《The Unknown》Chapter 9


Right not I'm making Ashley something to eat while she watching tv just as I got to the fridge to get her fruit out there's a knock on the door walking out the kitchen I see ash running well wobbling to the door I run up behind her picking her up I kiss her cheek opening the door there's a man in a grey suit

"Can I help you sir".i asked holding the door open

"You've been served".he said handing me an envelope then walking away closing the door I walked back to the living room sitting ash down walking back to the kitchen to get her food

*Picture of food*

After getting her settled I picked up the envelope pulling the paper out reading over it just to make sure a nigga reading it right I read over it again this bitch done lost her mind

"Ash go put your shoes on we going somewhere".i said grabbing my phone and keys off the table

"Ash lets go baby girl".i said she came back with flip flops on picking her up I sit her in the car seat buckling her up going over getting in the car backing out


Sitting on my bed was my abusive ex Raheem holding the twins who were just playing with his chains

"I I how did you get in my house".i said fumbling over my words trying to move closer

"Stop fucking moving India you know I'll beat yo ass now let me holla at you ".he said sitting the boys down walking over to me

"Hey babies want to watch spongebob".i asked putting on a fake smile walking around Raheem

"Yes!". They scream at the same time I cut it on walking out the room with Raheem behind me when I closed the door he grabbed my hair dragging me to the guest room throwing me on the bed slamming the door locking it


"So you thought you could leave and I wouldn't find you".he asked walking closer with every word causing me to back up on the bed till I felt my back connect with the headboard

"What did you expect me to do you beat me all the time while I was pregnant".i said with confidence that quickly went away when he slapped me tasting blood on my lip I sat quietly

"Bitch if you did what the fuck I told you to do then I wouldn't have beat yo ass".he said pacing back and forth

"You don't own me Raheem you can't just expect me to do whatever you want it doesn't work like that anymore".i said standing up he stopped walking turning his head towards me

"Bitch you been mine don't forget that shit you'll forever be mine".he said looking straight into my eyes mumbling I turned my head away

"What Bitch speak up!?".he questioned grabbing my chin tightly making me look at him

"Nothing".i said with tears in my eyes


Pulling up into Biancas driveway I get out the car opening the back door I unbuckle Ashley putting her on the ground grabbing her hand walking up to the front door I knock stepping back I hear the locks turn when the door opens I push past Bianca walking to the living room I sit down

"What the hell David".she said walking in the living room with a confused expression

"Fuck that shit Bianca is you stupid or is yo ass fucking stupid why the hell you got niggas coming to my house and you want full custody man please". I said scrunching up my eye brows while turning my lip up

"Dada no bad word".ash said closing my lips with her hand


"Sorry baby girl go to your room if you have one".i said kissing her forehead putting her done she took off to the back

" I see they finally gave you the papers took them long enough".she said smirking while crossing her arms it's taking everything in me not to kill this bitch man

"Fuck you smirking for Bianca don't play like I don't have bitches at the trap to beat your ass one by one".i said staring right at her rolling her eyes she laughed walking over to the other couch

"You think I'm scared dave".she asked she didn't even have to tell me I know she scared

"Yo B I'm not playing dog go tell them people you changed your mind cause you not getting full custody of my baby".i said running my hands down my face I'm really stressing right now I don't wanna have my girls at the trap beat her ass on spot everytime but it will happen

"That's the problem you think she's only yours I birthed her I'm here damn mama so no I won't go tell them that bullshit".she said raising her voice causing me to stare at her blankly

"Bianca you ain't never did shit for Ashley so how the hell are you a mother if anything I'm Ashley's mother and father and I will continue

to be till you get your shit straight".i said standing up walking to the back to get Ashley


Right now I'm laying in the bed watching CSI Miami while Raheem is in the bathroom yes he's still here I tried to get him to leave but it resulted in this

Being knocked out of my thoughts the door slowly slides open and the boys peep In like they're afraid they then ran and climbed on the bed

"Mommy can we sleep with you". Daniel asked looking back then at me just as I was about to answer Raheem came out

"Nah lil nigga not tonight".he said wiping his neck with the towel

"Don't talk to my babies like that do and say whatever you want to me but don't ever speak that way to them".i said getting out of the bed grabbing the boys caring them to their rooms

"Sleep with mommy tomorrow okay".i asked putting them down they nodded walking to their room on each side of me I walked back to my room closing the door

Turning around I felt a hand connect to my face causing me to fall back onto the door I grab the door knob as I fell

"Get your ass in the bed".he said walking to the bed I get up and do the same staying far away as possible but he pulled me close




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