《The Unknown》Chapter 10


Things have been going okay I can say for the most part Raheem still pops up and spends the night after beating my ass the boys don't like him they stay in each other's room Raheem hasn't done anything to them but this is their house and the shouldn't be afraid to walk around anyways today is that father lunch thing.

"Mommy come on we need a new word on the board".David said running in the room getting up I walk to the room to see them with their notebooks out.

"Okay, the word for today is abhorred which means to hate or detest, ".I said writing on the board as the copied in their books.

"I want y'all to write a sentence in your notebook and read them later but after you're done hurry and go get dressed, ".I said walking out the room to my room I walk in the bathroom cutting the shower on since my clothes were already out I hop in the shower.

As I'm washing my hair I hear the door open it's probably one of the boys coming to ask for something and no they can't see anything I have a black curtain and it's closed but anyways I just continue to wash my hair till the shower curtain is yanked back causing me to jump I look over holding my chest.

"What the heck Raheem get out".I said trying to close the shower curtain but he held it backstepping inside.

"You know you want me in here with you India stop playing, ".He said gripping my hips kissing my neck pushing his hands down I began to get out of the shower until he grabs me pulling me back in.

"Would you just stop Raheem gosh".I said getting irritated.


"Nah but you gone give me what I want".He said pushing me into the wall slamming into me from the back.


Right now I'm getting ready to go to Ashley's school slash daycare I would call it I just wanted to go for ash since they having this father lunch I guess they doing it different from last year.

"Da-da Da-da".I hear ash yelling get closer to my room I don't answer cause I know she coming so I just wait till she finally showed up

"What princess".I asked picking her up she grabbed my face.

"Kissy".She said I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and put her down cause I got to make her diaper bag I walked in her room and it had dolls everywhere.

"Ashley come here".I yelled finishing up her diaper bag I hear tiny footsteps walking toward the room.

"Ya".She said.

"Ya, my ass girl pick these up".I said laughing helping her pick up the dolls.

After we were done I picked her up walking out the house locking the door I walk to the car opening the back door putting her in the car seat I buckle it closing the door I get in the front start the car backing out.


Right now the boys are putting on their shoes I have to go to work after I drop them off.

"Boys hurry up or we're gonna be late".I yelled from the living room.

"Say I'm taking them to that Father's Day thing".Raheem said walking into the living room causing me to look up at him he must be crazy if he thinks he's taking my kids anywhere.

"Um I think not they don't need you to go with them, ".I said with confidence tilting his head he stares at me before quickly walking over to me grabbing me by my neck squeezing it.


"Bitch I said I'm taking them niggas so don't say shit else ight".He said lifting me off the ground I try to pry his hand from around my neck noticing that it was no use I just try to hold myself up with his wrist.

"Hey put my mommy down".Daniel said throwing punches to Raheem's leg causing him to push him away Daniel fell and David ran up.

"Don't touch my brother bad man".David said kicking him and he did the same thing I slapped him hard which made him glare at me.

"Bitch don't ever put yo hands on me again".He said slapping me then he let me go I drop to the floor on my knees rubbing my neck as the boys come over and hug me David pushes some hair out of my face.

"Mommy okay".He asked I nodded smiling I try to straighten up.

"I'm fine baby but take your phones so you can call me if anything happens okay you remember whose number it has, ".i said standing up I walk to the drawer in there room I take the small touch screen phones out handing each one to them.

"Yes yours, papas, uncle abél and 911".Daniel said putting the phone in his book bag.

"Okay good and all the numbers are on speed dial who's number is what David, ".I asked since Daniel told me who's numbers where in the phone.

"One is yours 2 is uncle abél 3 is papas and 4 is 911". David said I nodded I'm so proud of them for being so smart and thankful they learn quickly.

"Alright go with Raheem just don't talk to him and call me as soon as anything happens okay I love you, ".I said kissing both their foreheads as they left I left as well today is gonna be a long day I hope the boys will be alright they know how to call if there's an emergency.




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