《Transforming into a Griffin》chapter two



A few weeks had past and Renee and Phil had only gotten louder and went at it for longer. I had to go for flights for often just to get the noises out of my head. Lucky I don't get tired that much. I could probably go one whole day without sleep maybe. I'm not sure.

Since I don't think they will be stopping their sexapades any time soon, I've decided to leave. I walked into the living room where Phil and Renee were snuggling on the couch. I'm glad mum found some happiness but come on! It's not nice to make me hear what you guys do at night.

My ears are sensitive and probably need to be bleached clean right now. "Um, mum, Phil, can I talk to you guys please?" I asked. "Sure" Phil said and turned off the TV. "What do you need sweetie?" Renee asked. "Um, I was just wondering if I could go and live with Charlie for the rest of my schooling." I asked gently.

Wouldn't want to hurt their feelings. Also, I wouldn't have to wait until night time to go out flying so no one would see me. There are only a few thousand residents in Forks I think. "Why would you want to go live with him?" Renee asked and if I'm right, she sounded a bit disgusted.

"Um well, you guys are a bit noisy at night" I said hoping she would understand.So noisy that you drive your own daughter out of the house at night. Renee and Phil looked a bit sheepish now. "Sorry Bella, you can live with him if you like but we'll miss you" Renee said.Doubt it; you'll just have more fun with me gone.

"OK can I go ring him now?" I asked. "Sure" Renee said. I walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone and dialled Charlie's number. His number was programmed into the phone.


"Hello?" a gruff voice that I recognised as Charlie's answered. "Hi dad" I said. "Bella?" he asked. "Yeah it's me dad, I was wondering if I could come and live with you?" I asked hesitantly.What if he doesn't want me to come live with him?

"Of course you can come live with me Bella, I would love you to" he said and I released the breath that I had being holding. "Thanks dad, when can I come?" I asked. "As soon as you want, you can book a flight now if you want and I'll pay for it" he said sounding eager.Looks like he does want me to come then. Wonder what he would say if he found out I was a griffin though, would he still want me as his daughter? I'll just not tell him, I'll keep it a secret like I always do. You can't trust anyone with a secret as big as mine.

"Thanks dad, I can buy my own flight ticket though and I'll tell you the details of my flight once I have my ticket booked OK?" I asked. "Sure Bells, just call me and I'll be there to pick you up" he said. "Thanks dad, bye" I said and hung up.

I walked back into the living room to find Phil and Renee in a make-out session. Gosh, they are acting like teenagers not been able to keep their hands off each other. I cleared my throat and they jumped apart.

"He said yes" I told them. "OK honey, would you like to book a flight?" Renee asked. "Yep, then I'm going to go pack, can you take me to the airport tomorrow?" I asked. "Of course honey, you know we'll miss you though right?" she asked.


"Yes" I said. Though you'll be busy keeping the neighbours up at night too. "OK, you can go back to what you were doing, I'm going to go book my flight" I said and went upstairs to my room. I booked a flight for tomorrow at 11am then I started packing. I packed all my winter clothes which I could use in Forks, my laptop, my toiletries and some money.

I packed everything into one suitcase. I pack lightly. It's easier that way, so I don't have to carry around a lot of things. "Renee, I have all my stuff packed and my flight leaves at 11am" I told Renee. "OK dear, I'll drive you to the airport" Renee said.

"Thanks mum, night you guys" I said and walked back upstairs into my room. I decided I would go for one last flight before I left Phoenix, just to say goodbye. I jumped out of my window, making sure that Phil and Renee were efficiently distracted with each other and landed gracefully on the grass.

I looked to make sure no-one was looking in my direction and I started to transform. A tingly sensation spread all around my body making goose bumps erupt onto my skin like always. The sensation wasn't at all unpleasant, it felt rather nice.

If anyone was looking now they would think they were crazy. A huge griffin on the back lawn of someone's house. At least in Forks there will be more privacy. I kicked off from the ground and flapped my wings. The wind ruffled my feathers and blew a nice breeze onto my face that I always enjoyed.

I flew around Phoenix, high enough that no-one could see me but I could see them with my improved sight. I flew around just remembering everything that has happened in Phoenix and committing it to memory.

I'm not sure when the next time I would come to Phoenix would be. It's sort of hard to live in big cities when you can transform into a griffin. I landed gracefully back in the yard and transformed back. Luckily my clothes never go off. They just turn into feathers than back to clothes. That would be so embarrassing if I had to take them off first.

I climbed up the side of the house and back into my room. I changed into my pyjamas and hopped in bed. That night, Renee and Phil were nice enough to let me have a decent amount of sleep without interrupting it.

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