《Triplets (girlxgirl)》11-The Grand Ball


Tonight was when the Grand Ball took place. The ballroom was decorated in traditional medieval materials. Five huge crystal chandeliers were hanging from the sealing. To one side, there was the banquet and the expensive wine and champagne. To the other, the orchestra was playing delicate music. There was a small platform where important people are going to give speeches tonight. The only way to the main floor is a flight of stairs covered in red carpet. There is a balcony that surrounds the entire ballroom. Paintings covered the walls and rare artifacts can be viewed in window cases.

Right now I was dressed in a dark forest green dress that went a little lower than my knees. It had a V-neck that showed a little of my cleavage. I had two inch silver grey high heels. The pendant that I wore was visible on my neck. It was the only object that used to belong to my mother and I had very rarely taken it off since she died. My hair was nicely styled in a crown on the top of my head. Zoe had styled it for me this morning. She and Ren didn’t come because they were a year too young. They were both seventeen as I was twenty.

Most of the guests had arrived early afternoon to start on their business contracts. Everyone was dressed in beautiful gowns and suits. The styles varied from the 1600s to the newer ones that weren’t on the market yet. I was waiting for the Hundale family to show up when Cameron stepped beside me. He was dressed in a white chemise and a black and grey buttons V-neck vest waistcoat with black pants and business shoes. He wore a grey tie loosely around his neck and his sleeves were rolled up so we could see his tattoo on his right arm.

“Waiting for someone?” he said with his thick British accent.

“I am”not sure why he came to see me.

He pointed my white hair and made a gesture of understanding.

“I see why you were asked to cover your hair with a tuque the night you came into my bar.” He smiled. “There are not many races that hold the unique trait of white hair. Most of which have been extinct or killed off years ago”

“How did you know I was at your bar?” I asked surprised

“Wild guess?” he laughed at my expression but did not answer my question. He stayed beside me and looked around the room. “Don’t be alarmed, but I’m afraid the Duke of Fanron has graced us with his presence” I looked to where he was pointing at and swore. The Duke was hard to miss with his obesity and ugliness. He had expensive jewelry dangling on him and his bald head was shining in the light.

“What is he doing here?” I asked in disgust. Cameroun shrugged.

“Who knows? He’s a politician, and I guess he can’t stay away from free food he can eat at will.” We both laughed. “Ah, here they come” he said as he looked up.

At the top of the stairs stood the Hundale family and they were all very well dressed. M. Hundale had a black suit and tie and he had linked his arm with his wife. His black hair was well combed to the side. Mrs. Hundale was wearing a silver grey gown with a diamond necklace. Her jewelry was not excessive but very present. Her silver high heel shoes gave her a couple of inches in height.


The parents came down the stairs elegantly and were immediately welcomed by the principal. Behind them were the triplets who were slowly walking down. Jessica was standing to the left. She had a one strap red dress that came down to her knees. Her hair was tied up on one side and fell in curls over her shoulder and we could see her earrings clearly. She had little makeup but enough that her piercing blue eyes to stand out. She had black four inches high heels and an ankle bracelet.

Beside her, Red was wearing a sleeveless light blue dress. The dress went down in waves to cover her feet. Her red hair was in a messy yet beautiful bun and she had blue and white flowers in them. Her makeup was just enough to project her gorgeous features. To her right stood Jimhaya and as usual, she was the simplest of them all. She had a black dress to her knees and flat sandals that went up to her calf. She had no jewelry but a little makeup. I wondered how long Red begged to put some on her. Her brown hair was styled in a French braid down to the middle of her back but it was casually thrown over her shoulder. Her dark blue eyes were as dull as ever but she was gorgeous anyways. It was a natural beauty she gave out just like her other sisters. After all they all bore the same features.

When they saw us, they came directly to greet us. After our greetings Jess left to find the alcohol stating she was going to need it for tonight.

“Jasmine, you looked stunning tonight. I never had thought I would see you in such clothing.” Cameron said once Jess left. Red blushed a little before covering it up with a smile.

“Thank you Cameron. You, eh, look nice too” she stuttered.

“Well, I just wanted to be the first to greet you. Do not worry, I will come see you later on tonight. Unfortunately for me I have business to attend to.” He waved us goodbye and bowed to Jimmy who bowed back before leaving.

“Wow, wasn’t that nice” I said sarcastically.

“Shut up Sy.”

“So what are you doing all night?” I asked

“Well, my sisters and I are going to be following mom and dad. We have to learn about politics for when we own our family business.” She said smugly. “What about you?”

“Same, I’m stuck following the principal for the first part of the evening.” I grumbled. This was going to boring for the beginning. I just hope it will get better as the night progresses. I turned my head when I heard my foster dad calling my name. “Good luck. I’ll see you later, you too Jimmy”. We smiled at each other before going our ways and Jimmy silently followed Red towards their parents.


Time went by and I was standing next to the principal, board, while he was talking with an old couple. He had asked me to follow him around and meet guests for the image he projected to them. I really was not into politics, but as the foster child of the principal it was an obligation. Actually that’s not true, I lost a bet to him this morning and he made me do this as consequence. He said ‘He didn’t want to suffer alone’ because he hates politics more than I do. Anyway, after a few fake smiles and a long discussion about education the couple left and was replaced by Mrs. Hundale.


“Excuse me Siana?” Mrs. Hundale said as she approached us. “We did not have time to greet tonight. How are you?”

“I’m good, and yourself?”

“I’m fine” she smiled. “I actually came here to thank you”

“Thank me? What for?” I asked startled.

“Jimhaya. I know you and she spend time together and I noticed she has opened up to you”

“That’s an understatement Mrs. Jimmy doesn’t open up.” I corrected.

“Ah, well you see, I have spent years trying to get to where you are with my daughter. I never understood why she shut herself out to us and I have tried to break her barriers but with no luck. Although with you, she seems more- alive- than she used to. So I wanted to thank you for that.”

“You’re welcome. I-” I was cut off by none other than the Duke of Fanron.

“Well, Hello Mrs. Kelly Hundale. The years have been good to you I see.” The Duke said as he arrived beside us. He offered her one of the wine glass he had in his hands. Mrs. Hundale looked at the glass but made no move to grab it. “My dear Kelly, I’m sure you know it is impolite to refuse a gift from a guest. You would hurt my feelings if you refuse such a small friendly gesture.”

The way he looked at Mrs. Hundale made me want to puke. He was looking at her hungrily and his whole body gave us a hint of what he wanted to do with her. Reluctantly, the older woman took the wine glass into her delicate hands. He smiled and waved a toast to her before taking a sip of his own wine. Ms. Hundale mirrored his movements and brought the cup to her lips but a hand prevented her from drinking. Jimmy was standing beside her mother with a hand on the cup.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Mrs. Hundale asked. Silently, Jimmy took the wine glass from her mother and replaced it with her own. Moving her attention to the Duke in front of her, she took a huge sip of the wine without taking her eyes off the Duke. The fat man watched as she drank form the cup he provided to Mrs. Hundale. His mouth was a straight line and his eyes were blazing with anger but he managed to cover it up with a tight smile.

“This must be one of your daughters, right Kelly?” The Duke said, never taking his eyes off Jimmy. “What is your name kid?”

The principal and I stayed silent as the exchange continued because we were not really sure how to react. It was obvious that they had all forgotten we were there.

“My name is of no importance to you” Jimmy said in dull tone but her body was tense as she spoke.

“No need to get defensive here, I was just talking to your mother for old time sake” he glanced at Kelly and she flinched a little. Jimmy gently laid a hand on her mother’s shoulder and none of us missed the hint of possessiveness in her action. The Duke glared at her hand but made no move to remove it.

“Jamie, what’s going on?” Mrs. Hundale asked looking at her daughter. Jimmy ignored her and continued to watch the Duke as he smirked cruelly like he won something.

“Jamie. That’s a lovely name” he said. That was not good. The Duke now knew who Jimhaya was and he could use it against her. I remember he was not too happy when Red refused to sell Jimmy to him the day we went to the Underground. Now that the Duke of Farnon knew who she was, he could do serious damage to her.

Jimmy took a sip of the wine, not at all looking disturbed that he figured out her identity. She smiled at him but the smile was dark and not at all friendly. I could feel the principal shiver beside me. “It is, but you see M. Dickens: two can play this game”

The Dukes’ smirk flattered before disappearing completely and was replaced by a frown. His face showed pure rage and anger as he took a step forward. Jimmy tightened her grip on her mother’s shoulder before speaking again.

“You know the rules. I must ask you to never speak to my family again.”

“I can speak to whomever I want-

“You can leave now” Jimmy cut him off.

“Never in my life have I ever been so insulted” he said before he turned to leave. “You will hear from me again. That’s a promise”

“Mister” Jimmy called out to him. He turned, his eyes glaring at her from a few feet away. “You should try this wine. It’s very” she paused looking for the right word. “Bitter”

The Duke simply turned and stormed away. None of us said a thing while we watched the fat man disappear into the crowd.

“Jamie?” Mrs. Hundale whispered. Jimhaya blinked a few times before noticing she still had her hand on her mother’s shoulder. She ripped off her hand from Mrs. Hundale as if she was burned. I did not miss the hurt in Kelly eyes as her daughter released her grip. Jimmy looked confusedly at her mother before she bowed showing her neck as submission before leaving. She glanced at me as she walked past before disappearing.

“Excuse me” Ms. Hundale said to us as she sadly walked away whipping her eyes before the tears could come out.

“Is it me or was that a power play?” the principal said facing me. “Is there I something I should know Siana?” I shook my head.

“No sir. Nothing I can’t take care of” he nodded before we went our separate ways.


I found Jimmy sitting in front of a grand piano. Her body moved in sync with the music as her fingers were gently though firmly moving along the keys giving a beautiful and yet sad song. I approached her, but not to close as to disturb her concentration. I waited for her to finish her song before walking to stand beside her.

“That was beautiful” I said to her. She looked up from the piano before motioning the space beside her. I sat down and looked into her eyes. “I didn’t know you could play the piano”

“It was a required talent in our family. Our parents asked us to learn an instrument. Jessica preforms the violin while Jazzy excels with the cello.” She said as she started to push on the keys. This time, the music was slower than the other one but still flawless.

“You didn’t want to play a string instrument like your sisters?” I asked

“No. As much as the violin and cello are beautiful, they are better heard when accompanied with other instruments.”

“So you’re looking for independence?”

“Serenity” she said “I don’t have to wait for someone to help me find it” We stayed silent for a moment, just enjoying the music she played.

“You have something to ask me?” Jimmy said breaking my thoughts.

“Yes, it’s about what happened between you and the Duke”

“Go on”

“The wine he gave your mother, was it poisoned?” I asked.

“Yes, it was” I shuddered.

“Won’t it have an effect on you?”

“No because I have been creating an immune system against poison. Every day, I have a small amount of toxin that is dangerous for my kind so that my body can protect itself from it.” She looked at me without stopping her fingers from moving. “I have been poisoned before and I will never again be as vulnerable as I was” she whispered dangerously. I shivered because we were so close; her breath had touched my cheek. I smiled at her as she brought her attention back to the piano. I gently put my hand on her bare thigh. This caused her hands to hesitate for a second before continuing their journey on the keys. I smirked as I brought my head closer to her ear.

“Do you know how to dance?” I asked her. She shivered but did not look at me as she answered.


“Good, once you’re done playing and after the boring speeches the dance floor will be available and I want you to dance with me” she turned her head towards me to complain but I brought my other hand up and place my finger on her lips to stop her. “That’s not a discussion” and I squeezed her leg. This action caused her to stumble on her keys before she was able to control herself and return her attention to the music.

“I’ll see you soon” I squeezed her leg again before getting up and leaving her to her task with a huge grin on my face. I made my way to the front of the stage where the Hundales where waiting patiently for the speeches to begin. M. Hundale had a protective arm around his wife as she looked a little sad and uncomfortable. Red and Jess were talking and laughing beside their parents.

“Hey girls” I said once I arrived beside them. “How’s the party?”

“It’s great even though it’s not my kind of party” Jess said while both girls giggled.

“Where’s Jamie?” Red asked me.

“She’s playing the piano” I said pointing to direction I came from.

“Ah, she great isn’t she” Jess said. I looked at her shocked. I never expected her to compliment her sister. Jess rolled her eyes “as much as she annoys me, she is a great piano player.”

I was about to say something when the principal stepped up on stage. He first thanked us to be here and then he welcomed the Hundale to town. After a few speeches and bad jokes he told us to have a great night which we did. I hung out with Jess and Red and we joked around and laughed until Cameroun came.

“Hello ladies.” He said huskily. “May I borrow Jasmine for a dance please?” he raised his hand in a welcoming gesture. Red looked at us before shyly taking the offered hand. Cameroun led my friend to the dance floor. They started dancing slowly to the classical music.

“Who is that guy?” Jess asked me.

“He’s a friend that we met a couple of weeks ago” I lied. We watched as Red and Cameroun danced around. They danced well together. Cameroun was very fluid with his movements betraying his gentle side of his nature towards Red. My friend seemed relaxed and was gladly led around the dance floor. Once the song finished, both the older man and younger woman bowed to each other. When Red came back we bombarded her with questions. She blushed like crazy and told us to shut it.

The three of us made our way towards Jimmy who was standing with her parents looking board as they were watching people dance. Once I saw her, I hopped all the way to the third sister.

“Hi” I said. I took her wine glass in my hand and gave it to Red. “Could you hold that for a moment please?”

“What are you doing?” Red asked. The entire Hundale family was looking at me. It was kind of intense.

“Well, your sister promised me a dance” I laughed at their faces.

“I didn’t promise anyth-“ Jimmy started but I cut her off.

“Shush” I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the center of floor. The next song that was playing was a waltz. There were two other couples on the floor with us. As the song began, Jimmy and I started to move but not touching yet.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked me. I knew it was not only for the dance but everything else since I met her.

“You interest me” I said. “At first it was out of pure curiosity as to why you are so different from your family.” We twirled around each other where our skin almost touched “But then I saw you smile and I heard you laugh and that just made me want to know the real you.”

We both raised our hand and touched them slightly while we slowly moved with the music.

“But don’t I creep you out?” I laughed.

“Absolutely, but you don’t scare me” her face hardened.

“You should be” We finally came together. I put my hand on her waist and put hers on my shoulder. We were close enough that our chests were touching. Sparks flew everywhere in my body. We paused for a second looking at each other.

“Maybe so, but until that day comes, you can’t get rid of me” and then we danced.

I led Jamie across the dance floor as we spun and twirled. We dance like we were the only ones in the room. Our movements were in sync and it was as if we had danced our whole lives together. Jamie relaxed as the song progressed and we picked up speed. Right now, there was no conflict, no pain, only serenity. Our spirits eased as our demons slept for the first time. We didn’t think about anything as we let our bodies take over our minds. We danced as one and our bodies molded together.

We were both panting when the song ended and we stopped dancing. We came back into our flushed bodies. I looked down a Jimmy to see her smiling calmly. I smiled back and gently kissed her fingers, but frowned as people started to clap. We both turned around and noticed everyone looking our way. We were the only ones on the dance floor as the crowd applaud to us. I dragged Jimmy away from the center of the floor towards her family. Both M. and Mrs. Hundale looked shocked and yet in awe of their daughter. Jessica frowned in questioning as if she was trying to figure something out and Red was smiling from ear to ear. Once we arrived close to them Red started to praise us.

“Oh my gods, that was so beautiful.” She laughed

“I’m just glad the courses you were forced to go too finally paid off” Jess said. We all glared at her except for Jimmy who grinned.

“Jess, that was uncalled for” Mrs. Hundale said. She came closer to Jimmy and gently put a hand on her arm. “It was a beautiful dance, sweetie” she said.

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