《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Four




I woke up on the morning with a weird feeling. It was the feeling of freedom. It felt weird but good at the same time. At Phoenix I never felt free. I couldn't go out in the day, because people would get suspicious. I had to go out at night when Renee and Phil were away or either busy. Here, Charlie won't hover over me like Renee does.

I got up and ran myself a shower. I showered then got dressed into my normal clothes. I walked downstairs and saw Charlie at the table eating some cereal. "Morning dad, aren't you supposed to be at work?" I asked him. "No, I got to leave in a few minutes, I just wanted to say have a good first day" he said as he finished his breakfast.

"OK Dad, see you when you get home" I said as I sat down at the table and started to eat my bowl of coco pops. "Oh and I forgot to tell you yesterday, i got a car for you so you don't have to drive with me to school" he said. "Wow, where is it?" I asked. Charlie bought me a car? Awesome. "It's outside. Keys are on the hook and I'll see you when I get home sweetie" he said. How come I didn't see it yesterday?

Charlie's cruiser pulled out of the driveway and I got up and put my bowl in the sink. I grabbed my bag and got the keys off the hook and walked outside, locking the door behind me. I looked around, trying to find the car that I obviously didn't see yesterday. I saw a red Chevy truck parked on the lawn that I overlooked when I was brining my suitcases in yesterday.


"Man my car looks nice" I said. I wouldn't usually like these kinds of trucks but this car is just perfect. It was a reddish brown colour, it had a bumper at the front which could do great damage to other cars and it looked clean as well. Well that's good.

I unlocked it and hopped in, enjoying the fell of the seat. It smelt like peppermints and I could still smell a bit of old smoke. Nothing air freshener can't handle. I put the key in the ignition and turned it on. It started loudly and since my ears are more sensitive than human beings, it bloody hurt. "Ouch" I said rubbing my ears.

I reversed out the driveway and started to drive to school. It shouldn't be hard to find in this small town. After driving around for ten minutes, I came across a sign that said 'Welcome to Forks High School, Home to the Spartans'. So this is the high School, I thought as I parked in a parking spot and looked at the buildings.

They were old, like the old Christian schools. Not that I would know, having never been to a Christian school but that's what they remind me of. I saw a sign that had office written on it pointing to a little building adjoined to the others. I walked up to the building and opened the door.

I was assaulted with a gust of warm air. I walked up to the desk where an old lady was sitting. No offence. "Hi Mrs Cope" I read her name tag. "I'm new here, could I please have my schedule" I asked. Her face lit up with recognition. Great. "Ah, your Isabella, the chiefs daughter, nice to meet you Bella, I'm Mrs Cope, here is all the things you will need for today" she said handling me a bundle of papers.


"Bring this sheet back to me after school and have all your teachers sign it, here is your schedule, and also a map to help you find your way around class. If you need anything, just come back here and ask me OK?" she asked. "Thank you" I said and walked out the door.

Holy shit! She seemed excited to meet me. A few more people had arrived by now, but not much so I went back to my car and hopped in. I sorted though my papers, memorised my map, I have a photographic memory sort of, and my schedule for today. I put my IPod in and turned on some music to listen to while I organised all the papers. By the time that I had my bag and everything organised, it was time for class. I hopped out of my truck, ignoring the stares that everyone was giving me.

I knew they were going to stare at me, but come on! It's getting annoying. It's times like this when I wished I could just run away and fly forever. I looked at the forest, longing in my eyes. >I could just skip the first day of school and go flying. No! I can go flying tonight. I reasoned with myself.

I could go flying tonight with the chance of no-one catching me. The bell rang and I walked to my first class. Trigonometry. Now, I am usually good in all classes, I took all advanced classes in Phoenix, and after school classes just so I didn't have to go home and listen to Phil and Renee, but I could never understand Trig.

I just don't get it. By now, everyone was making their way towards their first period class. The second Bella rang just as I was inside the class. I walked up to the teacher, Mr Varner, and asked him to sign my paper. "Could you please sign this?" I asked him as I handed him my paper. "Sure" he said. "Welcome to class Isabella" he said. "Call me Bella please" I said.

Isabella is WAY to formal. "OK Bella, you can pick a spare seat anywhere in the class" he said. I looked around at the seats. Most people were talking to their friends while shooting occasional glances at me. There was a spare seat in the back so I walked over there and sat down, putting my books on the table and bag under my desk.This is going to be a long day.

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