《Triplets (girlxgirl)》10- Morning after


“Siana, wake up. Come on wake up” a deep voice said above me. I groaned and sank deeper into the warmth of my cocoon bed. “WAKE UP” My covers were ripped off my body. I yelped as I was shoved to the ground.

“What the hell, old man?” I said trying to get up. My foster father was standing over me with his hands on his hips.

“Well, you wouldn’t wake up. Now come on we are going for breakfast in town”

“Why?” I asked harshly. He looked a little hurt for asking that question and it instantly made me feel bad.

“We have not spent much time together since the Hundales arrived and I want to know about your summer so far.” He whined. When I finally got up I walked to him and gave him a small peck on his cheek.

“Alright dad, let me get dressed” After hearing the ‘D’ word, the principal's face lit up like a candle flame. He laughed and hugged my tightly.

“I love it when you call me dad” He started hopping around my room like an idiot rehearsing ‘I’m a daddy, I’m a daddy’. I shook my head and made my way to the bathroom with my clothes to get dressed in peace. It was rare that I called him dad even after he adopted me. Don’t get me wrong, I love that old jester to bits but I was not the feely type and calling him dad reminded me of to many sad memories. I think I’m scared that if I start calling him dad, he’ll leave me like my real one did all those years ago.

When I entered my room, M.P had stopped bouncing around but he kept back strait and had the biggest grin on his face. He walked like an exaggerated happy man, moving his shoulders up and down for effect.

“Alright old man, I know you’re happy but stop. Can you walk normally?” I asked him.

“Nope” he said as he popped his ‘p’. “I got a new joke for you though” The principal has an addiction for jokes. The worst the joke is the better.

“Listen to this” he said. “The economy's bad, so a man’s cousin texted his wedding invitations. The man texted back his cousin with a picture of a gift.” He laughed as If it was the funniest joke in the world. “You know: Two can play this game.” He said in between laughs. I joined him after a few seconds while we made our way out of the school. It wasn’t funny at all.

When we arrived at the small café, we went to our usual table by the window. I told him about my summer and about the triplets. He whined about his boring job and all the reunions he had to attend before school starts again. Summer school was about to end as well so the students were in their final exams.


“So, which one do you like?” M. P asked me.


“The Hundale sisters. Which one do you like?” he repeated.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said stupidly. I should never try to keep something from a guy who knows me inside out.

“Sure you do. This whole time you were talking about your summer, you never once mentioned sleeping with another girl, and that is very uncharacteristic of you. And please don’t tell me it’s that Jessica girl. You know how I hate love triangles”

“Everyone ends up getting hurt I know. You told me many times” I joked. “But no, it’s not her.” I looked outside the window. “It’s Jimhaya” I said.

“The unstable one?” I nodded, still refused to look at my foster father. I felt a little guilty because he asked me to look after her and kill her if she brought any danger into town. I didn’t want him to think any less of me because of this. After a few seconds on unbearable silence, M.P let out a deep long whistle.

“Well, kid, I knew you liked danger. I just didn’t know it was that much” I turned my head and saw him smiling at me. I felt relieved that he did not get mad.

“She’s not that bad” I said. He shook his head but continued smiling.

“I just want to make sure that whatever you feel will not cloud your judgment on her behaviour” I shook my head. “Good, now I have to leave”

“What? Why?” I asked him.

“Don’t tell me you forgot” I stared at him blankly. He sighed and said “It’s the annual Grand Ball in three days. I still have to make arrangements and finish preparing the school for our guests’ arrival”

I cursed, I completely forgot about the Ball.

“That reminds me” M.P said as he stood up from his seat and gave me his credit card. “I would like you to formally invite the Hundales to this gathering. After all, it is their welcome party. Use as much money as you like for the clothes and jewelry.” he winked at me and left the café. I sat at the table a while longer lost in my thoughts.

“Good morning Sy” a sweet voice said above my head. I jumped at the sudden sound and turned around to see Red smiling down at me.

“Shit Red, you scared me” I told her, holding me chest.

“Sorry. May I?” she asked me pointing at the empty chair in front of me.


Once she sat down, she looked around the coffee shop and waved the waitress over. After she ordered she turned her attention back to me.

“How are you doing Siana?” she asked me.


“I’m fine. I’m still a little shaken up about last weekend but, I’m fine thanks”

“That’s good.” She smiled at me.

“What about you? Where is Jimmy today?” I asked. This was the first time, Red and I were together alone.

“She’s around” I raised an eyebrow, not happy about her response. “Don’t worry, she’s not doing anything illegal” she clarified. She smiled at the waitress who brought her order. I noticed Red's eyes trailing down to the waitress's ass when she turned around.

“Can I ask you something?” I said.


“What’s your sexuality?”

“Wow, blunt much” she said. “Well, all three of us are bisexual by nature. Jess leaned more to the men and Jamie to the women but we keep our options open.”

“What about you?” I asked.

“I don’t care what gender I end up with because it’s not what I’m looking for. Well, I have not tried to look since Jamie first came to me but for me, it doesn’t matter if it’s a guy, a girl or a transgender. If the person is fat, skinny, ugly, or beautiful. He or she needs to have a great personality and can keep up with me.”

“How romantic” I said with sarcasm. “Does that mean you’re still a virgin?” She laughed and shook her head.

“No, I’m not” she said smiling and started eating her food.

It was mid- afternoon when we decided to get out of the coffee shop. It was a beautiful day and we decided to walk around town for a bit. I showed Red the best places to hang out and the best shops to go to on a rainy day.

“Oh, that reminds me, we need to go shopping for the Ball that your family is invited to” I told Red.

“I knew we were invited to a ball but I’m not sure what it is.” She said.

“Well, every year, our school offers to host the Grand Ball. It’s a party where some very important people come to talk about business and politics. The men and women that are on the school counsel across North America regroup and talk about the upcoming school year. These people will be in meetings for a whole week. And, since your parents are very powerful people and are now on the Supernatural Counsel, they have to attend and you and your sisters are old enough to be invited. Also, there are going to be a lot of powerful guests who will be making deals and compromises to keep the school and the city of Annwn safe. I’m pretty sure Cameron is going to be there”

“Cameron is going to be there?” Red asked shocked.

“I think so; he and four others are in charge of the Underworld. It’s the best place to make deals with the outside world because everyone attending this Ball has to sign a peace treaty.” I said.

We continued walking for a few more minutes before heading back to Red’s car. I didn’t have one because I came in town with the principal. “Why don’t you come eat supper with us? I’m sure my parents won’t mind feeding another hungry teenager tonight. You can explain everything about the ball then and then we can make plans about going into the city tomorrow morning.” Red asked once we arrived to her car which was a simple blue Chevrolet.

“Nice car” I said. I’m not great with cars but I know that this one is nothing special.

“Thanks. It’s brand new. I spent all my money on it and I had to work two jobs just to buy the car and the insurance.” She said proudly.

Laughing I got into the car and called my M.P to tell him about our plans tonight and tomorrow. We said our goodnights and hung up the phone.

“You and the principal seem to get along” Red said. I looked at her from the passenger seat. Her curly red hair was down past her shoulders. Her piercing blue grey eyes were carefully watching the road as she drove. I was mesmerized by her beauty and kind heart.

“Yes, he adopted me when I was young” I said blinking away my thoughts. “When my family died, he was there and brought me back to the school. I was a wreck and I did a lot of bad things I regret but he stayed with me and endured my tantrums until I figured out being sad and angry would not bring them back. So, I did the next best thing which was what they would want me to do. I got good grades, made friends and smiled again. My mother was this happy go-round. No matter the circumstances, she would find a way to make us smile” I smiled at the memory of my mother.

“She sounds great” Red said.

“She was. Anyway, M.P saved me. He taught me everything I needed to know about living. He made me travel with him and after his meetings we would go sightseeing. We traveled everywhere: Europe, Asia, and Africa. Every week, he would always make the worst jokes on the planet just to make me laugh and he still does, by the way, but now it’s more to spite me”

By the time I was done talking, we arrived at my friends’ house and we enjoyed the rest of the night.

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