《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Nine




I got home ten minutes after Charlie thanks to my slow truck. I love it but I wish it would go just a bit faster, I love speed. Oh well, flying can make up for its slowness. I got out of my truck and walked inside, the lights that Charlie had put on leading the way.

"Truck a bit slow Bella?" he asked. "Yeah, it's all good though" I smiled at him. He smiled back. "I'm just going to watch some TV then go to bed OK?" he asked. "Yeah that's all good dad, I'm just going to head to bed" I said. "Night" he said and walked into the lounge. "Night dad" I said and walked up the stairs to my room.

Should I go flying, take a shower or go to bed? I could take a shower in the morning; I don't need much sleep so I decided I'd just fly to kill some time. And hopefully by then Charlie would've gone to bed or at least turned the TV down. It was extra loud with my sensitive hearing. I walked over to my window and opened it. It didn't creak anymore since I had left it open to air out my room for a while.

I jumped out of the window, landing gracefully on my feet. I transformed and pushed off from the ground. I flew around Forks, seeing nothing out of the normal, but not really bothering to look properly. I flew around La Push, and saw that wolf again, it reminded me of Jacobs russet skin colour because its fur was chocolate brown.Why did that wolf remind me so much of Jacob? I flew back home, grateful to see that the lights in the house had been turned off. I jumped back in my window and hopped in bed, the cold breeze coming in from the window soothing me to a sleep.

My dreams that night were filled with glimpses of a brown wolf running through the forest. I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, confused as to why the hell I was dreaming about a wolf I saw when I was flying. I got out of bed and grabbed some clothes for today and walked into the bathroom.

I started the shower and stripped out of my clothes then hopped in. I took a quick shower, washing my hair and shaving then got dressed in a pair of jeans and a plain black top. I put my stuff back in my room and walked downstairs. Charlie had already gone to work as usual so I just poured myself a bowl of cereal and ate it.


I put my bowl in the sink and got my bag, then walked out to my truck. I hopped in and started driving to school. Great, another day of listening to Jessica and her blabbering. I might just sit with the Cullen's today if she insults them again, they don't deserve to be judge. I got to school and hopped out of my truck, just as Jessica came up to me.

"Hey Bella, what did you do last night?" she asked. Geez! I just got out of the truck. What did I do last night? I went to your home and stalked you! Not. "Nothing, I mainly just watched TV then went to sleep" I said. "Cool, Mike invited me over to his house" Jessica said. She's lying. Another thing about been a griffin, you can tell when people lie.

I don't know how, I can just tell. But why is she lying about going to Mike's? Is she angry because he asked me out? I don't want to go out with Mike, he acts like a Labrador. "Really? What did you guys do?" I asked going along with it for her entertainment. I really hate liars.

"He asked me to be his girlfriend" she lied. "OK" I said, thankful that the bell had just went so that I could go to class. "See you at lunch Bella" she said. I ignored her and walked into class. I really don't feel like sitting with her at lunch. I might go and sit with the Cullen's. At least they will be better than listening to Jessica and her blabbering chatter mouth.

By lunch time came around, I was starving. I really should've eaten more at breakfast; I only had a bowl of cornflakes. At the time I wasn't hungry, and I forgot to pack an apple. With my big appetite, I get hungry easily. I started walking towards the cafeteria, when Jessica came up next to me. "I really hate Edward Cullen" she said.

"Why? I thought you said you love him" I said. And she did, she thinks she is in love with. She's obviously crazy. "He's crazy, I asked him out again, thinking he had finally gotten it in his head that he loves me too, but he rejected me again. I hate him now" she said. "He's a freak, he and his family should go back to Alaska where they belong" she continued and my anger spiked.


"Bloody hell Jessica, he obviously doesn't want to go out with you, yet you still pursue him, the he rejects you, and you call him and his family freaks, again, and tell them to go back to where they came from" I said angrily. "Could you be anymore rude?" I asked and stormed off "Bella?" she asked as she ran to catch up with me.

"I'm not sitting with you today Jessica, until you can be a bit more nice towards people you hardly know, ever thought that they have feelings?" I asked and walked into the cafeteria. I grabbed a tray of food and paid for it, extra hungry now thanks to the anger I just let out.

I walked up to the Cullen's table, ignoring the calls from everyone else at my table, and the people who were all staring at me. Including the Cullen's who were staring at me wide-eyed and shocked. I walked up to them. "Can I sit with you guys?" I asked. "Sure" Alice said. They were still looking at me shocked. Has no one ever talked to them or asked to sit at their table before? Or do they just not like people sitting with them and keep to themselves?

"Thanks" I said and sat down on the spare seat next to Alice. Rosalie was glaring at me, sort of, and the others were just looking at me like I was some sort of alien. "What?"I asked taking a bite of my pie. I saw that their food had remained untouched. They scrunched their noses up in disgust. Don't they like pies?

This staring is starting to get a bit freaky. Does nobody usually day hi to them? Do they really keep to themselves? Maybe they just like their privacy like I do. At Phoenix, I kept to myself so no one would find out my secret. Maybe they have one too. Oh well, I won't bother them. Everybody has their own secrets.

"Nothing, just why did you come and sit with us? Not that we don't want you to" Alice asked. "Well, I didn't feel like sitting and listening to Jessica insult you guys anymore, so I came and sat with you guys" I said. "Plus I don't feel like going back and sitting with Jessica and getting a headache so can I please sit here with you guys?" I pleaded. "Oh, ok, sure, you can sit with us" Alice said and smiled at me.

"Cool" I said and took another bite of my pie. Yet again, their noses scrunched up. "Don't you guys like pies?" I asked. "No, we don't like meat, we're vegetarians" Emmett said and they all chuckled, either at an old memory or an inside joke. "OK, but why aren't you guys eating your other food?" I asked and gestured to the food on their trays that till remained untouched.

"Not hungry" Edward said. "Why did you buy all this food then?" I asked. Why waste money on to buy food that they're not even going to eat? "Dunno" Emmett shrugged his shoulders. "Because we didn't think that a bloody human was going to come and sit with us and ask us questions on food" Rosalie muttered angrily under her breath.

I wasn't supposed to hear that obviously so I didn't acknowledge that she said anything and continued eating my food. But I was surprised, she said that under human hearing, she shouldn't have even been able to hear herself say that. And what did she mean by 'human'? Are they not human? Or does Rosalie hate everyone and refer to everyone as humans thinking she is above them all? Are they something supernatural like me? They weren't lying when they said that they were vegetarians but I can't help but think it was an inside joke, not an old memory.

The bell rang for the end of lunch. "See you guys tomorrow" I said as I got up and dumped my food in the bin. I was full now. That mince and cheese pie was really nice. "Bella, do you want to walk with me to Biology?" Edward asked as he dumped his tray of untouched food. What a waste of food! Some poor kid in India would love that food! And he just goes and chucks it away. "Yeah sure" I said. We walked in a comfortable silence the rest of the way to Bio.

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