《Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!》Chapter 10
Chapter 10 :) hope you enjoy!
Oh and I've added some of the cast :) ------->
ooh and a pic of Michelle Trachtenberg who plays Charlotte (Charlie) a new character
edited - 29.05.17
It's the last lesson of the day. Thank god!
This school is like a damn Zoo!
Oh and to make it worse, Seth is not in this class. I'm on my own. And it is English. Sigh.
I slump into a random seat at the back of the class, wishing the hour away already.
"Hey!" A cheery voice suddenly comes from my right and I turn my head to see a smiling girl siting in the seat next to mine.
I raise an eyebrow at the girl, with her dark brown hair that is different shades starting with dark brown down to a lighter, and bright blue eyes and she is grinning at me.
"Ur...hi" I say slightly hesitantly and turn to the front again.
"I'm Charlie! Well actually Charlotte, but no one calls me that, so it's Charlie!" She gushes smiling at me.
"You're the new girl right?" She asks smiling still
"Um, yeah" I answer glancing at her from the corner of my eye, "Lexi."
She smiles wider, "Nice name. Hey let me guess, it's short for...hm...Alexis?" She questions
I nod, "Yeah."
"Awesome, We've already got something in common!" She grins turning around in her seat to face the front properly, "We both have names that are shortened."
I can't help but smile slightly in amusement.
"Oh and we have already another thing in common" She grins looking at me, turning I her seat again and I raise a questionable eyebrow.
"Our eye colour! Blue!" She grins and I blink not realising.
She giggles slightly, "I bet we have more things in common than you think" she smiles facing the front again and I frown confused, what is that supposed to mean?
The teacher, Mr Clark starts the lesson now, so I don't have a chance to question her. She's just sat there with a slight amused smile, it feels like she is saying 'I know something you don't know'. Which makes me confused, but maybe I'm just thinking too much of it.
English drags on. Mr Clark rambling on about some random crap I'm not even paying attention
Finally the bell rings and everyone grabs their stuff, racing to the door.
As I pack my stuff up I see Charlie smiling at me with her bag on her shoulder.
"Hey, wanna go grab a milkshake?" She asks still smiling, "Because there's this awesome place down the road that do amazing milkshakes!" She beams.
I smile slinging my bag over the shoulder, "Yeah sure." Why not? Milkshake will be good.
She grins "Great! Come on then" I follow her out the classroom, with a slight smile on my face, maybe I have found a frined..
My smile suddenly drops though as we step out in the corridor and I remember, how can I forget?
I have five older overprotective brothers, the reason I don't have many friends, no wait, why I have NO friends.
"We can meet up with Abby and Nate, some of my mates, you'll love them!" Charlie grins as we walk out the doors into the car lot and turns to me grinning but instantly dropping it and she frowns concerned.
"What's wrong?" She asks
I internally groan and my eye automatically see my brothers by the cars.
"Um, I'm really sorry, I don't think I will be able to come." I say my gaze still on the four boys.
"Um...I'm really sorry....but I don't think I will be able to come." I say, my gaze still on the four boys.
She frowns again, "Oh-" She says but gets cut off following my gaze and her eyebrows raise and a smile appears, "Whoo, damn, who are they?" She eyes them up.
I cringe and frown and start walking, "My brothers" I say "I'm sorry, I can't come." And can see her surprised expression over the fact I told her they are my brothers.
"See you tomorrow" Is all that I catch up on what she shouts to me and just nod, briefly waving my hand in her direction, approaching the cars now and some laughing brother's.
"Hey sis! Good day?" Evan smirks, I just roll my eyes and shrug climbing into the unlocked car.
Why didn't I go with Charlie?
I would have if it wasn't for these four people. Because as soon as people find out who my brothers are, they become 'friends' with me, fake friends and only use me to get to them or the other way round, become friends with me then find out who my brothers are and change, by either going to them or hanging with me more to hang with them.
I don't want that to happen again.
So I would rather make my own choice and turn down friendship rather than have hope they will be my friend but turn out just like the others.
"OW! You little shi-!" I growl cutting myself off before I swear at the six year old who's looking at me all innocent like he didn't just kick me hard in the shin for no reason.
I narrow my eyes at the blonde haired twin and rub my skin, cussing under my breath, why the hell did he just kick me.
He grinned and spun around so fact and darted down the corridor, "I did it Evan!" He yelled running towards said's room.
I growl and glare in the direction of Evan's room, I should have known he put Jack up to that. Probably a stupid dare. Such a prick.
I could hear Evan's snickering as I headed down the stairs still glaring at plotting revenge on Evan.
I stomp down the stairs, narrowly avoiding the scatter of boys toys spread across the hallway from the younger ones.
I frown and kick a toy car out the way. God! Just one day and already the house is a tip.
To make matters worse, Mom isn't home. She's at her new job still, getting used to it as she's the manager.
I smile at that. I'm proud of her. She's always wanted to be one, and now it's her chance. But it means that we are left here, alone and the only sensible ones are Aston, Blake and me. but even those two can turn if the others influence them enough.
I sigh. Gosh I can't wait until Charles comes tomorrow. Well I think he is coming.
I kick another toy car out the way and walk into the kitchen. I still can't get over how huge this house is. I love it.
We were suppose to order take our ot something as it was easier for dinner, but guess what the boys decided to do. On the day they are ALLOWED to take out, they decide to bloody try and cook. I don't get them sometimes.
So now I walking into the bomb site of the kitchen, inside of it's usual clean shiny surface.
I groan, great. Mom's going to give us hell for not tidying this up and moan at us for not ordering take out.
Sighing I frown at the mess of the kitchen. Some kind of source spread across the counter tops and even on some of the cupboard doors, And on the floor. It's drying and making it sticky. Bits of food everywhere, well burnt food everywhere.
I turn on my heels and head to the stairs.
"OI! Will someone come and help me clean this shit up in the kitchen! It's all your mess not mine! Mom's gunna go ape!" I yell up the stairs hoping one of those lazy asses will come down.
I wait for a few seconds until I get some response.
"Do it yourself if you are so worried!" comes Chris response.
"I'm busy!" Comes two more responses, Aston and Blake. Thanks Blake, I thought you would be on my side.
I hear footsteps, "Yeah, okay I'll come" Thank you twin!
Seth smiles at me as he comes down the stairs and I sigh with relief, good.
"Yeah, I'll come Lexi!" I groan as I hear Evan's amused voice say as he too comes down the stairs, grinning at me
I give him a sarcastic smile and turn into the kitchen where Seth is scrunching his nose up at the mess, and Evan follows me. Great. I would rather do it myself than have Evan with me. He'll probably make it worse.
I grab a broom from the side cupboard and start sweeping the tiled floor, heaping up the bits of food and rubbish spread across it.
Seth grabs a cloth and starts cleaning the counter's and Evan, well he smirks at the mess arms crossed over his chest and leaning against the fridge watching us.
I stop sweeping the floor and glare at him, "You going to help or just stand there?"
He smirks and turns to the counter beside him where there's empty cartons of milk, juice along with burnt toast and some kind of sticky sauce.
He turns his nose up as he picks up one of the empty cartons and then drops it back down.
I sigh, irritated and shake my head going back to cleaning the floor. I can't be bothered to tell him again.
I sweep the kitchen floor, piling up the rubbish in one pile in the idle of the kitchen and then using the brush and pan to clean it up.
"EW skank!" I hear Evan yelp as I stand back up straight only to have something wet and soggy thrown in my face.
I let out a shriek of surprise and shake my head frantically, letting whatever it is fall on the floor.
Evan bursts into laughter bending over and clutching his stomach and Seth smirks, trying to hold back his laughter as I stare at them. Looking to the floor I see a cloth, but it's covered in something...something, Ew gross! I don't even want to know.
"Oh god! Your face, your face!" Evan gasps out through his laughter and I clench my jaw and narrow my eyes at him.
"Oh really?" I say seeing something that catches my eye and a sly smirk across my face appears.
"Well then, how would you like it if your face was covered in..."I say and reach forward grabbing my weapon, "SPAGHETTI! I yell, throwing the clump of spaghetti that was in a bowl beside me and aimed it perfectly at his pace, cutting his laughter short.
Now it's my turn to laugh, "Haha, your face..your face!" I laugh mimicking his words, as now his face is covered in sauce and the spaghetti dripping off him. Seth starts laughing too.
"Oh, you did not" Evan has cold eyes but a smirk tugging at his face.
I smile wickedly and he turns to Seth narrowing his eyes "Quit laughing dude!" He snaps but not angrily, more amuse than anything and then picks up a tomato sauce bottle and squirts it at him, making his laughter cut short too but mine to start again.
My laughter dies down as I glance at my brother, we share the same look, probably thinking the same thing smirking and then just like that, food is flying everywhere, making the already messed up kitchen even worse.
I started laughing again as we chc=uck the burnt food and god knows what else at each other, getting covered in it...it's a big of déjà vu.
Joe and Jack suddenly come hurtling into the kitchen grinning excitedly as they see us, FOOD FIGHT!" They both yell excitedly and straight away start throwing anything they can get their hands on at us.
I run to the fridge and grab the first thing I see, which happens to be butter.
Suddenly someone comes up behind me, and smashes an egg on my head and rubs it into my hair.
"AAH!" I shriek, spinning around to see a smirking Chris, when the hell did he get in here?
I glare at him as egg yolk starts dripping down my hair. EW!
I grab some butter out the pot in my hand and reach up quickly, smearing it into his brown hair, watching as his face expression changes as he wasn't expecting me to do that, and I smirk at him before running to the other side of the kitchen, chucking some butter at Evan on the way.
This goes on for what seems like ages. Throwing anything at each other, we've got a really bad habit of doing this.
Just as Evan raises his arm smirking at me from across the kitchen with something in his hand, that looks awfully like mashed potato
I squeal and dark to the other side of the kitchen in hopes he won't hit me.
"GUYS! What the hell are you doing?!" A voice booms and we all instantly freeze at that very familiar voice.
Our heads all turn to the arch way of the kitchen, to see our oldest brother standing there, frowning at us but his eyes hold amusement.
"CHARLES!" I squeal grinning and race over to my older brother and jumping up onto him, wrapping my arms and legs around him tightly not caring that I'm covered in many different kinds of food.
Charles hugs me back almost instantly and I smile against his shoulder, "Hey little sis" He squeezes me back and I smirk slightly as he doesn't seem to care I' covered in all sorts of food either.
"What you doing here?" I grin, dropping my legs from around him and standing back on the floor beaming up at him, damn he's gotten much taller.
He smiles down at me, but then scrunches his nose up in disgust scanning over me and I smile innocently.
"We came to surprise you" He says slightly smiling then frowning as he looks up past me to the others in the kitchen.
My eyes light up as he said 'we', "We?" I question and he smirks nodding. I shove him out the way to see the petite dark red head girl standing a few feet away behind him, smiling amused.
"Daisy!" I grin at my brother's girlfriend, she so awesome. Only a year younger than Charles at 21.
She smiles back at me and puts her hand out to stop me from coming near her shaking her head chuckling, "Hey Lexi" She greets me back then smirks, "You are covered in...well year" She smirks "No hug yet" She says and I laugh still smiling.
I turn back around to the kitchen to see Charles stepping in frowning at the more messed up kitchen and the five innocent looking boys smirking.
"Charles!" Joe and Jack shout grinning and come running into his legs, hugging each one
Charles smiles at them, ruffling their sticky light blonde hair then looks back up to three other boys accusingly as they just smirk shrugging.
"Let me guess, Evan started it" Charles says narrowing his eyes into Evan and I smirk smugly at him.
"What? No, course not!" Evan tries to defend himself but failing badly.
"Mm hmm" Charles says not buying it and raising an eyebrow at him.
Evan sighs folding his arms and glaring at me, I smirk haha there's someone now to put you in your place.
Charles shakes his head smirking slightly "The same as always." He mumbles smiling slightly to show he's not really annoyed as he is used to be like this when he was younger, so he can't really tell us off.
"Well you better clean this up before mom gets back" Charles says eyeing the mess amused, "Go on then" He says and me along with the three boys groan.
We start to clean the kitchen still in our sticky, gross food covered clothes and it takes nearly two hours I swear. But finally the kitchen is sparkly clean.
I sigh in relief as I dump the last cleaning cloth in the washing pile.
"Shot gun shower first!" Evan yells then sprints out the kitchen.
The rest of us hot on his trail, running to different bathroom
I race into my room, peeling of Seth's band T-shirt that I nicked from him and head to the bathroom that's attached to mine and Seth's room and mentally groan as I remember the egg in my hair, lovely.
I shove the bathroom door open and chuck the top into my washing pile then freeze when I look up.
Seth stares at me as he has just stepped into the bathroom from his room.
Seth blinks shaking his head "Ah shit sorry" He says turning around.
I smirk slightly and shrug, I have clothes on it is no big deal.
I walk into the bathroom closing the door behind me, "Seth it's okay" I shake my head in amusement as I go to the shower and hear Seth snort a laugh.
"Just come in when you hear the water running." I say glancing over my shoulder.
He rolls his eyes and nods going out the door back to his room.
I peel off the rest of my clothes and step into the shower turning on the warm water and a few seconds later I hear the door open and Seth come in and the other shower next to mine running.
I lather soap of shampoo into my hair not wanting my hair to smell of egg so I rub loads of coconut shampoo into it.
Once I'm done I turn the water off and step out wrapping the white towel around me, tucking it under my arms and it comes to my mid thigh and I groan I hate short things I want it longer.
I leave my wet hair down and walk over to the door leading back to my bedroom and push the door handle down.
I frown, it won't open. What the hell?
I try again, but no the same. It won't open.
I frown confused then turn to the main door of the bathroom, there's three doors leading in here, one from mine room and one from Seth's and one from the landing.
I go out that door, walk across the landing to my bedroom door and push own the handle, only for it to stay exactly where it is.
What the hell?! It's locked?!
I glare at the door "Who the hell locked my door?!" I yell turning around and facing the corridor, one of those fuckers did this.
"EVAN?!" I yell as his name is the first to come to mind and I stomp down the corridor towards his room
"Evan!" I yell again approaching his door, then slam it open "Evan! Did you lock my door?!" I shout standing by his open and clutching my towel.
He turns around from his closet, only wearing jeans and raises an eyebrow.
"Bit cold sis" He comments smirking at my lack of clothing and turns back to his closet pulling on a shirt.
I glare at him, "Give me the key!" I snap
He turns around again "What key?" He asks confused.
I glare at him still, "The key to my fucking bedroom! You locked the door, now I can't get changed!"
He looks at me for a second then smirks and shrugs "I didn't do it. But whoever did is a flippin genius! I should have thought of that one" He laughs to himself.
I cuss at him and pick up a cushion from the floor and chuck it at him, he just laughs and catches it.
"Well then if you didn't who the hell did?!" I shout glaring.
He smirks and as soon as I said that I hear little giggles from down the corridor.
My head snaps around and I glare at the two little figures at the end of the corridor.
I hear Evan laugh "Run guys run! She's gunna kill you" He yells laughing to the two 6 year olds that are grinning mischievously.
"Joe! Jack! Please tell me it wasn't you" I glare at them walking slowly towards them.
They both grin walking backwards in sink "It wasn't us!" They both yell before spinning around and darting down the corridor to the stairs.
"Get back here! Give me the key you devils!" I tell after them and start running to try to catch them, holding my towel up.
I hear evil little laughter as they near the stairs then turn and run down them with me chasing them, all they think is this is a game! Ugh.
They jump down the stairs still laughing hysterically as I sprint after them, down the stairs and running toward the kitchen.
"Give me it you buggers!" I glare, saying through gritted teeth as they dark into the kitchen.
"Whooa.." Blake says blinking as I run after those shits.
I ignore him as he looks confused, but doesn't help me! I chase them around the island in the middle of the kitchen.
I smash my hand down on the table top glaring on their head "give me the key! I can't get dressed without it!"
They just continue to giggle and grin, then dark backwards to the back door.
MY eyes widen and I race after them in hope I'll catch them before they get outside.
No such luck. They sprint out the back door.
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