《The Unknown》Chapter 11


Finally making it to the school I parking and walk to the back unbuckling Ashley placing her on the ground I grab her diaper bag and close the door we start walking towards the school and as we're crossing the street this truck speeds up turning into the parking lot cause me to stop and look back at the man getting out I noticed he had indias boys must be their day.

Anyway, we walk in the school where there's a teacher handing out papers.

"Hi welcome Edwards daycare/elementary this is the schedule".She said smiling as she handed me a paper I smile back walking to Ashley's homeroom pushing the door open a book flew across the room causing me to stumble back so ash wouldn't get hit.

"Ash you see this shit, ".I asked looking at her she nodded causing me to laugh shits crazy its kids screaming and running from their parents.

"Everyone settle down".Mrs.brown yelled but everybody kept doing when they wanted kids kept running and screaming and parents kept talking.

"Aye be quiet dog I know y'all hear her say settle down so do that shit and I ain't gone repeat myself".I yelled Ashley held her ears so I put her down and she went to a chair which I'm guessing is her seat.

"Thank you Mr.Brewster". Mrs.brown said smiling I give a small smile and sit next to Ashley.

"Nigga yo ass ain't have to fucking yell my lady was talking".I heard someone say turning around I see this Steve Urkel look alike.

"Say homie chill out when that cussing man you don't see all these little kids in her and I don't care that yo girl was talking my daughter's teacher was talking to, ".I said as I colored the roof of the house for Ashley.


"Nigga ion give a fuck about these kids watch how you talk to my girl real talk".He said walking closer putting the crayon down I walk the rest of the way I lean in whispering in his ear.

"Let me tell you something the next time you cuss In front of my baby girl over there we gone have a mothafuckin problem ya heard me cause I got some heat for yo ass now gone bout to business".I said walking back over to Ashley sitting down.


Right now I'm getting my makeup and hair done so I can change when she's finished but it's been this girl that's been mugging me since I walked in.

"Tammy who is that she been staring at me since I came in here".I said mugging the girl back.

"Oh, girl that's ebony that bitch got a problem with every new girl don't pay her no mind, ".She said applying some lipstick looking over I see the ebony girl walking over.

"Bitch why the fuck you staring at me".She said placing her hand on her hip.

"Go back over there and sit your ass down".I said pulling out my phone to talk to the boys but it was smacked out of my hand.

"Who the hell you talking to new bitch".She said getting loud causing people to look our way laughing I stand up and push her back causing her to fall and get back up swinging I lean back and punch her in the face just as I was about to hit her again security came in grabbing me.

" Bitch don't let me catch you imma beat yo ass again ".She screamed as they took her away laughing I sit back down.


"Damn bitch you got them hands".Tammy said slapping hands with me as I sat down.

"Thanks but I'm not really a violent person".I said picking my phone back up to text the boys.


These kids bad as hell man but Ashley know better but anyway everybody on this big ass cafeteria for the lunch with the kids and I see Indias boys sitting with there dad so I get up and walk over to them.

"Wassup boys how y'all doing".I said hugging David and Daniel pulling away I see ole dude mugging me.

"We're doing fine".David answered looking over at his dad.

"Wassup man you got some nice kids".I said nodding as he just stared at me.

"That's not-gco". Daniel started to say before dude cut him off.

"Yea boys lets go, ".He said snatching them up.

"Chill out on how you pick them, kids, up and tell y'all mama I said wassup, ".I said looking at this nigga like he was crazy.

"Nigga these my motherfuckin kids I do whatever I want with they little ass".He said getting ready to walk away with the boys but I picked them up.

"They going with me homie".I said walking to Ashley getting all her things packed so we can go home.

"We going to your house".The twins asked at the same time.

"Yes, y'all coming with me to spend the night, ".I said walking them all out to my car strapping them in I walk to the front getting in I start the car and back out.




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