《Our Everlasting Melody》Our Everlasting Melody (28)
The next morning, I was woken up five minutes before my alarm by a bloodcurdling scream.
I rolled right out of bed, not expecting this type of sound in the morning. I heard crashes and slams, and I really assumed that someone had broken in and was now attacking my family.
"Kyle!" I now heard Morgan shout angrily. "How hard is it to carry a box? Pick it up!"
I could hear her husband groan as he picked up whatever box he had dropped. I then crawled out of bed and toward my door.
"What the hell is going on?" I demanded, only sticking my head out the door because I did not want to have to deal with my sister.
Kyle shook his head. "She's been moody lately."
He was telling me. The last time I remembered her acting like this was when she had gone through puberty. That was a very tough time for the both of us.
"Kyle!" Morgan now called after her husband. "I love you!"
Of course she did.
When my phone started ringing back in my room, I let out a groan. I probably should have turned off the alarm before I got out of bed.
Leslie was coming over. We hadn't been had any time to hang out with just the two of us lately, so we decided that today would be a good time to reconnect.
Today was also the day that Kyle and Morgan were leaving. They only came for my show, but they spent the night and were now leaving in the morning. Honestly, I wasn't that upset, considering how moody Morgan was being.
I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. My mother had bought me vanilla cupcakes with pink frosting after my performance the day before, so I decided to have one.
Just as I was eating one of them, Morgan strolled into the kitchen. She looked at me and stopped dead in her tracks.
"That's going to go straight to your ass," she suddenly told me.
I looked around, as if to just make sure she was talking to me. With my mouth full, I said, "What?"
"That," she began again, pointing to the cupcake, "is going to go straight to your ass."
Honestly, I could have cared less where it was going. I just knew it tasted good and that was all that mattered.
When the doorbell rang, I nearly ran to go get it. Anything to get away from my sister and her mood swings.
I opened the door and gasped when I saw Derrick standing in front of me. "What are you..." was all I was able to say as he walked into my house without even being invited in.
"I want to say goodbye to my brother and sister-in-law," he answered, not even needing me to finish my question. "They weren't going to come by my house so I wanted to come over here to say goodbye."
As sweet as that was, he couldn't be here. If Leslie came and he was here, I didn't know what might have happened.
"No, you can't be here," I told him, looking around as if Leslie could have been there. "You have to leave, Derrick. Lesl—"
But I was cut off by a new voice that now screamed from the top of the stairs. "Kyle! Where are my shoes?"
I let out a long sigh. I just didn't get why my sister had been moody all day. She must have been PMSing or something.
"Is everything okay with Morgan?" the younger Smith brother asked as he watched his sister-in-law stomp up the stairs where his brother would be. "She seems..."
"I guess."
I merely shrugged. "She's probably just PMSing or something. No big deal."
Derrick made a face. "Alright then."
Another scream came from upstairs, causing both Derrick and I to jump. "Kyle!"
"I don't think I'd be able to deal with that once a month," Derrick sighed, shaking his head.
My eyebrows furrowed at him. "Imagine being the one bleeding from the uterus once a month."
Derrick stuck his tongue out at me. "I don't have a uterus."
"Sometimes you act like you do."
His eyebrows were the ones the furrow now. "What are you talking about?"
I shook my head, not even saying anything back to him. There wasn't any point I'm getting into any type of argument with him.
Before he could ask what I meant again, Kyle made his way down the stairs, a shoe flying after him and hitting him in the back. He only let out a sigh.
"Dude," was all Derrick said to his brother at first. "You're whipped."
Kyle hit him over the back of the head. "Shut up."
I now punched him in the shoulder. "And girls like it when guys are whipped. Though we wouldn't use that word."
Derrick shook his head and rubbed where I punched him. "What is this, abuse Derrick day?"
"When Derrick's being an idiot, yeah." I only nodded.
When we heard my sister begin to make her way down the stairs, we all shut up. We didn't want to anger her by talking. I was pretty sure we could have already angered her by breathing.
"Okay, Kyle," she sighed. "Let's go."
He didn't look like he wanted to leave, because that meant spending time alone with a pissy Morgan; on the road, and then back at home. And that was pretty scary.
Both of my parents were at work, so it was my—and Derrick's now, I guess—responsibility to see our siblings off. It was a bittersweet feeling, truthfully. Normally it was just bitter, but now that Morgan was acting this way, it was a little sweeter than anything else.
"I'll see you soon," I told my sister, hugging her tightly. "You're still going to come home and help me get ready for prom, right?"
"Are you still even going to prom?" she asked now, genuinely curious. "It's only a few weeks away and you're planning on breaking up with your boyfriend."
I went white. "How... How do you know about that?"
"I was bored, so I read your text messages," she shrugged, as if it was no big deal. "I saw that you were avoiding him. You also texted Blake that you were going to break up with him."
My stomach dropped. "I... I..."
"You're going to break up with Christian?" Derrick questioned. "You're going to get back together with Blake?"
"I... I..." What the hell was I supposed to say?
"You and Blake have been avoiding each other for months." Derrick seemed to be thinking out loud. "Even though none of us knew why you guys suddenly just stopped taking to each other."
Morgan rolled her eyes, as if it should have been obvious. "Because they only broke up a few months ago."
Derrick's eyes went wide. "What?"
Morgan now turned toward me. "He didn't know?"
I ended up slapping my hand over my eyes. I couldn't even say anything. Derrick now knew Blake and I had been dating longer than we said we had, and Morgan could tell he obviously did not know.
"I... I don't know if I'm getting back together with him," was all I was able to force out, not believing I was actually having this conversation. "But I am going to break up with Christian."
"Are you going to go to prom without a date?" Derrick asked me now.
I shrugged. "I don't know."
I knew Cassie would have killed me if I went to prom without a date, but I didn't even care anymore. If she didn't like it, she could have dealt with it. She was going to go with Sean, obviously, so she didn't have to worry about me.
"You could always go with Derrick," Kyle suggested.
Derrick and I looked at one another. We both stuck out tongues out at each other and said, "Nah."
Derrick was just too much of a brother to me. It was weird to think that we had even kissed before.
"Well, I want you to get back together with Blake," Morgan declared, acting as if her opinion was the only one that mattered. And right then, it kind of was. "But do whatever you want. I guess."
She looked at Kyle, as if expecting him to agree with her. He nodded and said, "Yeah. What she said."
The fact that Kyle was scared of his wife was actually pretty funny. Even Derrick thought so, since he then burst out laughing beside me.
Morgan now glanced at her watch. "Well, we better go," she now excused, stepping toward the door. "We'll see you guys in a couple weeks!"
She now turned toward the door and opened it. I was about to say goodbye to her until I was cut off with her continuing.
"Oh, yeah, I'm pregnant," she suddenly blurted, and spent no time waiting for any of our responses. She took off toward their car, dragging Kyle behind her. "See you guys later!"
Uh, no. She wasn't getting away that easily.
"Wait, wait, wait!" I called out, racing out the door and grabbing onto my sister's arm before she could get into her car. "You don't think you can just leave after telling us that, do you?"
Morgan shrugged. "I already told Mom and Dad last night."
Well, that made things a little bit easier. I thought she hadn't told them and was leaving it to me to do so. If I did that, my mother would probably thought I was the one that was actually pregnant and then I'd be dragged off to the doctor's where they'd prove that I wasn't in fact with child.
I practically yanked my sister back into the house, though made sure to be careful now that I knew she was carrying a baby. And that was really weird to think about. I was going to be an aunt.
"Nice job, man," Derrick finally congratulated, clapping his brother on the back.
"Nice job, man?" I repeated, not believing he had just said that. "That's all you have to say?"
He shrugged, as if he shouldn't have been expected to say anything else to his brother, who was going to be a father.
"Maybe you and Leah will be next," Kyle grinned.
I rolled my eyes. "Pass."
I thought about the time we had tricked our siblings into thinking we were dating. Derrick joked about having unprotected sex so I would get pregnant before Morgan. I knew that was going to come back to bite us in the ass.
"At least that explains why you've been so crazy lately," I laughed, happy that there was a legitimate reason my sister was acting this way. "I don't know what we would do if this was just how you were now."
"I really hope it's, like, a first trimester thing," Kyle sighed, and Morgan glared at him. "And a first pregnancy thing. I don't think I can handle this mood swings again the next time she gets pregnant."
Morgan's bottom lip quivered and her eyes began to water. "You don't love me!" she wailed.
Kyle looked like he didn't know what to say. It would probably be the smartest thing not to say anything anyway.
So Morgan continued on. "You don't care that I'm gonna get fat and get back pains and nausea and have to carry around your baby for nine months and then finally push it out and suffer all the pains of contractions and sweat and I won't let you take any pictures or videos until I'm all made up again afterwards and I—"
Kyle soothed his wife's hair to try to calm her down. "Shh. Shh. Everything will be okay."
"Will it?" she shrieked now.
I had never experienced my sister pregnant before, obviously. But so far, her mood swings were pretty hilarious. I just felt really bad for Kyle. At least I didn't have to live with her through this.
"We need to go," Morgan finally snapped, no longer sad, but angry instead. "Come on, Kyle!"
She stomped right out of the house, and with one last helpless look at us, Kyle followed her. Morgan really was lucky that she had a guy that was so understanding and loved her so much. I was sure not every guy would put up with being treated this way, even if it wasn't really Morgan's fault.
Only five minutes after Kyle and Morgan had left, the doorbell rang. I felt my stomach drop when I remembered who was supposed to be coming over.
She knew that my parents were gone all day, so she let herself in since the front door was unlocked. I had no time to shove Derrick out a window or something.
"Sorry I'm late—" a new voice now said, and I froze as Leslie came through the front door, stopping short when she saw Derrick standing beside me.
I just stood there. There was nothing I could do now.
"Hi," Derrick greeted rather awkwardly.
Leslie nodded and stared at the ground. "Hi."
"What are you doing here?" Derrick asked her now, looking right at her even though she continued to look at anywhere but him.
"Leah and I were supposed to hand out today," she answered. "You?"
Derrick gave me a look that seemed to ask me why I hadn't told him she was coming over. I felt like punching him again. I tried telling him, but Morgan had cut me off. That wasn't my fault.
"I just came over to say goodbye to Kyle and Morgan," he answered back.
Alright. This was uncomfortable. They hadn't even spoken to each other since they broke up months beforehand. Derrick had even stopped sitting with us at lunch because it was so awkward. And now, all the uncomfortable tension was at its boiling point.
Sensing this, Derrick turned toward me. "Leah, could you maybe... give us a moment?"
Give them a moment in my own house? I guess I should have been angry about this, but I really wasn't. If it meant getting them on speaking terms again, then so be it.
I spun on my heel and made my way toward the kitchen, where I knew I had left my phone when I had been eating cupcakes earlier. I was surprised to see that I had a text from Blake when I checked it.
I want to talk to you, the text said.
Of course he did. But I wasn't so sure if I wanted to talk to him. I was still dating Christian, though I wouldn't have been surprised if he knew that something was up. I didn't say goodbye to him before leaving after the show and I was barely replying to his texts.
Another text came now, saying, Call me?
I wanted to. But I didn't know if that was such a good idea. I didn't know what we might have said to each other, and I had to be careful because I wasn't single yet. I really didn't want to do anything that was going to hurt Christian even more.
But I called Blake anyway. I couldn't help myself. I wanted to talk to him; I wanted to hear his voice. And talking on the phone with another guy wasn't cheating... Depending on what we discussed.
Blake picked up on the first ring. "Hey," he greeted, sounding surprised that I had actually called him.
"Hi," I greeted back, since I didn't really know what else I was supposed to say.
I didn't know what we were going to talk about. Even when we had been dating, we didn't talk on the phone. I would just go over to his apartment and we would talk there. It was always so much more fun talking with him when I could see him and touch him. But I couldn't do that right then.
He asked me what was going on, and I explained to him everything that had just happened. How Morgan was pregnant and acting crazy, how Derrick knew that we had been secretly dating, and how Leslie and Derrick were now talking to each other in the living room while I was locked in my kitchen. And when I heard a familiar yapping in the back, I couldn't help but giggle.
"Snowflake misses you," Blake told me when he realized that it was the dog I was laughing at.
I couldn't help but smile. "You still call him Snowflake?"
I could tell Blake was smiling, too. "I couldn't change it. But I still call him Flakey sometimes."
"Of course." I rolled my eyes, but I just couldn't stop smiling. "You can't think of Snowflake without Flakey."
Blake and I both laughed. I could remember when we had first named Snowflake together. He was against the name because he thought it was feminine. I was against Flakey because I thought it sounded gross. Now I didn't really mind.
"I miss you," he finally said after we stopped laughing.
I couldn't lie to him. "I miss you, too."
I wished I didn't. If it was up to me, I wouldn't have still had feelings for him. But I did. And I knew that I did for a reason. If I wasn't meant to be with him, we both would have moved on by now.
"Come over," he suggested, and I wanted to. But that didn't mean it was a good idea to go see him at his apartment, where we would both be completely alone. "I want to see you."
"I want to see you, too," I told him honestly. "But I'm still going out with Christian."
"But you're going to break up with him, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am... But just because I'm going to break up with Christian doesn't mean I'm going to get back together with you right away," I informed him now. "I think I need some time for myself. I just want to be friends with you again first."
"Friends." I could tell he didn't agree, but he was going to do whatever pleased me. "I understand. We've been really distant from each other ever since we broke up."
That was my fault, and he knew that, but I knew that he wasn't about to say it. Really, we were both at fault for cutting off contact after we had broken up, but it was mostly my fault. I was the one that had wanted nothing to do with him, even though that really wasn't what I actually wanted.
I couldn't stop thinking about what people would think if Blake and I got back together. I didn't tell him this, because I knew he didn't like it that I cared about what people thought of us so much, but I still thought about it. I didn't even want to think about the names people might have called me, or how my friends were going to react.
Or my parents. In only a couple months, they couldn't control whether I was dating Blake or not because we both would be eighteen and legal adults. We didn't have to listen to what our parents had to say. That time couldn't come fast enough.
"Leah," Derrick finally called out from the other room, and I jumped because I almost forgot that they were even out there. "You can come out here now."
I didn't know how long they had been out there talking, or how long Blake and I had been on the phone, but that didn't matter right then. "I have to go," I told Blake now. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"Okay," he said back. "I love you."
I didn't say it back to him, but I knew he wasn't expecting me to. But I couldn't help but smile when I heard the words come from him.
I now hung up and made my way back into my living room. "I'm allowed in here now?" I asked them. "I'm allowed back in my own living room?"
Leslie frowned. "I'm sorry."
I shook my head. "It's perfectly fine," I told them honestly, and then noticed how close they were to each other. "I mean, it's perfectly fine if you two made up."
Leslie stared down at the ground, embarrassed. I took that as a good sign.
"We're not back together," Derrick informed me, and I immediately deflated. "But... we will be."
I nearly fell over. "What? Really?"
Leslie nodded and smiled. "But first we have to get to know each other a little more, you know? It's been months."
That was exactly what Blake and I were doing, and I couldn't help but smile at how everything was coming back into place.
But that smile quickly faded, because everything wasn't back into place just yet. I still had to deal with Christian, and I was sure Mona wasn't going to give up so easily.
I let out a sigh. I couldn't celebrate just yet.
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram if you haven't already! I post sneak peeks and when I'm going to update on them. :) I'm @MP13Girl on Twitter and McKenna_Mariee15 on Instagram.
How are there only seven chapters left? >.<
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