《Triplets (girlxgirl)》12-First day of school


“So these are your uniforms” I said to the triplets. We were standing in my room at the school dormitory. The sisters arrived early so I could give them the necessary materials such as clothes, books and schedules. The uniforms contained a white blouse, a jacket, a skirt, socks, shoes and a tie.

“How did you know our size?” Jess asked

“These are one size fit all. They have been spelled to fit the owner.” I replied

“Why do we have to wear white? It’s not my color. Why not green or blue like the other kids we saw in the halls”

“Well, the colors signify our level at school. The classes are divided by strengths and weaknesses. For example: the reds are stronger physically and weaker in knowledge. The blues are the opposite, the greens are more into herbs, the yellows are into healing and the purple are the same as us but a level lower. The blacks are the newcomers who do not know what their strengths and weaknesses. We wear white because we are the top students. It’s a symbol of power also: White means we are spotless with no blood stains or dirt on our uniforms.” I explained “Oh, and the kids here love us”

I grinned at them and said “Congratulations, you are now the most popular people in school, especially because you’re new.”

“Awesome” jess said with a smirk. I knew she would love it.

“But, that also means a lot of people will challenge you. We are the models here and some believe they are entitled to wear white while others simply wish to know how far they need go to become better.”

“Even better” Jess said.

“You like fights don’t you?”

“I love it.” I shook my head. Man, these girls are something.

“Go get dressed and I will give you your schedules and then we go to the auditorium.” I shooed them away. “Unless you want to strip here, that’s totally fine with me” I smirked as I looked down each of their bodies. Jess smirked back while Red rolled her eyes and dragged her sister by the arm towards the bathroom. Jimmy stayed behind looking at me with a frown on her face.

“I don’t want to be popular” she told me.

“Don’t worry” I said putting an arm around her shoulder. “You just keep frowning like you usually do and the kids will stay away from you”

“Didn’t work with you though”

“Well that’s because I’m a fan of scary things” I grinned at her.

“Thank you?” she said. I couldn’t help but laugh and pushed her towards the bathroom. She had absolutely no social skill.


Once we were all dressed, we headed out of the dorms and to the main building. This was a huge school with five buildings and two football fields. Ren joined us as we made our way across one of the fields. Jess ran up and jumped on him as he twirled around laughing. They were on full make out session by the time we arrived beside them. Ren was wearing his white uniform which was almost the same as ours except he had pants instead of a skirt. His shaggy blond hair was gelled backwards, showing his beautiful green eyes. Even in his uniform he looked like a beach boy.

“When do you think they will stop doing that?” Jimmy asked.

“Seriously Jamie, you need to get laid. Maybe then you will stop being so uptight all the time and understand our needs” Ren said. We all laughed.

“Don’t look so hurt” I said to Jimmy flicking her nose. I brought my lips to her ear and whispered “If you ever need to release the tension, I’ll be happy to help you” I leaned down and kissed the side of her mouth not trusting myself to kiss her completely. I didn’t want to upset her and I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop if I kissed her on the mouth. I winked at her and walked away swinging my hips from side to side.


Every student we passed stopped what they were doing to look as us. They whispered to each other and some whistled. We ignored the stares and continued walking. We sat in the front row of the auditorium and waited as the room slowly filled with kids. Everyone stopped talking when the lights went out and a figure made its way to the microphone.

“Good morning and welcome to Misty high. For those who don’t know me yet I am Haley Finnegan, the secretary. I’m here right now because the principal forgot to put his alarm clock this morning and is now late.” Everybody laughed. We all laughed louder when the principal came running with messy hair and shoes untied.

“Hi, I’m the principal. I want to welcome all the new students and the older ones back. Most of them anyway” he said out of breath. “New students, I assumed you received a rule book on your way here. Your first homework of the year is to read and remember those rules. Old students, the same homework applies to refresh your memories” Everyone groaned “But to make sure, I will pass the most important ones with you right now. These rules must be followed at all costs and the consequences of breaking these rules will, not can but will be severe.” Everyone in the room stayed silent as the principal went down the list.


1. No killing.

2. No fighting. One could challenge another student but must inform a teacher and set a date and time of the challenge.

3. No magic, no tricks or hex outside of classes or specific magic rooms for training.

These rules are absolute.

4. Uniforms

“I also want to introduce the top students at this school. They are here to help you and teach you if you ask properly. Please applaud the White students” The principal said. Everybody cheered as Ren, Zoe and Patches and I came on stage. Patches was a quiet boy. He kept to himself and did his work. He is my height with dirty brown hair. He is the only one of us who started at the lowest level and slowly made his way up to the top. His favorite hobby is to study so he can stay in his position. Like Jimmy, he wants nothing to do with popularity but he gets the best teaching in school. He comes from a very poor family and sends them money from small jobs he acquired in school. He is also the only one of us that does not have status. Zoe comes from a royal family and Ren is the son of an Alpha. I’m an angel, one of the rarest creatures to live and Patches is an owl shifter.

“This year, we have three new students that will wear white this year. Please welcome the Hundale sisters” The sisters made their way to stand beside us on the stage while the student clapped their hands. Jess and Red were waving to the crowd, one happily and the other shyly. “They are new students so I expect to treat them nicely and show them the ropes around here”

Somewhere in the crowd, we heard a whistled.

“Thank you for your honest opinion Sean but please don’t do that again” I chuckled. Sean was a Don Juan around here. He has been trying to get in bed with me from the moment he arrived even though I told him I was gay a thousand times. “Alright, quiet down and let me finish so can all scram away”


Our day finished at noon. The morning was consisted to sightseeing and knowing where everyone’s classes were. Jimmy was the only one who had a different schedule of the rest of us because Mss. Adam has requested a private class with her. Her course consisted of mind over body.

I went back to the Hundales’ for lunch. Their parents weren’t home so we had the house to ourselves. Jimmy was quieter than usual but I paid it no mind. After lunch, Jasmine and Jessica went swimming in their pool out back while I stayed beside Jimmy and asked her what was wrong. Instead of answering she grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me to her room. Once the door was locked she looked at me.

“Were you serious about earlier?” she meant about the kiss. I slowly made my way to her, putting my hands on her hips.

“I was. To tell you the truth, I need this as much as you do. I haven’t has sex in so long” I smiled and gently pecked her lips. Jimmy took a sharp breath and brought my head back down. She kissed me hungrily and I replied with as much need. Her lips felt so good mine and boy did her tongue do a number on me. But the kiss lasted a couple seconds before Jimmy broke the kiss and speeded across the room. She was breathing hard as she put her arms on the wall for support. I suddenly realised how hard it was for her.

“What happened last time?” I quietly asked her.

“She died. I couldn’t control myself and went too hard on her” she said. “It’s been a year” I cringed, that was way too long.

“You shouldn’t be afraid to hurt me. I’m an angel, I’m good with pain. By the way, rough is my favorite.”

Jimmy took a shaky deep breath and slowly turned around. Her eyes were deep red and her fangs were out. Slowly, as to not unsettle her, I took my clothes off and her eyes followed my every move. She was looking at me with a predatory look but I didn’t flinch. I would not show her weakness because I knew that if I did, sex would be the last thing on her mind. I had to believe that she wouldn’t hurt me if I was going through with this. One year, for someone like her, is too dangerous because she won’t be able to control herself and I was aware of that.

Once I was standing naked in front of her, I opened my hands as an invitation. “Show me what you’ve got hybrid” I smiled. I didn’t have to ask twice. With her speed, she slammed me to the wall kissed me with all the hunger she had. She dominated my mouth as I fervently took off her clothes. “What about your sisters? Won’t they hear? ” I asked between kisses.

“Sound-proof” she said helping me take off her skirt. After that we both shut up as we kissed and our bodies molded together.

Let me say it was not gentle at all.

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