《The Unknown》Chapter 8


Right now I'm having a good time watching India struggle to get out of my lap and after a while she finally stopped resisting

"So what you been up to Ma".i asked as she turned her head I mean I know she blushing but I ain't gone call it out...fuck that I am

"I see you blushing baby".i said kissing her neck as she wiggles on my lap

"First off I'm not your baby so don't be kissing my neck like you my man and nothing much just been taking care of my kids what about you".she said turning around in my lap

"Been taking care of baby girl and doing some music nothing to drastic".i said rubbing my chin hairs as I licked my lips a nigga can't lie India is beautiful

"Awe where is she I loved her she was so pretty".she said and I noticed as she talked about Ashley her eyes lit up

"You didn't even hold or talk to her and she at Ma dukes house till I leave here".i said smirking causing her to mush my head back a nigga lowkey thought his neck was broke

"So I still looked at her but I gotta get going".she said standing up fixing her clothes grabbing her keys walking to the door I grab her waist to stop her

After having a little chat with Dave I decided it was time to go to my brothers studio room and speak before I went and got the boys gathering my things I head for the door I felt his hand grip my waist stopping I turn around

"What you doing this weekend".he asked smiling staring at him for a while he looks more and more familiar snapping me out of my thoughts he speaks


"Hello you still there baby".he said rubbing the small of my back shaking my head I laugh cause I know he's not gonna give up

"My kids have sports all this week so I won't have much time to do anything".i said fixing my purse on my shoulder

"Great me and Ashley will be there".he said letting me good but I still looked at him I didn't know he had a girlfriend

"That's really disrespectful to your girlfriend to be all up on me".i said and to think I was beginning to like him

"Woah woah woah chill out mane Ashley is my daughters name".he said waiting for my reaction

"Oh um yea so okay see you then".i said awkwardly

"Wait I need your number Ma".he said turning around I say it quickly

"(***)******* if you didn't catch it then that's your loss".i said walking out texting abél asking his studio number and once I got it I headed off to his room

"What took you so long".he said getting up to hug me

"I went into the wrong room".i said leaning back in the chair I was in as he stared at me

"Yea okay but anyways mama is having a family dinner tomorrow and you're coming".he said shaking my head I sit up with my arms on my knees and look at him

"I don't curse often but read my lips hell no fuck her I ain't coming".i said and leaned back into my chair

"India just give her a chance she's changed okay you'll see".he said grabbing my hand rubbing it I turn my face to the side blinking away tears he knows what she's done and wants me to make it right

"She hasn't changed I'll come to the dinner so the boys can see daddy".i said he nodded with a smile causing me to smile looking at the time I notice I have thirty minutes to go pick up the boys


"Hey I got to go pick up the boys text me the time".i said hugging him he nodded pushing me out the door


Right now I'm standing outside waiting on the boys with the other parents they should be out at any min-Diiing well I guess they're getting out now I see all the other students running out to their parents but I didn't see my boys walking into the school directly to their home room walking in

"Um Amanda where is David and Daniel".i asked looking around the empty classroom smirking she walks over to me

"Someone already came to get them but let's talk about us baby".she said rubbing the small of my back

You see me and Amanda had something going on before the boys started going to school here it didn't last long because I broke it off because I found out she was the boys teacher and I didn't want her to treat them better than the other baby's don't get me wrong she was a great girlfriend

"Who came to get them and stop touching me".i said pushing her back slightly licking her lips she nodded

"CJ got them but I'll be over your house later on be ready".she said walking back over to her desk putting a sway in her hips shaking my head Smiling I walk out to my car calling CJ

•Phone Convo•

Badbitch~hello bitch what you want

Indialove~where my baby's boy they teacher said you had them I'm on my way

Badbitch~India I do t have the boys I'm out on a date

Indialove~I'll call you when I make it home bye

•Skips car ride•

Finally making it home I quickly get out of the car unlocking the door to my house calling the boys names they've had my dad pick them up and be here without telling me before walking around the house I hear a noise In my room pushing the door open I saw someone I didn't expect to see



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