《Transforming into a Griffin》Chapter Six




"Come on Edward" Alice said. "Coming" I said as I walked down the stairs. Why is Alice so excited to get to school? It's just like every other day, apart from the fact that the new girl is arriving today. From what I have heard in everyone else's mind in the past few weeks, her name is Isabella Swan, she is the chief of Police daughters, and she is coming from Phoenix. No-one knows whys though. Who would want to come to Forks by their own decision?

Everyone's mind has been centred on her for weeks. It's not often Forks get new people coming to town. "Hurry up!" she yelled impatiently. "Coming!" I yelled back. I walked into the garage and hopped into my Volvo, with everyone else. We got to school just as the bell rang, signalling it was time to go to class. "Thank you dear brother, now I missed out on talking to Bella" Alice said. "Bella?" I asked. "Yeah, she prefers to be called Bella from what I can gather from my visions, they a bit fuzzy" she frowned.

"Why are they fuzzy?" Jasper asked, concerned. "I don't know" she said. "Well, can you make anything out from the fuzziness?" I asked. Is she a threat to us? "I'm not sure, I'll try, see you guys at lunch" Alice said as she walked off to her first class of the day. "Edward, try to red her mind at lunch or if you have any classes with her, try to find out the reason that Alice's visions might be fuzzy" Jasper said.

"OK" I said. We all parted and started to walk towards our first period classes.

At lunchtime I had a headache. This isn't normal for a vampire. Normal for me though, with everyone's thoughts in my head. I met up with my family outside the cafeteria. "Come on" I said. We opened the doors to the cafeteria and walked up to the food line, and filled our trays with human food. Disgusting. We walked over to our table in the corner of the cafeteria, out of sight of most people.

"Who are you looking at Bella?" I heard Jessica's nasally voice. Looks like she got Bella to sit at the 'popular table'.I didn't turn to look at them no matter how much I wanted to, because I wasn't supposed to hear them talking from all the way over here. "Everyone, Bella's looking at the Cullens" Jessica said and laughed. "What?" Bella asked. Her voice sounded beautiful, unlike Jessica's. I can only imagine what she looks like.


Huh? What am I thinking? "Looks like we got a new admirer I guess" Emmett said. We were all silent, listening to their conversation while pulling our food apart so it looked like we were eating it. "They're the Cullens, the big burly one, with all the muscle's is Emmett, you see?" Emmett got a smug look on his face when she said this. Rose hit him on the back of the head. "The girl he has his arm around is called Rosalie, that's his girlfriend, she is a slut" Rosalie looked murderous when Jessica said that.

Fucking bitch! I'll kill her! She's the slut, not me! Rosalie cursed at her in her mind while I winced from her choice of words and mental images. "Then there is Jasper, he looks like he is in pain or else he is constipated, he has his arm around the little pixie chick whose name is Alice, she's a freak. And lastly, there is Edward. God, he is so hot! But don't try to ask him out, he doesn't date anyone here" Jessica ended sadly. And if I did, it wouldn't be you. "He's mine" she added under her breath even though we heard her. No, I'm not yours. Gosh, can't the girl take a hint? I've dejected her twenty times already. "They're all adopted but they date within the family, it's practically incest" Jessica added, disgustedly. By now we were all angry.

How dare she insult our family when she doesn't even know us! What happened next surprised us all though. "Do you even know them?" I heard Bella ask angrily. She's standing up for us? I looked around. Everyone looked surprised as well that a human was standing up for us. "No, but you can tell,their whole family are freaks besides Edward,although he is crazy to turn me down on a date" Jessica said. "Maybe he doesn't want to date you because you're a bitch" Bella said. Everyone at her table gasped while Rosalie laughed. OH yeah! Jessica is going down! Emmett thought in his mind. "I'm not a bitch, they're freaks" Jessica said.

"Whatever" Bella said, letting it go. "Denial" she said under her breath which made us all laugh quietly. "What's she thinking?"Jasper asked. I tried to read her mind, to find out what she is thinking but it came up blank, like she wasn't thinking anything. I looked over at her with a frustrated expression. Why is my gift not working on her? She looked at me and for a second I was stunned by her beauty. But then she turned back to her food.


"I can't hear her mind" I said. "It's like she's not there" I said. "What?" they all asked. "I can't hear her" I said again. The bell rang. "Try to figure it out if you have a class with her or something, we will talk about this when we get home" Alice said.

I got up from the table and put my food in the bin then started walking towards biology class. I walked into class and took my seat, mulling over my thoughts. Why is my gift not working? Is it just her? I can hear everyone else perfectly. The door opened and the sweetest scent entered my nose. It was lavender, freesia's and something that smelt a bit like lion and eagle. What the heck?

What human smells like an animal? Bella walked up to the teacher and asked him to sign her paper. He then told her to sit next to me. I was too stunned by her beauty to think about what he said. She was beautiful. He mahogany coloured hair, went down her back in natural curls, her face had no makeup on but it look a lot prettier than Jessica's.

Her face was pale but not as pale as ours, and her eyes were a rich dark chocolate colour. I felt like I could get lost in them forever. Her lips looked plump and kissable and I felt like kissing her. Huh? Why do I feel like kissing this girl that I don't even know. She's human too. But her scent smells, part human part animal.Why?

"Hello, I'm Edward Cullen" I introduced myself as she sat down. "Bella Swan" she said and shook my hand. As she shook my hand, a shock of electricity ran up my arm. I ignored it, thinking it was just a reaction from the coldness of my hand and because I don't think Bella felt it.

The teacher chose that moment to hand out worksheets for us to complete. I was done in thirty minutes and I looked over at Bella to see that she had just finished hers as well. Intelligent too. "So Bella, how do you like Forks?" I asked.

Maybe if she speaks, her mind will open up. "Why didn't you call me Isabella?" she asked. Um, think, think, think. "Isabella is a bit too formal don't you think?" I asked. "I can call you Isabella if you like though?" I asked.

Didn't she introduce herself as Bella Swan though? "No it's alright, it's just you're the first person I haven't had to correct" she said. OK. "So, do you like Forks?" I asked. Still nothing from her mind. She can't be not thinking. Everyone thinks."Yeah, I like the rain, it gives me a sense of freedom" she said. Why would she say that? What did she mean?

I noticed the panicked look on her face. "OK" I said. Her panicked look went away. Why would she be panicked about saying that? "Are you two done already?" Mr Varner asked as he came up to our desk. "Yes" we replied together. "Well, at least someone is smart as Edward:" Mr Varner said under his breath as he walked away with our papers.

I laughed under my breath. Only if he knew how I was smarter than him. I heard Bella laugh quietly as well. Did she hear him? The bell rang and everyone started going out of class. I got up from my seat as did Bella and left the room, going to the parking lot.

I took my time walking to my car. As I got there, I saw Bella hopping into an old beat up truck and reversing out. Before she drove off, she must have felt my eyes on her because she looked back at me. She then drove off.

I walked over to my family. "Did you hear anything?" Jasper asked. "No, nothing" I said. "Come on, let's go home and tell Carlisle about this, she could be a threat to us" Jasper said, getting into soldier mode. "i don't think she is a threat but let's tell Carlisle anyway, maybe he has some answers" Alice said. We all got into my car and I started to drive home.

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