《Mr. CEO gets what he wants》Chapter 11
Trinity POV
Today is my 6-month ultrasound and I'm ecstatic. This means I'm getting closer and closer to the end of this pregnancy. Which saddens me because I'll feel so naked without the bump I've grown to admire but it's also a huge positive because I get to hold my creations in my hands.
Well, Nathan and I's creation but for now their all mine. He can get them all he wants once their out for the world to see.
Nathan is a lot more excited to see them than I anticipated. Every second day this whole week he asked if I was feeling alright and counts down the days he gets to accompany me on the checkup. Liam was—is never this excited about the pregnancy, and he was part of more than half of it.
I guess its different for Nathan and Liam. The obvious of Nathan being the biological father gives it away but Liam is still going to be a huge part of their life.
Liam and I had video chatted a few days ago as he was about to start shooting his first scene, which is exciting because he's been on edge about this role and worried he hadn't gotten it, but I guess God respond to his prayers by giving what he deserves.
It is currently 9:30 and Nathan had texted me minutes ago that he would be arriving at quarter past. I decide to wear my shoes and sit on the couch and watch tv as I'm waiting for his arrival. Tina's at work this morning and after she's done at 3, at 5 she's got another job till 10. I hate that she has to work 2 jobs because I've my job at Nathans from home.
It's weird that even after what happened, he still emailed me and told to continue my job from home. I do make a ton of money but Tina still insists she works 2 jobs, 3 times a week. She says it keeps her busy while her boyfriend is at work. Speaking of the couple. She has been spending an awful lot of time at Michaels' these past few days, well at least they aren't sexing it up upstairs.
I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear someone knocking on the door. Nathan is here. I walk towards the door and unlock it.
"Hey, "I say stepping aside with a large smile on my face.
"Hey, sorry I'm earlier than expected." He steps into the house as I begin packing up my purse.
I shake my head at his words."Don't worry about it. I had nothing to do anyway. So, ready to get this show on the run?"
He nods and we exit the apartment and take the elevator down. At the sound of the ding, we step off and exit the building, before we can proceed, I turn to him and say, "Your car?"
"Yes. Only if you don't mind."
"Your car is perfect." As I say those words, we walk towards his Mercedes and I seat myself into the passenger seat and Nathan in the driver's seat.
With that, we are off.
Throughout the whole 15 minute drive, we stayed silent, only soft music playing in the background to ease the awkwardness that was wanting to erupt. Once Nathan parks his car, we get out and make our way inside, to the front desk.
"Hello, Ms. Lancast. Please take a seat, Dr. Roven will be with you shortly." The nurse gives me a warm smile as I make my way to the waiting room with Nathan behind me.
We sit on the chairs and are surrounded by a few women, some pregnant, some not, some eyeing Nathan. Does that manage to rile me up in jealousy? No way, I'm being dramatic, I'm over him, he's old news.
"Ms. Lancast." I look up to see my Dr. pointing towards the room we need to enter. Nathan and I get up and trail behind her. As we enter I sit down on the chair and pull my shirt up.
"Who is this?" She asks, her voice filled with curiosity.
"This is Nathan, he's the....father."
"Oh! You finally came! I was waiting to finally see who impregnated her and might I tell you, Trinity, he is quite a handsome man."
At her words, I immediately blush. I don't look at Nathan because I know he'd plastered a cocky smile on his face and is waiting for me to look at it. Dr. Roven continues her job by placing the chilly gel on my stomach and as she's about to use the probe, she looks at Nathan and says, "Ready?"
He doesn't say anything, just nods, looking at the large screen in front of him. By his lack of words, I realize she is nervous. Due to his state, I decided to ease his nerves but placing my hand in his and give him a soft smile.
The moment his hand is enclosed around mine, I feel the exact the same tingles I felt the first time we were together. By the look in Nathans' eyes, I see he feels it too. I ignore them, though. It isn't time for this.
The Dr. Places the probe on my belly and immediately the shape of our babies appear on the screen. I have seen this site so many times but I'm still filled with surprise when I'm looking at them. I turn to Nathan and see his eyes are wide and a smile plants itself on his face.
He looks at them so lovingly, with so much care that it almost brings me to tears. Almost.
"Now time for the heartbeat." As she says that, the room is filled with the sounds of two hearts pumping at similar paces. I will never get tired of hearing it. I hold Nathans hand tight and close my eyes and enjoy the sound. I would never take this back, ever. Never take back the chance of being able to experience something like this.
The sound is gone too soon and I open my eyes back up to see Dr. Rosen with her eyebrows pulled together.
"What's the matter?" I ask, my voice filled with panic.
"Nothing at all. It's just that I might have made a mistake with the genders last month. IT seems that right now I'm seeing a girl and a boy."
"A boy?" Nathan asks in surprise.
"Well, it seems like it. I'm so sorry for the mess up the first time around."
I shake my head. "Don't worry about it, these things happen."
"I'm getting old, my eyes don't work the same anymore. I'll go ahead and print the pictures. Be back in a moment." As she exits I look back to Nathan.
He's still in a state of shock about the news and is tightening his grip on my hand."You okay?" I ask.
He nods in contentment, "Never been better. I'm going to have a son and a daughter. This is crazy!"
I laugh at his enthusiasm. "Crazy is the right word." I pick up tissues from beside me and wipe off the gel. Once I'm done, I toss the tissues in the bin and pull my shirt back down. At that moment the doctor arrives.
"Here are the pictures," She hands one to me and the other to Nathan, "I also scheduled next months appointment for you. Same time."
"Thank you, Dr. Roven. I guess I'll see you next month?" I slowly stand up from the seat and walk to the door.
"See you then. Take care, both of you." With that, we exit the room and make our way towards the car. Nathan stays silent until we enter the car.
"That was so, wow." I smile at his words.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it."
"Thank you for bringing me along with you, really, I appreciate it."
"You deserved to see them."
He doesn't reply and he doesn't need to, because can see through his eyes that he is thankful.
"Here we are," Nathan says as he pulls up in front of the apartment complex.
"Thank you. Would you like to come inside?"
He looks hesitant but agrees to come inside anyway.
Once we're up I get rid of my shoes, place my purse on the countertop and sit on the couch with a groan. "My feet have been swelling so much these days." I place my feet up on the couch in hopes it will ease the ache but have no luck.
I close my eyes and breathe in and out. Moments later, I yelp in surprise as I feel hands on my feet. My eyes instantly open and I see Nathan holding back a laugh. At that sight, I pick up the throw pillow and throw it at him.
"Don't laugh, you startled me!" His laughing doubles and the sight of his flushed face, I join him in laughing over something dumb.
We finally settle down, breathless and dazed. Nathan continues to rub my feet, which sends me to heaven. I guess he always worked well with his hands.
"Enjoying?" Nathan asks, his voice laced with amusement.
I only hum in approval while looking at the TV. I know if open my mouth words won't be coming out. Suddenly, my stomach makes an animal-like noise. I am instantly embarrassed and look at Nathan, which has his eyebrows raised.
"I guess its time for lunch. What do you fancy?"
I shrug. "Surprise me." He nods at my words and lets go of my feet but keeps them on his lap. I want to protest but he's got to order our meals unless I'm going to die.
I don't know why I'm letting him do that to me, touch me. Even if it's just my feet. I don't think exes are supposed to be this comfortable with one another, are they? I've never had an actual boyfriend, so all these experiences are new to me.
I don't want to dwell on it or overstress this topic. But I need to know what's happening to our relationship. I'm with Liam now, if he thinks we can go further, I should clarify that concept from his mind completely."
Once he's done with placing the order and giving the address, he restarts massaging my swollen feet. I can't let this simple gesture stop me from asking what I want to. You can do it, I tell myself.
"Nathan." I finally speak up.
He turns to me. "Yes?"
Without hesitation, I spit out what I've been wanting to ask. "What are we? What is this?"
He looks me in the eye as I say the words and shrugs. "I've been trying to figure that out myself." The air is suddenly thick, I feel like I'm about to suffocate, but his face is stopping me from that. His green orbs bore into mine, his eyes are so intense that I'm worried if I look away, that connection we're experiencing now will fade away.
I drop my feet from his grasp and sit up properly. "Nathan... If you think we're getting back.." My voice trails as I say those words. It feels like my insides are being pulled out as I talk. I shouldn't feel this but I do.
"Do you seriously see a future with him? Do you think he loves you as much as I do?"
I gasp at his words. He has never confessed such words when we were together. I quickly stand up and pace back and forth. "Nathan you can't, not now. Not after everything happened."
He stands up as well, walking towards me. "Tell me you don't feel the same way. Tell me in my face right now that you did feel it, too. I promise I'll forget about it and strictly be the parent of our children."
I look up at his face and my heart aches. I have to tell him, its the only way it won't be as painful. But I can't, it would hurt too much.
"Nathan—" As I'm about to speak, there is a knock at the door. Nathan walks past me and opens up the door and I see it the delivery man. I'm about to walk my bag and pull my wallet out but Nathan is already giving the man the required amount.
He places the food on the kitchen counter and closes the door behind him. I begin speaking up but he cuts me off. "I'm not forcing you to tell me your answer now. I don't need to know it at all actually, I just thought if you told me how you really feel, how I know you really feel. Then it might've changed things. But I guess not
"And I get it. You've moved on and I'm not going to stop you from that but please just give me another chance, give us another chance. Think about what we've been through, together and apart," He stops talking any further and starts putting his shoes on, "I had an amazing time today and I'm sorry if I pushed you too much just now but I just needed to know. The foods all yours, enjoy it." With that, he leaves.
I'm not sure if I shout cry or laugh. His words weren't wrong but there are some things he has no right to know about. My life is my life and he doesn't get a chance to but in after he's done.
But why hadn't I told him that just a second ago?
Nathan POV
As I sit into the car, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I quickly rush to grab it, hoping it was Trinity to ask me to come back. It isn't, its just Ryan.
"Hey Nathan, you free?"
"Yeah, just finished up some things. What's up?"
"Can you meet me at my place like now. I need to discuss something important." His voice is very serious, so I don't question his words and quickly make my way to his home.
I arrive a few minutes later and ring the doorbell once I arrive. He opens the door seconds later.
"Sorry to call last minute but I needed to show you something." I step into his house and we seat ourselves on the couches in his living room.
I nod for him to start and he picks up an envelope. "This morning I got a call from my assistant saying she's got a new story to cover. Before they could publish it, it obviously needs to get approved by me. So I looked over the papers to see the story and guess who it's about?" Before I could reply, he pulls out the papers in the envelope and turns it to me.
I reread the words multiple times, making sure I read it correctly and they stay the same.
"Someones slipped a tip saying they've spotted Liam king delivering drug orders around New York City, he even put in some pictures to prove it. Unless he's amazing at editing, these look quite solid to me."
"Why are you showing me this?"
"Well because of the obvious, you care about Trinity and I don't think it's safe for her to associate with someone like this. Who knows what could be lurking around her house."
Trinity. Shit.
I quickly stand up in panic. I can't tell her, she won't believe me.
"This story cant be published. Not yet. We need to dig in more. IF this goes out, Trinity will be crushed and although I would love to see Liam get into trouble, we need something a little more solid. A few pictures won't cut it, his team is too strong."
"Well, what do you suggest. He can't be roaming around, especially when a pregnant woman is involved," he says.
"I know, shit. Look he said he's going to be out of town for a few weeks, so I'll get a PI to look into this. When were these photos taken?"
"We received them yesterday, as for the date of when they were taken, that's undefined."
I nod at Ryans words. "Do you mind if I took the papers?"
He shakes his head. "Of course not."
"Thank you for calling me. Honestly. Before anything bad could happen to Trinity or the kids."
He instantly smiles. "Shit I forgot to ask, how was it today?"
Liam is instantly forgotten and the air is lighter. "It was amazing. Really amazing. Here,"I hand him the ultrasound picture from my pocket.
He grabs it and his smile widens even more. "You're going to be a father, man! What the fuck?" He hands the picture back and I place it into my pocket.
"I know. Never in a million years would I have thought."
"What are the genders?"
"A boy and a girl." I smile as the words leave my mouth.
"That's great. Honestly, I'm so happy for you dude. What about Trinity, how are you guys?"
"Well, I might have confessed my love to her a few minutes ago."
His eyes widen. "Your an idiot."
"I know that. I don't know if she feels the same but whatever it is, I can't change it. If she doesn't want me, I can't force her."
Ryan places a hand on my shoulder. "Man, you're whipped. Even if you two aren't together."
I flip him off and pick up the papers."I'll call you if I have any leads. Thanks again for these, it helps a lot in proving Liam is who isn't."
"Your welcome, Superman. Call me if you need anything."
I nod at his words and get into the car.
Let's see what you've been up to Liam King.
Hopefully you've enjoyed this chapter, I legit rewrote this 3 times, the first time I wore it was really late at night and I was dead so I wrote anything that came to mind, the next day I decided to edit that chapter only to read it and dislike it because I kind of speeded up the situations and it was all just AGGHHH.
Finally the day after I sat down once again at midnight and said to myself I will edit till its perfect and lucky I did. Now I'm sorry this chapter is really short but hopefully the coming chapter will be longer, what do you think is written in that mysterious file Ryan gave him? I'm also sorry for the late post-school has started so my mind has been everywhere.**
**Sorry for any gramme mistakes.**
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