《Transforming into a Griffin》chapter three




I woke up in the morning and got dressed then finished packing the rest of my stuff.Today, I'm moving to Forks. Excitement bubbled in me and I walked downstairs to eat some breakfast. Freedom at last.

I quickly ate some breakfast and entertained myself until it was time to leave, which was hard because I was very bored. "Bella, time to go, you got everything?" Renee called out. "Yep" I said as I dragged my last suitcase down the stairs and out it in the car.

We hopped in the car and Renee drove me to the airport. We got my ticket and went and sat down on the plastic chairs, waiting for my call to board. "You know that you can come home anytime you want right honey?" she asked me.

"I know mum, I'll miss you" I said. "I'll miss you sweetie, I love you" she said just as my flight was called out over the intercom. "Don't forget to call or email me honey, you have your laptop and everything right?"she asked me.

"Yep, I'll call you when I get there mum, see you" I waved to her before I hopped on the plane. I really wish I could have flown to Forks. It would have been so much easier. Instead I had to sit on a crowded plane, with kids running and crying and a guy snoring next to me for four hours straight.

By the time we reached Seattle my bones were stiff and just begging for me to go flying. I got off the plane and went to the luggage claim, ignoring the want to go for a fly and stretch my muscles. I grabbed my suitcases and looked around for Charlie. I saw a guy in a police uniform with the same colour of brown hair as mine craning his head as if he was looking for someone.


"Charlie" I called to him. He looked at me. "Bella!" he called as he ran up to me. "Hey dad" I said he hugged me a bit awkwardly. "It's nice to see you again Bella, you've grown again" he said. I laughed. "Thanks dad, it's good to see you as well" I said.

"Is this all your stuff?" he motioned to my two small suitcases. "Yep, I pack lightly" I said. "That's good to know" he laughed with me and got my two suitcases. I followed him out to the cruiser and he put the suitcases in the boot. "Hop in" he said.

I hopped in and Charlie started the car. "So, how's Renee been?" he asked once we were driving. "She's good" I said. "And how are you?" he asked. "I'm good as well, how have you been surviving these past years?" I asked lightly. "Still healthy" he laughed.

For the rest of the ride we drove in a comfortable silence which I enjoyed. At Renee's you don't get much silence. It's either her talking your ears off or her and Phil moaning next door in the bedroom. "We're home" Charlie said as he pulled into a driveway and stopped the car. The house still looked the same just a little bit older. The paint was a bit chipped here and there. The walls were white and there were three windows facing out towards the road.

"You still have to same room by the way" he said as we walked up to my room and he put my suitcases on my bed. I looked around. My room still looked the same as it was last time I came. "That's cool" I said. I like my bedroom the way it is. "You can buy some paint if you want to paint it a different colour" he offered.


"No it's fine, I like it the way it is" I said. "OK, well, do you want some pizza for dinner or do you want to go to the diner?" he asked. "Pizza!" I said. I love pizza. "OK, just start unpacking and I'll call you down when it arrives" he said and walked downstairs to call the pizza place I assume.

I started unpacking my stuff like Charlie told me to. I put my toiletries in the little bathroom would have to share with Charlie. Great. At least in Phoenix I had my own bathroom. I unpacked all my clothes into my wardrobe and drawers then set up my laptop and everything else on the desk.

"Pizza's ready" Charlie called when I had just finished unpacking. "Coming' I said. I turned off the light in my room and walked downstairs. Charlie had a meat lovers pizza on the table and was already eating a piece. "Yum, I love meat lovers" I said as I took one piece in each hand and started to eat. "Slow down Bella" Charlie laughed.

"Sorry, I haven't eaten since this morning" I said sheepishly as I slowed down and savoured the pizza. We finished eating the pizza and put the rubbish in the bin. "I'm going to watch some baseball, you can do whatever you want or need" Charlie said. "I'm going to go to bed, night dad" I said as I walked over and gave him a hug. He walked into the lounge and I heard the TV turn on.

I walked upstairs and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I cleaned all the grime off me from the flight today then walked back to my room. I didn't realise my shower took so long because I could hear Charlie already snoring in his bed.

I walked into my room, closed and locked my door in case Charlie decided to come in. I put my things away and opened the window. I jumped out the window and landed gracefully on the mown lawn.

I took a deep breath and let the clean air hit my lungs. I transformed into a griffin, letting the tingly sensation take over my body. I flapped my wings and hit off from the ground. With my improved hearing, I could hear Charlie turn in his sleep. Thank god he didn't wake up. I flew around Forks, remembering all the good memories here.

The only thing that had changed was the old mansion that had been left to rot last time I came was now looking brand new and had people living in it. I flew down to La Push as well and saw that nothing had changed. I remember when Jacob and I used to play together when Charlie and Billy went fishing.I wonder if they still live here.

I flew back home and changed beck into my human form. I climbed the side of the house and hopped back in through my window. I hopped into bed and closed my eyes. I couldn't wait to start school tomorrow. It would be exciting apart from the fact that everyone would stare.

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