer then the teacher came up and collected our sheets, and the bell went. I packed up my stuff, and walked out the door. I started walking up to my truck but Alice came up to me and blocked my way. "Hey Bella, do you want to sit with us again tomorrow at lunch?" she asked. "OK" I said.

"See you tomorrow Bella" she gave me a quick hug and walked back over to her family and started talking to them, they looked so out of place in this parking lot with their Volvo. I got into my truck and started driving home. When I got home, I pulled into the driveway and saw another car there. I stopped my car and got out. I walked up the front door and opened it, walking inside.

"Hey Bells, Billy and Jacob are here, come say hi" I heard Charlie say from the living room. I walked into the living room, and saw Billy, Charlie and Jacob sitting on the couches watching to baseball game on the TV. "Hey guys" I greeted them. "Anyone hungry?" I asked. They all said yes. "OK, I'll get some snacks from the kitchen, back soon" I said and walked into the kitchen. Jacob followed me. "How was your day Bella?" he asked. "Good. Does your school get of early or something?" I asked. He would still be at school like I was, but it seemed like they had been here for a bit when I arrived.


"I don't go to school" he said. "Lucky you. Why no though?" I asked. "I have to look after my dad, it's pretty hard for him been in a wheelchair" he said and sighed. "Oh poor you Jacob" I said and went over to hug him. "Besides, I don't like school that much, and you stink Bella, you need to take a shower" he said.

"Hey! I don't stink, and I took a shower this morning" I said, insulted. I don't stink. "Yes you do" he said and sniffed my hair. He stiffened. "Bella, have you been hanging around the Cullen's?" he asked tightly.

"Yeah why?" I asked. Why would he ask me if I hang around the Cullen's? "Don't hang around them Bella, they are dangerous" he said. Huh? "Why are they dangerous?" I asked. "They just are OK? Don't go near them" he warned. "OK" I said confused. That only just makes me more curious. Why are they dangerous? What are they? I know they aren't human, no-one has pale skin like them, no one has golden eyes, no-one has cold skin, I could feel it from sitting next to them, the coldness.

No-one has super hearing like me. But what could they be? They can't harm me though, I know how to fight and defend, I'm curious. And who says I have to listen to Jacob. "Bella, Jacob, come on out here" Charlie called. I took our food and went and joined the boys in the lounge.

Jacob and Billy stayed for dinner, I cooked with the help of Jacob. Looks like he and cook to feed his dad. They left at around nine after watching some more baseball on the TV. "I'm going to go to bed early, night Bells" Charlie said. "Night dad" I said as he started walking up the stairs. I cleaned up the lounge, put the pillows back on the sofa, and done the dishes.

I hate waking up to a dirty house. By now, Charlie was snoring in his bed. I walked upstairs and got changed into a holey t-shirt, and some boy shorts, the usual thing I wear to bed. I walked to my window and jumped out. I quickly went for another fly around La Push, seeing more than one wolf this time, a black, brown and grey one.

I flew to the Cullen's house and looked down, the lights were on as usual, and people were walking around in the house. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, I flew back home and jumped back in my window. I hopped in bed and went to sleep.

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