《Mr. CEO gets what he wants》Chapter 10
Nathan POV
I've reached home an hour ago and I'm still in shock that Trinity actually forgave me. I've been creating scenarios where id has to beg for her forgiveness and what not but she didn't make me have to do that. She did what a loving parent would logically do.
I glance at the clock and see its almost 3 AM. I'm too awake to go to bed, but I force myself to change out my clothes and fall asleep. I hope tomorrow is as good.
Trinity POV
We must have forgotten to close the blinds last night because I can feel the sun shining on my face while my eyes are closed.
I roll to the opposite side of the bed and glance towards Tina's bed to see she's still soundlessly asleep. She's so lucky she can sleep on her stomach because I would do anything to get a chance at that again.
Sitting up on my bed, I look at the clock and see its already 10 in the morning, so I stand up, pick clothes for the day, and walk towards the bathroom for a well-awaited shower. I would've taken it last night after talking to Nathan but I just didn't bother.
Seeing him last night made me so nervous. Nervous about the fact that the feelings towards him never died down, nervous that he only wanted to meet up to reject me once again. One thing out of the two did turn out happening, though. And I don't know if I should laugh it off or overthink.
I have the tendency of doing either-or.
I'm done with my shower and dressed within 30 minutes. When I reach downstairs it 10:30 and my stomach is growling like crazy, adding up to that, the twins have begun kicking me in the ribs non stop.
The doctor said it isn't that common for the baby to kick this early in the first pregnancy, but it happens and is something I shouldn't be worrying about.
I whip up a quick breakfast and soon after am indulging in it. As I finish my plate, my phone rings. Liam.
"Hello?" I say.
"Morning babe."
"To what shall I owe this honor?"
"Nothing really, thought id call to check how you slept?"
"Quite well actually, you?"
"Alright, I guess." He sounded off but I won't bring it up. "Anyways, are you up for lunch at around 2?"
"Please let it be pizza, I've been craving it since I woke up this morning."
He chuckles, "Anything you want. So, is that a yes?"
"Yep. Do you mind if I brought someone along with us?"
"You know you shouldn't ask if Tina can come, she's always welcome."
"Its actually not her, she made plans with Micheal, but I'm sure you'll love who I bring. I want you guys to get to know each other."
"I trust you. 2 o'clock, The Row."
Now it was time to call Nathan. I open up my recent calls and see the number he called me with yesterday. Taking a deep breath in, I shut my eyes and click on the number.
A few rings later his voice comes through.
"Hello?" His voice is deep, groggy like he has just awoken from his sleep.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"
I quickly hear him take a sharp breath in and hear something fall in the background.
"Everything alright?" I ask.
"Yup! All great! How are you?"
I chuckle at the sudden anxiousness to his voice. I shouldn't do that, that shows I'm letting myself loosen up around him only a day after we figured things out. Not good. "I'm doing great. You?"
"I'm good."
"I'm sorry to have woken you upon your weekend, I'm sure you would've preferred to sleep in but I needed to ask you something."
"Trinity you did not wake me up, I was up, just relaxing."
I roll my eyes, I know he's lying. "Whatever. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to join Liam and I for lunch at 2 today?"
"Oh, Liam. He doesn't mind."
"We'll I brought on the idea that I'm inviting someone extra, he doesn't know it's you."
"Trinity, are you trying to get me killed."
I snort. "You're being dramatic, Liam wouldn't hurt a fly. Relax. So, would you like you to join us? If you don't, I completely understand, its a last-minute decision and you might be-"
"Trinity, id love to join. Wheres the place?"
"The Row, a few blocks down from Tina and I's apartment, ill send you the location."
"I'll be waiting. Thank you for inviting me, I appreciate it."
"I just want you to get to know someone I really care about. Also since he'll probably be around when the kids are here and I wanted you to see if you think he fits the criteria."
"You want my opinion?" He says, confused.
"I might not be happy with your answer but I need you to see for yourself that he's a good guy."
"I'm guessing better than ill ever be?" After he says that, the air in my breath knocks out. Did he really just say that?
"Nathan, I don't think this should be discussed over the phone. Maybe a time where we're both ready, for now, can we not bring it up please?"
"Sure. I'll see at 2."
He doesn't even let me say bye before the line goes dead.
I groan, throwing my phone on the counter. This man is going to kill me, even if it's just over the phone.
"What's wrong?" Tina asks coming downstairs, drying her hair with a towel.
I turn to face her and let out a breath. "Nathan is being so annoying?"
She instantly stops drying her hair and her eyes widen. "Since when were you and Nathan? What?"
Shit, I forgot to tell her.
"Long story short, he came over last night at midnight and we talked about everything. He explained that he never did cheat on me and that he wanted to be a part of the children lives."
Her mouth is open wide. "I need the full story, NOW!"
I laugh at her reaction. "I have a few hours before I leave, so please step into my office."
"Wow." That's all she said after the story. "Do you believe him?"
I rub my face with my hands. "Is it wrong that I do?"
"I don't blame you, you were with him for a while and I know you still have feelings towards him, so it's normal to feel that way."
"I know, but it feels wrong to do it. I shouldn't be feeling this way while I'm with Liam."
She rolls her eyes. "Liam isn't right for you and you know it."
"You're so negative towards him, you know he is something important to me."
"I do, but as your best friend it's my job to tell you if I feel like he isn't... right."
I stand up from my seat and cross my arms. "What is he going to do, kidnap me in my sleep? Kill me?" My voice growing louder and sarcastic.
"I wouldn't be surprised. Trinity, I'm not trying to upset you, I'm just making sure your safe and every person's views towards one is different depending on relations. When you love someone so much, you look past anything they do, good or bad. But when you barely know them, they're just like a piece of glass, transparent."
I look down at my hands. "Tina, I'm so happy with Liam. This is the first time since Nathan that I've felt like me again. So can you trust me on this, please? I promise if something does happen, your the first to know and get to tell me you told me so."
She nods. "You better and I really don't care if I prove you wrong, even though it'll be fun telling you I told you so, I want to make sure you're safe and happy."
I give her a small smile. "I am, I promise. Anyways, I need to get ready for lunch with Nathan and Liam."
"Good luck with that, I hope Liam doesn't lose his nuts."
"He won't. Have fun with Micheal, " I wink, "use protection!"
She whines and goes into the living room, turning on a movie. I walk upstairs and decide what to wear. I'm not sure if I want to wear a dress or something casual like jeans.
"Tina! Dress or pants?" I shout from upstairs.
"Dress! You gotta make Nathan see those long legs of yours!" She says back.
"Tina! No! What's wrong with you?"
"Being a good sister, that's all."
I look over both outfits and end up picking the dress, I don't know why, but Tina's words float around in my head. Her words somehow make me want to do it just for the heck of it. For fun.
After that, I brush my hair out and let it flow down to my shoulders, then I put light makeup on my face; tinted moisturizer, concealer, mascara, and some blush.
Once I'm done, I see I still have 45 minutes to spare. I decide to throw on my dress anyways and go down to sit with Tina until I need to leave.
"You look pretty!" She says as I sit beside her on the couch.
"Thank you. I still have time to spare so you're stuck with me until I leave."
"Great." She says in a sarcastic voice with a smile on her face. I smack her arm and we both end up laughing and continue the movie.
No longer than 10 minutes later, there is a knock on our apartment door. I turn to Tina and raise my eyebrows.
"Expecting someone?" She shakes her head at my words and gets up to answer the door. As she unlocks the door, a few seconds later she is tackled in a kiss from Micheal. She is obviously shocked by the sudden action but moments later, she melts into the kiss wrapping her arms around his neck.
Their make-out session lasts another minute and Micheal pulls away with a large smile on his face.
"I missed you." He says to Tina. His words bring a large smile to my own face and make me want to tear up little, freaking hormones. Without realizing, I release an aw out loud. As I say that, Micheal suddenly pulls away, a red ting coating his cheeks.
"Sorry, I didn't see you there Trinity." He says in a nervous voice. I never pegged him to be the nervous type, he was always so confident when I came across him.
"Oh don't mind me, I'm just making my way out. You guys have fun." I then walk towards the door and put on my flats and my bag. Before I close the door behind me, I turn to them and say, "please don't have sex on my bed, condoms are under the sink, and clean up your messes after your done."
That makes Micheal blush even harder and Tina to groan in annoyance.
"Out!" She says and I give her a smile and close the door behind me, hearing her lock it. I'm so happy she found someone like Micheal, he's the sweetest and smartest people I've ever met. He's 4 years older than Tina and finished his bachelor's degree last year, he's now working as an engineer. I was so surprised when she told me about him because he was not Tina' type at all, but I could see that whenever he's around her smile is so much brighter and seeing her happy makes me happy.
I take the elevator down to the basement and unlock my car and start it. I glance at the clock and see I have 10 more minutes to get to the restaurant, which is perfect.
Within minutes I'm on the road and off to the destination. I hope Nathan is there on time because he has the tendency to arrive late.
I arrive at the restaurant at exactly 2 o'clock, I step in and instantly consumed by the smell of the fresh food, which makes my stomach growl.
"Trinity!" I turn to where the voice is coming from and see Nathan waving in one of the seats. I smile and make my way towards him.
"You're early," I say in a surprised tone, as I sit on the chair facing him.
"I didn't want to be late as I always am. You look beautiful."
I look down and blush. "Thank you."
"So wheres Liam?"
"He's coming separately, he should be here at any moment."
He nods and continues looking around the place. "This place looks pretty cool."
I raise my hand. "My request, I've been craving pizza all morning. Plus they've been kicking me non stop and one thing that could ease the pain is pizza."
He looks down at my showing stomach and smiles. "Hope they aren't causing any trouble."
"As long as their moving, I don't care. Them moving is good, it keeps me at ease."
"How does it feel when they do move around ?" He sounds genuinely curious.
I put my hands on the table and sigh, "No one has asked me that before but it feels like somethings rolling inside, it sometimes tickles. It's quite comfortable actually. The only time its a pain is when the kick my ribs. They usually get aggressive when I'm hungry"
He chuckles. "I wonder where they get that from."
I flip him off and give him a smile. A few minutes pass and they start kicking. "Oh, I think my hunger is getting to them."
"They're kicking?" He asks in amusement.
I nod at his words. "Wanna feel it?"
He suddenly looks nervous but nods anyway. I get up and walk to sit bedside him and take his hand in mine and place it on my stomach. They continue to kick but mainly focus on where Nathans' hand is.
His hand in between mine sends tingles down my spine, which freaks me out. I haven't felt that since the last time we were together. I do feel it with Liam but with Nathan, it feels a lot more real.
Nathans' eyes are wide as he stares at my stomach. "This is so cool."
I laugh at his reaction. "That's what I thought the first time but that thought quickly went away when the kicks got stronger." I look at his face as he is fascinated with something so simple. Liam never looked that intent whenever he'd touch my stomach, I guess its a father thing.
I quickly look away as he starts to look up at my face. I clear my throat and he drops his hand from where it was. As I'm about to stand up, I look to see Liam walking towards our table and he doesn't look too happy.
"Hi, babe. " I say getting up from my spot and walk towards Liam, giving him a hug. He hugs me back and says, "sorry I'm late, woke up later than expected. So Trinity you never told me your special guest was Nathan Spark."
I watch the silent exchange between the men and I quickly jump to give him an answer. "I know this is odd and I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I want you guys to get to know each other. I get it isn't ideal but since both of you are an important asset to my life, I wanted you two to at least get to know one another before jumping to conclusions."
Liam nods but I can still see his anger. We all sit down and call a waiter and give him our order. Once that's done, I introduce the men to one another.
"I know you know each other but I thought you could start fresh. Nathan this is Liam, Liam this is Nathan." They shake hands, not making eye contact with one another.
Liam suddenly speaks and I have a feeling the words coming out aren't going to be great. "So Nathan, what made you decide to come back and ruin Trinity's life again, haven't you done enough damage?"
I give Liam a look but he ignores it and continues to stare down a bored-looking Nathan.
"I came back to apologize."
"I'm gusting rejection was a bitch and you keep coming back to beg?" Liam has a smirk on his face which pushes me off the edge. So I turn to him and say, "As a matter of fact, I accepted the apology. He had his reasons and we worked things out like adults."
Liam only rolls his eyes at me and doesn't say anything else.
A few minutes later, the food begins to arrive. My giant pizza is the first to be placed on the table, so I quickly grab a slice and begin eating. The moment it lands into my mouth, I let out a low moan in delight, everything tastes so much better when you're hungry.
I am so lost in the food, I don't realize Nathan staring at me with a large smile on his face as I'm eating the pizza. I only see it when I open my eyes. His striking eyes suddenly make me shy, I quickly look away to avoid questions from Liam later.
"How's your food?" Nathan asks, I know he's just doing it to piss off Liam, he can clearly see I'm enjoying it quite a lot.
"It's really good. I would offer a slice but this is all mine."
"Come on babe, that whole pizza is way too much for you." Liams voice suddenly says.
I raise my eyebrows and look at him. "Try feeding for three, then come to tell me this pizza is too much for me."
Nathan snickers at my remark and Liam only rolls his eyes. I have no clue as to why Liam is acting like a douche but I ignore him and carry on with my food.
"Thank you for inviting me, I had a great time," Nathan says as we exit.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I smile at him. All three of us stand awkwardly in front of the restaurant for a few minutes before Nathan speaks up again.
"Anyways, I doth want to keep you two waiting so I'll be leaving, take care."
I give him a nod and have the urge to step towards him and give him a hug but I go against the idea of not wanting to annoy Liam anymore.
Nathan gives Liam a nod and gives me a small wave and turns, walking towards his car. As soon as he's out of sight, I turn to Liam with crossed arms.
"What's the matter with you? This whole time we've been here you've been acting like an asshole!"
Liam rolls his eyes. "It not my fault you didn't have the decency to tell me who was joining us today and I have the right to act the way I was! We were having lunch with your ex for god sake, so please don't make me the bad guy!"
I stay quiet knowing his words were correct, but he had no right to act like that towards Nathan.
"I didn't mean to upset you, Liam, I get it, I shouldn't have done what I did and I'm sorry but I just wanted the two of you to at least get to know each other in some sort of way because both of you are going to be a part of not only my life but the kids."
His eyes widen. "You're giving a chance after what he had done? After he abandoned all of you?"
"My relationship with him had nothing to do with his kids. He has the rights just as much as I do. I understand what he did was wrong on so many levels but that cant is the barrier preventing a relationship."
"Trinity, you know I don't mean to act the way I did. It's just that I'm overprotective and I just don't want him ruining everything good that's happening for you right now." I look at his face and give him a small smile, I lean forward and give him a kiss on the cheek and whisper, "Thank you for looking after me but I promise I have it all under control."
He wraps his arms around me and hugs me. "You drive me crazy sometimes."
I chuckle at his words, " Sometimes?"
"Okay fine, all the time." We pull away from one another smiles on both our faces.
"Why don't we go back to your place? Tina's busy with Michael and I'm afraid of what I'll step into." I grimace.
"I've got to pack, my flight is in a few hours. I thought I'd see you before I'm off"
"What flight?"
He smacks his head with his hands. " I must have forgotten to tell you. My manager called last night saying I got the role for the movie I went to audition for a few weeks back and they want to start immediately."
I jump in excitement. "You got the part? That's great!" I quickly give him a hug. "Where and how long are you guys shooting?"
- In Serial57 Chapters
Niccolo Dante De'Marco. Underboss of the Italian Mafia, pretty closed off, very open around his family, known as a ruthless man. He is also the Don's cousin and best friend, he's sharp and is unbothered about most things that dont concern his family.Aria Amber Stone. She's a girl with a past. At the tender age of 19, Aria has seen grief and terror. She's shy and anxious, can stand her ground but also gets scared easily. She's learned not to show fear to men, they will abuse it. She ran away from her home, if you can call it that, and sought refuge in Sicily, the mafia central.Join Niccolo and Aria as they find eachother and work their way around the challenge that is intimacy.*********************All pictures used are from pinterest, i dont claim credit for any of them.If i have used your material and you want me to either remove it, or give you credit, please let me know and id be happy to.*********************●●●●●●●●The book DOES NOT HAVE any smut. It is marked mature because of language.●●●●●●●●LA MIA MELODIAMY MELODY♡*********************hiii.If you are here from PICCOLO BAMBINO INGENUO then hiiiii you guys, this is Niccolo's story and i am very excited about it. hehe.If you haven't read PICCOLO BAMBINO INGENUO, which is my first book, its okay, this book does have references to it and would be kind of like a little continuation, but its a story on its own, any references that i do put ill explain, but if you wanna get the full experience then id recommend you do read it. Oki enjoy muah.
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My life is normal, or at least relative to it. Really, how normal does life get, being the offspring of the most murderous of beings, the undertaker himself? Being Death's daughter isn't easy. Existence itself is a trying subject; even more trivial when it's based around taking the lives of (mostly) innocent people. The word mostly is an asterisk for people like Sam and Dean Winchester. My father informed me of them at a young age after a reaping that had obviously gone sideways. "If you have the chance," he instructed me, "drag those obnoxious cock roaches down to Hell, and leave them there."Then, one day, two flannel-clad idiots and their angel on a leash wander into my jurisdiction of the veil. My life has never been the same; my life has never been the preconceived notion of 'normal' that it once was.Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or plot lines from Supernatural.
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Saiki K x Reader "Water." "Earth." "Fire." "Air."Sadly no, I'm no Avatar but I am a psychic! I can read people's mind and build a barrier around my own as well. I can also control the four elements and I'm able to fly. My name is Y/n aka you (yea get use to that the fourth wall is damaged in this book lol) and I was an orphan but I've been given the privilege to live on my own for the meantime with supervision of course. I'm also going to be attending PK Academy. I didn't think meeting new people would lead me towards my doom though. You wanna know what's my doom? I can't say but you can find out ;) The art for the cover is mine! Not the best but I like it! :) I do accept criticism about my writing but please be nice. I don't own this anime or characters or the pictures except for the plot of the book and my own characters. ⚠️It involves cussing, mature themes and scenes but I'll warn you before the mature scenes happen⚠️Currently editing because I'm cringing at my old jokes/grammar 🤢🤮 oh also I need to credit the artist too! Il such a bad person cause I don't think I credited them. I'll get that done in a while lol
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The Football Player's Roommate
| COMPLETED | Highest Ranks: #1 in Teen Fiction (06/11/17) & #1 General Fiction (07/22/17) | COMPLETE (05/09/19) |When Amaya receives an acceptance letter to her dream college, she is ecstatic. It has been her dream for as long as she can remember to follow in her father's footsteps of graduating top of her collegiate class. She has been working her whole high school career to be chosen for a scholarship to the university, so when she received it, Amaya thought it would all be smooth sailing from there. It truly was going well until her roommate jumped ship...well schools, and dumped all costs on her. To avoid getting a job that would distract her from her studies, Amaya decides on renting out the other bedroom in her apartment to split the costs and save some money. Poor Amaya didn't know when she made this decision, that a smooth-talking and annoyingly attractive, football player could be just as distracting, if not more, than employment. *****************************Theodore Thompson, or as he liked to be called Theo, is a hot shot football player quickly climbing the charts and earning many of the NFL scout's watchful eyes. He could care less about morals, or even schoolwork. But for some odd reason Theo does care about good financial opportunities and saving money. So when a flyer goes up advertising an exceptional deal on a nice apartment, he goes for it. Unfortunately, at the time, Theo didn't know that getting a roommate came along with such an amazing arrangement.Cover made by: WinterFeels_
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