《The Unknown》Chapter 13


As I'm cooking I hear the kids in the living room laughing along with Dave causing me to smile.

"Mama help!". Daniel yelled laughing I run into the living room and jump on Dave's back as he falls back on the couch squishing me.

"Help twins".I shout and I feel the extra weight knowing the twins had jumped on him.

"I help".I hear a voice say I look over and see Ashley.

"Yes, baby help".I said pulling her over and she climbed on top of Dave with the help of the twins.

"Awe baby girl you switched up on daddy that fast".Dave said tickling Ashley as the twins and I laughed they were getting heavy though.

"Aye y'all gotta get up now I'm only so big".I said tapping Dave's leg he grabbed the kids and got up I went back in the kitchen to finish the food.


Watching India walk back into the kitchen I turn back around to see the boys looking at me with their arms crossed Ashley looked over and copied them causing me to smile.

"What were you doing Mr.Dave".The twins asked at the same time shit was creepy as hell.

"I thought uhh I thought your mama had um you know fur on her backside".I said trying to quickly come up with a lie which is hard for a nigga since I haven't lied sing it was 15.

"Oh okay, Mr.Dave". Daniel said smiling and they jumped on me feeling a knee in my stomach it caused me to let out a groan.

"Ouchy dada". Ashley said covering her mouth rubbing my stomach.

"Yes, daddy got hurt".I said thinking it would be fun to see how far she goes.

"Broke dada".She asked her eyes got big and she started pouting.


"What's wrong princess".I asked rubbing her hair back I noticed I need to find someone to do her hair so she can be as beautiful as I know she can.

"Cwuse dada hwrt ".She said trying to rub away the tears that started falling.

"Why she crying Mr.Dave".David asked walking into the living room form the kitchen I didn't even notice the boys left.

"She thinks I'm hurt but I'm good".I said bouncing her on my leg hoping that would get her to stop crying.

"Come on baby sister ".He said taking her off of my lap he strong as hell to be holding her up wait did he say, baby sister.

"Hey, why you call her that".I asked getting his attention.

"Because me and my brother always wanted a little sister".He said looking into the kitchen I guess to make sure India isn't listening but she was to busy holding Daniel up to the plate of food.

"Oh well ight then Ashley can be y'all baby sister".I said rubbing his head he looked up and smiled at me.

"Okay guys time to come eat".India yelled from the kitchen I picked up Ashley and held Davids hand walking to the kitchen.


After I told everybody the food was done we all sat at the table and Dave started eating I looked over and David was already looking at him I look over at Daniel and he's "quietly" trying to tell Ashley not to eat before she prayed.

"What are you doing Mr.Dave".Daniel asked causing Dave to look up and around the table seeing that's no one else was eating.

"Wassup why y'all not eating". He asked putting his fork down.

"Cause Daddy we didn't pray".The twins said at the same time laughing causing me to look at them in shock but Dave was more stunned.


"Boys that's no-".I started to tell them he's not their father but he cuts me off.

"It's cool India and sorry boys who gone pray then".He asked looking directly at me.

"Dada I". Ashley said smiling.

"Okay baby girl even though you don't know how to speak".He said causing the rest of us to laugh.

"Dhrbfk skdnfbf jddjdje men".She said I laughed because of the face Dave and the boys were making at her.

"Good job baby girl".i said kissing her cheek she clapped and started picking up food

"So Dave what do you do". I asked scooping up a little mac&cheese waiting for his answer.

"I'm a rapper I used to trap also but I ain't been there in forever".He said guiding Daniel and David who were trying to help Ashley eat.

"Well, that's interesting I-".I began to continue the conversation but the doorbell ringing cut me off.

"I got it y'all keep eating".He said pushing his chair back.


In the middle of my conversation with India, the doorbell rings I wasn't expecting anybody because first oh all they ass didn't call but I get up to get it anyway unlocking the locks I twit the doorknob stepping back to see Bianca.

"Say man what the fuck you doing son".I asked glaring at her.

"I came to get my daughter my parents want to see her".She said scratching her arm watching her I snatch her arm out and look at all the needle marks.

"Is you fucking crazy my nigga bringing your ass here thinking I was actually gone let my baby girl go with you".I yelled in her face with my gift balled up at my side I really want to hit the bitch right now.

"She's my daughter to nigga and who's car is that in the driveway you got a bitch around my daughter".She yelled trying to look inside my house after she said that I heard footsteps coming up behind me letting me know some shit was finna go down.




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