《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Five




By lunch time I was exhausted. I had been asked out heaps of times, all with cheesy pick up lines. "Bella, come sit with us" Jessica dragged me up to the lunch line and I got some food. I got a piece of pizza, some potato salad and a bottle of coke. I love food. And, I need it to keep my energy up, flying is very tiring.

Jessica dragged me to her lunch table and told me to sit down on a seat. "Hey Bella" Mike and Eric greeted me. I met them during my first two period classes; they were some of the ones that asked me out. "Hey" I replied and took my seat. I opened my coke and took a big gulp of it then took a bite of my pizza. "Wow, never saw someone eat that much food" Mike said.

"What? I'm hungry" I said. "I can think of something else you can eat" Mike suggested and waggled his eyebrows at me. "No thanks" I said. Disgusting boys. Bet they'd go running for the hills if they found out what I was. Or think I'm a freak.

The cafeteria doors opened and in walked five people. They were breathtakingly gorgeous. They walked up to the lunch line and filled their trays with food then walked over to an empty table in the corner of the Cafeteria. "Who are you looking at Bella?" Jessica asked. She looked where I was looking at and laughed. "Everyone, Bella's looking at the Cullens" Jessica said.

"What?" I asked. "They're the Cullens, that big burly one with the muscles is Emmett, you see?" she asked. I looked at them all. The big one had his arms around a blonde, who was sitting next to a person who looked like her twin brother, and he had his arm around a little girl who looked like a pixie and then a boy who was the last one, he was the most beautiful. He had bronze hair from what I could see and they all had pale skin.

"The girl he has his arm around is called Rosalie, she is a slut, then there is Jasper, he always looks like he is in pain, or he could be constipated, he has his arm around the little girl who looks like a pixie, her name is Alice, she's a freak and lastly there is Edward. God he is so hot, but don't try to ask him out, he doesn't date anyone here" she said angrily and sadly. Then she said under her breath, 'he's mine'. "They are all adopted but they date in the family, it's practically incest" she added.


What a fucking bitch! "Do you even know them?" I asked angrily. She and everyone else at the table looked at me. I saw out of the corner of my eye, that Rosalie girl looked murderous. Emmett was trying to hold her down; she looked like she wanted to kill Jessica. She's got no right to talk about people this way, she doesn't even know them. Can they hear us? They are all the way on the other side of the cafeteria.

"No, but you can tell, their whole family are freaks beside Edward, although he is crazy to turn me down on a date" Jessica said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world. "Maybe he doesn't want to date you because you're a bitch" I said. Everyone at the table gasped. Looks like no-one has ever stepped up to Jessica.

"I'm not a bitch, they're freaks" Jessica said. Not they're not, believe me, I know what it's like to be a real freak. "Whatever" I said, letting it go for now. "Denial" I said under my breath as I went back to my food. I looked over at the Cullens table again and saw they were all laughing quietly as if they had heard me say denial. Rosalie still looked a bit angry though. Can they hear us from over here or them laughing at something else?

Edward turned his head and looked at me. He had a look of frustration on his face. I studied his features. His jaw bone looked like it had been carver by an angel, his eyes were a liquid gold colour, his lips were red and looked oh so kissable and his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration.No wonder all the girls want him. He is handsome. They all looked nothing a like apart from their pale skin and their golden eyes. Who has golden eyes? I've seen people with red eyes, blue, green, and brown eyes but never gold. Weird. He looked away from me and I went back to eating my food.

I felt like punching Jessica for what she said. She has no right to judge anyone by their looks or family or whatever. I bet she loves to make up rumours. I bet she is only being my friend for popularity. I never gave a shit about popularity. Back in Phoenix I never had any friends. Renee was my only friend, but we grew apart and sometime fought once she had found Phil. I just faded into the background.


The bell rang and I got out of my seat and started to walk to biology. I arrived there just as the teacher walked into the class. I walked up to him and asked him to sign my form. "Welcome Isabella, you can sit next to Edward Cullen" he said and pointed to Edward. I walked over to the desk and sat down.

"Hello, I'm Edward Cullen" he said. "Bella Swan" I said and shook his hand. A spark ran up my arm as we touched. His hand was also very cold, like ice cubes. I ignored the shock thinking it was just the cold. Edward was going to say something but at that moment the teacher started class. He said these seats would be ours for the rest of the year and then he gave us some work sheets to start on.

I finished mine in twenty minutes and looked over and saw that Edward had already done his as well. "So Bella, how do you like Forks?" Edward asked me. First one not to call me Isabella. "Why didn't you call me Isabella?" I asked. "Huh? Oh, I just think Isabella is too formal, I can call you that if you like though?" he asked. "No it's alright, you're actually the first person I haven't had to correct" I said. And that puts you in my good books.

"So, do you like Forks?" Edward asked again. "Yes, I like the rain, and it gives me a sense of freedom" I said, not noticing that I had said that. Oh shit! I panicked for a second, thinking that I had said too much. "OK" he said. "Are you two done already?" Mr Varner asked. "Yes" we said together. I like the sound of his voice. It's beautiful. "Well, at least someone is as smart as Edward" Mr Varner said under his breath as he walked away from our desk with our papers.

I chuckled under my breath as did Edward. Maybe Mr Varner wasn't as quiet as he thought or else Edward has really good hearing. The bell rang and everyone ran out of class, eager to get out of school. Hell, I was too. I walked to the office and gave Mrs Cope my slip then walked towards the parking lot to my truck.

"Hey Bella" I heard Mike say from behind me. "Yes?" I asked, annoyed. I want to get home and go for a fly! "Are you doing anything this weekend?" he asked. "Yes, why?" I asked. He looked sad. "Oh, well I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me on Saturday." he asked. Again. Golly! Don't boys take fucking hints?

"Sorry Mike, I'm busy" Is what I said in fact what I really wanted to say was 'no I don't want to go out with you and I never will'. He looked really sad now. Too bad. "See ya Mike" I waved and then hopped in my car.

I looked over, feeling eyes on me and saw Edward and his family were looking at me. I backed out of the parking lot and started to drive home.

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