《Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!》Chapter 11



I've got like1,000 reads on this story! Ahhh...I never thought I would get that many! :D

Thanks to everyone who read this! :) means alot!

oh and I've uploaded the front cover ...but it's not that good, but something ...you can always give me ideas for a front cover....or you can even create one yourself :)...I would love that :)

Oh by the way...none of my chapters have been edited..so sorry if there's any mistakes....:)

Hope you enjoy! :)....





Oh god, oh god!

Have you ever felt that you just wish the floor would swallow you up?

Well I would give a million bucks for that to happen to me right now!

This is the most embarrassing thing.

"Lexi? W-what?" My Mom frowns confused, slightly shocked I would guess as to my under dressed state.

I feel my cheeks warm and I groan out loud. Just perfect.

MY eyes flick to the two still shocked faces behind mom, but one of them is quickly coming amused and eyes flickering over me making me cringe.

What else could make this even worse?

I flash my eyes quickly to mom, begging her to help me with my eyes.

She shakes her head at me and starts to walk up to the porch "Lexi, put some clothes on" She says her eyes twinkling with amusement and I gape at her.

She's just as bad as the others!

"Haha, nice one mom!" I hear Chris laugh from the other side of the door.

My head snaps back to the closed door with my foot "Open the fucking door Chris! I'm going to kill you!" I growl, slamming my fist to it again.

I hear his laughter and someone else, "No chance! Especially as you are going to kill me." I glare at the door wishing I could burn a hole through it.

"Oh okay then...how about I make a cake then huh?" I snap sarcastically "Saying just how much I appreciate and love you Chris!"

I hear more laughter which only makes me start banging on the door seething, I'm going to punch them. Punch them so much.

Mom shakes her head clearly amused, but trying to cover it up as she fumbles with her purse getting her own keys.

She pulls her keys out and going to the key hole.

"Hey is t only mom that's there?" I hear Evan shout from the other side of the door still amused.

"No, Noah and April are with me" Mom replies all casually as she fiddles with the key, "They are coming over so I can give them something" She says and I hear the click of the door as she starts to unlock it.

Laughter erupts again from the other side of the door and I dare to glance behind me and glare again at Noah and that stupid smirk on his face.

Finally the door is opened and then a stamped of footsteps and cusses running away from the door.

"Yeah you better fucking run!" I yell, slamming the door open before mom even takes her key out.

I shove through the door just in time to see retreating running forms legging it up the stairs or into other rooms.

"You are so dead." I growl and then start sprinting up the stairs holding my towel up.

"Get back here!" I yell chasing the little pricks that will soon not be able to have children.

I can hear hysterical laughter in all directions and I groan, looking down at myself, I'm still in my fucking towel.


I stomp to my room and kick the door open. Oh it's open NOW! Assholes.

I march in and grab some clothes, pulling on underwear and some random sweats and a big t-shirt, then spinning on my heels and running out my room and charging down the corridor bursting into the culprits room.

"You complete bloody ass Evan! You are so dead!" I explode, charging into his room, "You are going to be so sorry" I glare and charge at him

He just smirks and jumps out the wat, dodging around me and flying out the door.

I growl and sprint after him, down the corridor as he's laughing his ass off running away.

"You ass! Get back here and take it like a man!" I yell at him, pushing myself faster as he hurtles down the stairs still laughing.

Oh I know he's not the only one to blame, but I put money on he's the one who thought of the idea. I should have known better than not to believe him earlier when he was acting all innocent and had no idea what I was talking about.

I jump down the last step just as he's turning to race to the kitchen and I sprint after him, shouting endless lines of insulting words at him and he just laughs.

He gets in the kitchen, sprinting through and just as I'm racing through I get caught around the waist, halting me.

I start thrashing around in the familiar strong hold and glaring death glares at Evan who's safely at the other side of the kitchen.

"Get off me! He deserves it! The smug little bast-" I shout trying to fight out of Charles's hold, and he covers my mouth to stop the swearing, I know it's him from his really strong arms around my waist holding me back and from the millions of other times he's had to do it.

"Lexi chill" Charles says sternly "Watch your language, yes he does but save it until another time yeah?" He says more quietly still having a strong grip on me.

I show at his arms on my waist still thrashing about trying to get out of his hold with no luck but still try. "why the hell should I wait? He locked my out my room, making me stand outside in a towel!" I yell, glaring again at Evan's smug face. God I want to slap him so bad "he deserves it...they all do" I growl glaring at the two innocent looking twins who had the key.

Charles jerks me backwards against his chest, "Lexi!" He says sternly, but a hint of amusement and nudges me to look across the other side of the kitchen.

My eyes widen and I feel my stomach drop.

I forgot they were here.

"Yeah Chill Lex, we have guests." Comes Chris's smug remark as he's smirking at me from the table and I shot him a dirty look and glare.

There stood in the kitchen and just witnessed my outburst, is the same two people that saw me in just my bloody towel.

Noah and April. God! Don't they have their own house!

Noah's smirking and April....well I don't know, she has a weird expression on her face, like she's thinking or something.

I feel Charles's grip loosen around me and I let my gaze drift back to the pair on the other end of the kitchen and really can't help a smirk slip to my lip.

Okay, I got to admit it is pretty funny. I'm still pissed...but if it was one of the boys I would be dying of laughter myself.


I will get my own back though. That is for sure.

Laughter starts to bubble inside of me and I try to hide it, biting my lip and pulling out Charles's loosen grip and walked to the table slouching down on a seat, covering my laughter with a cough.

"Right, well...sorry about Lexi." Mom says shaking her head, apologising for me to Noah and April "She can get wound up too easily" she says

I snort "Wouldn't you if they locked you out your OWN room so you couldn't change, then locked you our your HOUSE! I was only in a towel!" I say exasperatedly, the laughter as yes I get wound up...but I had a reason to!

"yes and they already have punishment for it" she says looking at me and frowning at the boys "But you Lei dear, need to control your anger" she says, eyeing me then turning around.

I scoff and narrow my eyes slightly at the other smirking faces.

Well that's what you get fo living with 12 brothers. You loose patients easily.

"Anyways, this is for you and your family" Mom chirps changing the mood and lifting the medium sized basket off the counter that's filled with small muffins and....fruit?

She hands it to April who's grinning widely happily and friendly at her, it almost makes it look fake and slightly weird.

"To say thanks for welcoming us into this amazing neighbourhood!" Mom beams smiling as Aril takes the pretty decorated basket. Ooh and I gotta say, those muffins look good!

"thank you Mrs Walker! They look amazing" April grins at mom and I frown.

I mimic her saying those mockingly mouthing, making Seth and Evan see, and they snicker quietly.

Mom smiles happily at her, something flashing in her eyes that makes me frown feeling uneasy. "It's more than alright dear" she smiles at her and Noah "Oh and please call me Anna" She adds with a slight chuckle.

"Will do, Anna" Noah says, smiling at her and mom smiles wider that they used her name.

"Yeah, thanks again! Mom will love these." April grins

"Yup! We better go though, thank you!" Noah adds, smiling and nodding to my mom as she leads them out the kitchen after April flashes us in the kitchen a goodbye grin, making all the others smile back to her, but me scowl. I don't like her, not one little bit, there's something off about her.

Chris starts chuckling and stand up from the table "Jeeze Lexi, you could at least make it look like you like her, just a bit" he smirks and I roll my eyes at him, but lightly smirking.

I stand up from the table too, heading over to the counter in search for any spare muffins mom kept aside.

"Ah ha!" I grin as I find a plastic tub and rip open the lid to see what I knew would be there, mom would never make muffins and not save us some.

"Muffins!" I grin as I grab one out the tub and quickly back away just as the four older boys and two little ones race to the counter to grab one for themselves.

I smirk and start eating my muffin, they are delicious.

I hear the front door close and my mum come walking back in, not smiling anymore but frowning, not angry but disappointed it looks like and she folds her arms.

"Next time, do NOT pull a prank on one another when we have guests

"How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"Just once more mother" Evan smirks eating his muffin and I suppress a laugh as mom narrows her eyes at him but doesn't say anything, instead shakes her head as in to clear it and turns to Charles and Daisy that have sat down at the dining table and smiles at the warmly and sits down too, instantly starting up conversation as she hasn't seen her eldest for ages.

I smile slightly and finish off my muffin, happy that my older brother is here, hopefully will be for a while.

"Hmm..Lexi," I hear a little voice mumble and look down to see a sleepy looking Thomas stumbling towards my legs rubbing his eyes.

I smile, knowing what he's going to say and crouch down to his level.

"You want me to read you a story?" I ask as I know he's tired and wants that.

He nods still rubbing his tired eyes and comes closer to me, wrapping his small arms around my neck tightly and dropping his head on my shoulder.

I chuckle lightly at how tired he looks and scoop him up in my arms and stand back up straight a he wraps his legs around my waist too and my arms around him holding him up as I blow a soft, little raspberry on his check which make him squirm slightly and let out sleepy giggle.

I smile and whisper to him suggestions of different book titles I could read him and he gives a mumbled response of 'no' until I finally get to one he likes and turns to a 'yes'.

I trudge up the stairs still carrying his little form and then into his room, that's only llit with the dim glow of his red night light.

I pace him in his bed and pull the covers over him as he smiles and snuggles down looking at him with his huge baby blue eyes waiting for the story.

I smile and grab the little book of his shelf and sit on the edge of his bed opening the story of Thomas the tank engine.

I get about halfway through the story when I hear his soft even breathing and see that he's fallen asleep.

I smile and gently climb of his bed kissing his forehead and creeping out his room, god I love that little lump, so damn much.

I pull his door up quietly and let it click close then turn, only to bump into a hard chest and I groan.

"Oo sorry Lex" I hear Blake say smirking slightly and I frown at him rubbing my arm but roll my eyes, he's so dam tall.

"Tom asleep?" He asks almost near a whisper as we are still outside his room.

I nod and push him back, "Yes so don't stand outside the door" he smiles lightly but obeys and moves out the way.

"Night Lex, oh and I'm sorry for the whole 'lock Lexi's door while she's in the shower thin" He says trying to hide his amusement.

I wave a hand dismissively, "Yeah, yea whatever" I shake my head "You will all pay" I mutter as I walk away towards my room, but he hears as I hear him chuckle slightly, I know it wasn't his idea, but he did nothing to stop it. So he's just as guilty.

I got to my room and change into some pyjama bottoms that are grey with little faces of Mikey mouse on. My nana got them for me, as am the only girl in the family and she was dying to get some girly things so I let her, and hey they are comfy.

I pull them on leaving the baggy black top I've got on and climb into my bed, getting comfy.

As I close my eyes drifting to sleep I'm starting to cook up an evil plan of revenge for my brothers...they better watch it. Never show a weakness, because it can be turned and used against you in this household.

Haha, you better watch out big brothers.


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