《Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!》Chapter 12
New chapter! :)
Just wanna say thanks to everyone who voted, commented and those who read this story! :D I really didn't think loads of people would, so thank you! it means a lot! :D
Hope you enjoy! :)
- 20/05/17
I jolt awake gasping, sitting upright in bed, my eyes wide and watery.
No, no, no......not again....
I thought these nightmares went. I thought they went a year ago.
But no. they've come back. And I have no idea why.
I squeeze my eye shut shaking my head to try to get rid of the images that have crept up from my dreams, well nightmare I would say.
I let out a deep sigh glancing over at the clock to see its only 3:00am.
I groan internally and pull the blanket off my bed and wrap it around myself as I climb out of bed.
There is only one person I know that helps these nightmares to go away.
These nightmares that started two years ago, after my dad died. I kept picturing him in my dream, different horrible ways that he could have died and then saw his crumbled, broken, bruised body.
But, of course that's just my imagination. From what I was told. He was a fire fighter and died while doing his duty, saving people from a train wreck that was in a tunnel and never came back out. He got trapped and then eventually the ceiling of the tunnel collapsed onto him and three other fire fighters and even some passengers he was trying to save, none of them survived.
I shake my head again as I hold the blanket around me tighter and open my bedroom door quietly and pad along the dark corridor to the door next door.
The only person I know that helps me to get back to sleep after I get these nightmares. The person who I feel really understands.
My twin.
I open his door a crack and quietly slip in closing it behind me and I'm now surrounded by darkness and I blink adjusting my eyes to it and see the lump in the double bed across the room and hear his soft breathing.
I tip toe across his room to the bed to see my twin sound asleep.
I kind of feel bad that I'm doing this, and haven't done for about half a year but I know it will help me get back to sleep and have no more bad dreams.
I pull up the bed covers and slip under them with my blanket tightly around myself and wiggle further under curling my knees up into a ball.
"Lexi?" I hear him mumble groggily and in response I nod slightly.
He doesn't say or do anything for a moment. Probably thinking what the hell I'm doing. But then realises as he sighs and strokes my hair soothingly, like he used to when we were little, then turns on his side facing me and squeezes my hand gently as I feel my body drifting back into sleep.
And the only thought I have is that, I wish my dad was still here.
Urgh! I hate this stupid skirt!
I glare at the stupid piece of fabric that might as well be considered a bloody belt at how short it looks on my legs! I hate skirts! No. I hate anything short!
And to make matters worse, they don't do trousers for girls! Like what the hell. Surely that's sexist or something.
I groan as I tug down the dark green/blue chequered skirt, making it come to a little below my thighs, it's still too short though for my liking.
I glare at it again in the mirror and yank my bag up from the floor and walking out my room mentally wishing somehow they would mysteriously grow into trousers.
Our old school was great. We didn't have uniforms and could wear whatever we wanted. So me being me, worse jeans all the time pretty much. So now wearing a skirt is something I really do not appreciate.
I shake that annoyed thought away as I tug on the big black zip uo hoodie, that just so happens to belong to a certain older brother.
I walk down the stairs and a sly smirk creeps up onto my face as I recall what I did as pay back to my brothers.
Haha they are sure going to get a shock! And it's all thanks to me and Seth as the lovely twin he is helped me out on my revenge and he didn't have any part of the incident yesterday.
It' earlier than usual that I am up as we woke up earlier in order to do what was needed, so as I walk into the kitchen, it's only Seth and mom down here and I smirk at Seth.
I smile at mom as I take a seat at the table opposite Seth and the smirk returns as I grab a piece of toast, I can't wait to see their faces, or hear them!
I take a bite of the toast and glance at the clock, only a few more minutes.
I laugh internally at what we've done. It's mostly just childish pranks, but with twists.
The poor sods that are the victims are Chris, Evan and the two twins Joe and Jack. Yeah I know, not many but those were the ones who have planned the whole thing.
I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and the usual arguing and bickering from our younger siblings and smirk awaiting to hear the swearing from the older ones.
As if on cue, a yell comes from upstairs, followed by a string of swear words.
"LEXI!" Chris yells angrily from up the stairs and I splutter on my laughter.
I head his thudding footsteps coming down the stairs and glance to the kitchen door to see him storming through, fuming, narrowing his eyes onto me ..oh and covered in a tinge of purple.
I might have but kool aid in the shower, knowing he was going to take one, like he always does, and it's kind of stained him. Oh but the worse part for him is that he absolutely hates the colour purple and can't stand it. I have no idea why he does though, he's strange.
I can't help but burst out laughing along with Lee, Cory, Seth and Blake who's come down now.
"You" Chris growls clenching his jaw glaring death stairs at me.
I raise an innocent eyebrow "Me?" I say as if to say I have no idea what you're talking about.
His eyes practically turn red and looks ready to tackle me to the ground, but mom cuts in.
"Chris go clean up or you'll be late for school." She frowns at the purple footprints he's leaving on the floor, "Now!" She says sternly as he doesn't move.
He shots me a deathly glare before he turns around grumbling something under his breath, probably how he will like to kill me and storms back up the stairs and I suppress more laughter as mom turns her frown to me.
"Lexi.." She says in the kind of tone that parents use to say that their disappointed in you or something, "I don't want you guys up to anything more okay? That's enough" She says turning back to the counter.
I just slightly roll my eyes and smirk munching my toast again.
"AAARG LEXI!" Ah it's like music to my ears.
Evan's growl comes from upstairs now as he's woken up covered whipped cream and strawberries. To normal people that might not be too bad, but not for Evan.
When he was younger and we visited our gramps and grandma, they used to always give us whipped cream and strawberries for desert. But they used to make the whipped cream themselves and one time, it was rather, well completely and utterly gross. There were lumps in it, and tasted fowl. Really not good. But guess who was the first person to eat some? Yep. Evan.
He tasted some first and that's about it. Puked it up straight after making all of us not eat it either. But poor little Evan had that memory carved into his mind so whenever he sees whipped cream, he instantly feels sick and hates life. Haha sucker.
The guys in the kitchen start laughing again and I snicker, mom shooting me a glare.
"AH mom!" Cries two little voices which then appear running into the kitchen, Joe and Jack.
"MOM! Someone moved all our stuff!" Joe shouts staring wide eyed at mom, both of them still in their pyjamas.
"And stole our action figures!" Jack yells.
They both look at each other and then wide grins spread across their faces and both should "COOL!"
Mom looks confused, as do most of the others, but I frown. Damnit.
The twins are the hardest to prank, at first you think you've got them, but then they laugh at whatever pranks you pull on them. So I guess my 'prank' didn't work. I tried something that hasn't been tried on them before to see if it would work...which obviously hasn't. I snuck into their room while they were asleep and re arranged basically everything in their room and took out a few of their toys hiding them in my room.
Damn! I'm never going to find something that will work for them.
Everyone that goes to school is ready now and we bundle into the cars. Charles and Daisy were still asleep actually as we left, so we didn't get to say goodbye to them.
Chris and Evan are still throwing me glares but I can see the amusement in the eyes, even if they try to hide it. Oh and Chris is still stained slightly purple, his face and hands are mostly fine but otherwise still purple.
"You know Lexi, you are so going to have to watch your back" Evan narrows his eyes at me as we climb out the car, arriving at school.
I scoff rolling my eyes and pull my bag onto my shoulder closing the door of the car.
"Yeah, you evil little turd" Chris hisses to me but it fails as he smirks.
I smirk slightly at his choice of words and shake my head in amusement "Yeah, yeah, whatever" I say turning to the school building pulling Seth me "Try ya best!" I smirk at them over my shoulder heading into the school building.
"What you have first?" Seth asks me as we enter the building
"Urm....oh Art" I say thinking what my schedule said, then frown as I know Seth doesn't do Art.
"Oh Kay cool" He smiles nudging me smirking lightly "Course you would chose that" He says
I roll my eyes but smile, "Course I would pick it.....because I can actually draw unlike some people" I smirk teasingly at him
He fake gasps "I'm offended! My stick men are awesome!" He says looking at me as if I've just insulted something really important, but he's joking.
I laugh shaking my head and play along "Yeah okay Seth...you're stick men are amazing" I grin smirking
He smiles "Yup" He agrees.
I chuckle as we head to where are lockers are, that just so happen to be next to each other.
Truth be told, I'm not that bad at drawing, and enjoy it...when Seth hasn't got the patients to get it right and just does stick men, guess that's one of the very small amount of things we don't have in common.
We get to our lockers as I need my art book that the school gave me, and it's empty at the moment and Seth leans against his locker waiting.
"Hey! Seth!...Lexi!" Comes a familiar annoying cheery voice from behind us and I turn to see who I knew it was....
April, with her friend...urm what's her name? I know it's the name of a month too
Seth smiles to be kind I think and I just look at them before grabbing my sketch pad and closing the locker
April's still beaming, but isn't really looking at me, mostly eyes glued to Seth which makes me frown.
"What class you got first?" April grins still looking to Seth, as if the question is directed to him
"Urm...I.T" Seth says and then nudges me "And Lexi has Art" He says and I slightly smile that he added me to the answer.
As he said my name April's eyes flick to me and I swear I see for a split second her smile drop, but then she soon recovers.
"Oh right...cool. I have I.T too!" She says looking back to Seth grinning and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.
But at least April hasn't brought up about last night, you know the whole lock-Lexi-out-the-house-in-just-her-towel-thing....God...that would be awkward.
"So, shall we show you to the I.T room...since we're together?" April asks still smiling at Seth and I narrow my eyes at her slightly accusingly.
"Urr..." Seth mumbles glances at me "No...it's okay...I'm gunna see Lexi to her class first" He says smiling at me "But thanks anyway" He adds looking back to April and again I see her smile flatter disappointed.
I smirk slightly and shake my head "No it's okay Seth...you go ...I'm sure I can find it" I say stepping away from them ready to go anyway don't want to be the reason Seth would be late for his first class, even if it is sweet of him.
He frowns slightly "You sure?" He says, the big brother protective side coming out now, like all of our other brothers.
I internally grown but smile nodding "Yes. Now go. See you later!" I say with a last smile then turn in the opposite direction heading to the stairs as I know the Art room is right at the top of the building. Fab.
I trudge up the never ending stairs, and finally reach the art floor and sigh in relief, why do they make school buildings so tall! Too many stair cases.
I find the right art room, A18 , I have no idea what the 'A' is for though and walked to it and pushed it open to reveal a colourful, brightly lit classroom, that's about half full with people.
Heads turn in my direction as I walk in, I just look down and walk to the back where I see a spare table.
"Oooh, hey there firecracker!" A familiar voice chirps just as I slip into the spare desk and look up through my blonde hair to meet a pair of dark brown amuse eyes sat only a few seats away from me.
I raise an eyebrow, Firecracker?
"Firecracker?" I find myself saying confused...why the hell would Noah call me firecracker.
He smirks turning around in his seat, a few of his mates smirking too "Yeah...firecracker..." He says tilting his head looking at me "because you know, you suddenly explode in anger, have a short fuse...just like a firecracker." He states smirking and I feel my eyes widen slightly.
Oh man! He's on about the other night, when I kind of, just a little big, might had had an outburst towards my brothers that he happened to witness. Okay it was more than just a 'little bit' of an outburst.
"oh and it's nice to see you have more clothes on today." He says his eyes trailing over me for a split second before smirking and winking, turning back around, his mates snickering.
My first shock expression disappears and turns to a cold glare at the back of his head, the asswipe!
I scoff at him, damn I sure as hell wish Seth or someone was here, why did I have to take at on my own? Why?!
"Lexi! Hey!" Chirps a cheery familiar voice again and then up pops dark brown hair that belongs to Charlie.
She grins at me, slipping into the seat beside me, "I didn't know you did art" She grins then slightly smirks, "Looks like another thing we have in common!" She grins placing her art folder on the desk.
I smile at her, not being able to help her bubbly attitude to brush off onto me.
Two people in front of us turn around, a guy with shaggy dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, and a girl with long dark red curly hair and brown eyes, they smile
"Oh, Lexi, these are my friends." Charlie chirps, smiling and pointing to the guy and girl "Abigail and Nathan." She smiles.
Abigail and Nathan both smile at me, "Hey you're lasts name Walker right?" the blonde haired guy Nathan says.
I nod...thinking I know where this is going.
He smiles "Yeah because people are talking about those other new guys in the school, and you have the last surname" He says raising an eyebrow as he already knows the answer.
"Ur..yeah, they are my brothers." I say, I knew he was going to say that.
"Oh what? Those douchebags in next year?" Abigail says raising an eyebrow.
I can't help but laugh at that, as it is totally true, "Yeah, them."
Charlie grins slightly smirking, "Oh yea, I saw them the other day" she smiles then turns to me, "Hey, come get milkshakes today as you didn't yesterday?"
I think for a moment, she's inviting me somewhere? Again? As a friend? She knows they are my brothers and still is, is it using me again like everyone else?
I internally sigh, I'm not sure.
"Um, yeah maybe, I'll think about it" I find myself saying and Charlie grins.
Just then the teacher comes in, her name if I remember, Ms Woods? Something like that and she starts the lesson.
I slightly smile at the fact people, beside my brothers are talking to me. I'm not going to get too close though, just in case, I don't want to get hurt again. I don't want to trust them, not just yet.
I jolt awake gasping, sitting upright in bed, my eyes wide and watery.
No, no, no......not again......
I thought these nightmares went.....I thought they went a year ago......
But no.....they've come back....and I have no idea why.....
I squeeze my eyes shut shaking my head to try to get rid of the images that have crept up from my dream.....well nightmare I shouldsay...
I let out deep sigh glancing over at the clock to see it's only 3:00am...
I groan internally and pull the blanket off my bed and wrap it around myself as I climb out of bed...
There is only one person I know that helps these nightmares to go away.....
These nightmares that started two years ago....after my dad died. I keep picturing him in my dream.......him shouting out for me to come and find him in the ruble and save him......I would try desperately...but never would find him...and he would slip away from me...from us.....oh god..but that isn't the worse part, no, then I would see his lifeless body.....laying, surrounded by rocks that have broken him.
But...of course...that's just my imagination.... He was a fire fighter yeah, and died while doing his duty, saving people from a train wreck...that was in a tunnel...and never came back out. He got trapped....and then eventually the ceiling of the tunnel collapsed onto him and three other fire fighters and even some passengers he was trying to save....none of them survived.
I wasn't there thou, so the nightmares are just my imagination from what I got told...and it replays it in my mind, jumbling everything up...making it all wrong..
I shake my head again as I hold the blanket around me tighter and open my bedroom door quietly and pad along the dark corridor to the next room.
The only person I know that helps me to get back to sleep after I get these nightmares////
The only person who I feel really understands....
My other half.
My twin.
I open his door a crack and quietly slip in closing it behind me and I'm now surrounded by darkness and I blink adjusting my eyes to it....and see the lump in the double bed across the room...and hear his soft breathing.
I tip toe across his room to the bed to see my twin sound asleep, topless in his bed.
I kinda feel bad that I'm doing this...and haven't done for about half a year...but....I know that he doens't mind and it will help me get back to sleep...and have no more bad dreams.
I pull up the bed covers and slip under them still with my blanket tightly around myself and wiggle further under curling my knees up into a ball...
I feel him stir next to me and I squeeze my eyes shut curling up next to him...
"Lexi?" I hear him mumble groggily and in response I nod slightly.....
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