《The Unknown》Chapter 12


Pacing the floor I dial Raheem's number again and get the same result voice mail sitting down I try to breathe Raheem never came back with the boys and he's not answering his phone I knew I should have gone with them my phone rang and it was Davids number I quickly pick up the phone.

Pone convo

India love-hello Baby where are you and Daniel

David-we we with a man and we spent the night at his house

India love-it's we are and where does he live can you find some mail for mommy and give her the address

David-it's pine lake dr 5..1..2...3

India love-okay baby I'm on my way

Phone convo over

Grabbing my keys I walk out the door locking it walking to the car I hit the unlock button then press the start button and backed up the driveway heading to the address David gave me.

[1 hr 30mins later]

After what seems like forever I pull into the driveway behind a familiar car I get out walking to the door I look at the car once more before knocking a few minutes later I hear the locks being turned and the door swings open revealing Dave.


"Daniel and David bring y'all asses here and put these pants on".I yelled but not too loud because Ashley was still sleeping.

"No".They laughed and split ways I know they don't do this shit here with India turning the corner I see Daniel In the living room I front of the tv copying moves from the new edition movie.

"Boy come here".I said snatching him up he started singing.

"On a perfect day, I know that I can count on you".He sung over my shoulder.

"When that's not possible tell me can you weather the storm".I heard from behind me turning around I look down to see David twirling his hips making a circular motion I front of him with his finger causing me to laugh.


"Awe hell Nah where y'all learn this song from".I asked pushing Daniel up some more because he was sliding off my shoulder.

"Mommy listen to if every day almost".Daniel said I nodded I love women with a great taste in music.

"Aight cool but um".I started to say and ran after David still holding Daniel they both were laughing and when I finally caught David there was a knock on the door still holding them I opened the door to see a pissed off India.

"Mommy".The twins yell reaching for her and she takes them walking into the house closing the door I walk behind them.

"Y'all go get your things so we can go home".I hear her say as I walk into the living room where they were once they ran off she turned around.

"Wassup India".I said giving a head nod and she just stared at me.

"Are you serious you say wassup and you had me, kids, without me knowing".She yelled walking closer to me pushing my chest.

"Say man back up I was helping them out".I said pushing her back gently crossing my arms.

"Yea mommy".We heard and both turned to see Daniel standing right there.

"Why did you need to help them".She asked looking back over to me waiting for an answer I ain't gone lie a nigga lowkey scared right now.

"Yo kid's father was being mean as heck to the boys so I decided to take them with me".I said bending down to grab David since he was in front of me with his hands up.

"He doesn't need to be picked up".She said rolling her eyes.

"Say the Lil homie wanted to be picked up so chill out ".I said swinging him up so he's on my neck.


"Ain't that right Lil man".I asked holding my hand up.

"Right".He said giving me a high five I look to see India just staring at us.

"Anyways that man was not my baby's father but thank you for helping them but next time something happens call me the boys have a phone".She said going to sit down and that's when Ashley and Daniel ran in.

"Mommy I'm hungry".Daniel said as Ashley was walking down the stairs rubbing her eyes I held my arms out expecting her to walk into them instead she went to India laying her head on her lap and India rubbed her head.

"Do you mind if I cook something for them over here".She asked looking up at me.

"Uhh, yeah sure Ma".I said unsure her attitude totally changed but Ma still sexy as hell.

"Thank you".She said giggling as she picked up Ashley causing me to look at her confused.

"You're welcome even though I don't know what You're talking about".I said laughing pushing off the couch I follow everybody to the kitchen.

"You called me sexy but what do y'all want to eat".She asked looking through my refrigerator which is fully stocked a nigga might add.

"Chicken,wice,Mac &Cheese".The kids yelled out at the same time causing her to smile.

"Alright chicken, rice, and macaroni it is".She said pulling out everything as she spoke I just watched her walk around the kitchen till I felt something hit my leg.

"Stop looking at my mommy".David said causing India to laugh and shakes her head.

"Stop hitting David and go in the living room with your brother and Ashley".She says and he runs off.

"You too ill call you when the foods ready now go".She said pushing me out of the kitchen.

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