《Triplets (girlxgirl)》3- Evaluation


The next few hours were quite boring. The sisters were being evaluated by the teachers. Jessica managed to fight Boris for an hour and half before falling unconscious. Her results were outstanding: she finished in the top four strongest fighters in the school. Her injuries were pretty bad but they healed fairly quickly. Her mix blood of vampire and werewolf gave her amazing strength and speed. No matter how much she was being beat up she never gave up, Boris had to knock her out after a while. Her magic evaluation though was a bust because her powers had not been awoken yet.

Jasmine on the other hand, did not last as long in her fighting against Boris. After twenty minutes she gave up. There was no blood and a little bit of sweat but nothing more; it felt to me like she did not draw blood in purpose. Anyway, her magic evaluation with M. Colt was impressive. The principal thinks that she will one day be one of the greatest witch in North America. She was able to control her magic and given the information we were told, Red has been reading about magic for a couple years and her mother had also been teaching her.

After killing Boris, Jimhaya did not do anything besides looking through the movies. She refused to show her magic declaring she did not have any powers. She did show interest when Red was fighting Boris. The entire time she was on the tip of her toes ready as if ready to pounce if her sister needed help. Her eyes held a sense of protectiveness in them. Come to think of it, since they came in, Jimhaya would look for Jasmine every so often; just an eye contact or just to make sure she was still there. I would know; I have not been able to take my eyes off of her. I also saw that she totally ignored her parents and her other sister’ fight and injuries.

M. Zettra, the supernatural expert, was here to study the triplets. He took notes while the girls were showing what they could do. When the first two tests and a break were complete everyone came back and took their seats. Jim was still ignoring everything that was going on.

“Jazz, sweetie, could you tell Jamie to come sit here please” her mother said in a small tone. It’s funny how they nicknamed her Jamie.

Red nodded and said “Jamie, come sit please”. Jim looked at her and after a couple seconds then made her way with a heavy sigh. She sat beside her sister while Red put her hand on her leg as a comfort gesture. They really do seem very close. I’m going to have to know more about that.


“Alright, so far so good right?” the principal happily said. “We now have only two tests left before you be on your way. So lets’ not waste time shall we?” he gave me a nod. I took a knife a slit my arm. This test is to see how well the sisters can control their blood lust. My blood is sweeter than most beings because of what I am. I heard gasps around the room. When I looked up from my bleeding arm I could see the difference results. Red tensed up her hand that was lying on Jims’ leg squeezed hard. You could see her veins popping out as she tried to control herself. Her eyes changed color to bright blue. Jim gently put her hand on top of her sisters’ and it seemed to be helping. When Jimmy looked up at me, she took a deep, deep breath and smiled. Her body was relaxed, her features were controlled and her thumb was caressing her sisters’ hand to ease her. Her eyes were ice cold and she had a knowing smile.

“What are you doing?” she asked me. Her voice was creeping me out. It was sweet and innocent, the things I was pretty sure she was not. I didn’t answer her, she already knew the answer.

“What are you?” she asked again cocking her head to the side. She seemed curious about me. I opened my mouth to answer but before I could reply I was pushed to the floor knocking the armchair I was sitting on. There was shouting everywhere around the room. Jessica was on me within a second with her hands pinning me to the ground. Her wild eyes were pitch black and she was looking at my bloody arm.

I had no time to close my eyes when she dove for my neck, but the pain I was expected never came. She was hauled off me by two strong pairs of arms. Her father and Boris were holding on to while she was screaming bloody murder. Her eyes never left me while she was trying to get free. Somehow she managed to throw her father off her. The teachers were on her, trying to hold her still but she fought the like a crazy person.

“Hold her still!”

“Jessica stop! Enough, enough!”

They were trying to calm her down through the screams and growls. Her mother came around the chairs and tables to face her. When Jess was contained by three teachers and the principal she put two fingers on Jessica’s forehead and her daughter suddenly closed her eyes and went limp in their arms.


“Well” Jim said in her sarcastic voice, “that answers that!”

“Enough Jimhaya! You’re stepping out of line” her father’s voice boomed with authority and power. Jim rolled her eyes but remained silent as she sat beside Red. Both sisters did not move from their place while the commotion was going on. Red seemed in better control when she looked at my arm but by now my wounds were closed.

“What an interesting event” the principal said a bit shakily. “Let’s finish quickly because this is getting quite out of hand. Miss. Adams if you please start with Jasmine”

Miss. Adams moved forward and sat in front of Red. She grabbed her hands and started to chant in Latin. Soon they were both in a trance. What Mss. Adams can do is go into your subconscious and evaluate your ‘dark side’. The side that is blood thirsty and monstrous that hides in the back of your head. The side we just witness from Jessica a few moments ago. Miss. Adams can help us control ourselves from the subconscious and train our mental strengths.

When it was over, both Red and the teacher were smiling and laughing. She wrote down her results on a piece of paper and gave it to the principal. She then moved to Jimmy grabbed her hands and started chanting again. Suddenly, soon after they started their trance, Miss. Adams was removed her hands as if she had been burnt. She had a look of disbelief and fear when she looked at Jimmy. Her hands were slightly shaking as she took a shaky breath and wrote down the results. This has never happened to our teacher before. She spends her days in the minds of people and seeing their inner beasts but never has she reacted as such. Jimmy had a satisfied look on her face but her eyes remained cold. Her smile grew wider when she looked at me like she knew what I was thinking. Man, this girl creeped me out.

After many apologies and thanking the Hundales’ for coming, the family finally made their way out of the school with an angry Raymond caring his unconscious daughter in his arms and none of them looking back.

Once they were gone I felt really tired. I looked at the clock and it was not even noon. I puffed my cheeks and looked at the principal.

“I don’t want to try and be friends with her “I told him. “First of all, she creeps me out big time and second of all, I don’t think she wants to be friends with anybody but her sister. Plus, I don’t think she’s all there in her head!” I told him with a gesture of my hand trying to prove my point.

“She’s certainly something” the principal told me. “But after what I saw, you really have to get near her. I don’t care how you do it, you just do it” He had lost all of his happiness once the family left. “I want her and her sisters watched at all times. I’m not ready to sacrifice the students’ safety here for them even if they need it the most.”

“Why would they need safety?” Boris asked.

“They need to help to keep safe from themselves.” Mr. Zettra responded. “You saw how poor their control is. But the third sister, Jimhaya, had perfect control over herself for every test. I don’t think I ever saw someone like her before”.

“It’s always the quiet ones that are the worst. You never know what they’re thinking” Mr. Colt added

“Excuse me sir” Miss. Adams asked the principal, “I request private sessions at least twice a week with the sister Jimhaya for the mediation class. I think it would be safer for everone if I confront her seperatly.”

“What did you see in her head darling? Was she not in control of herself?”

Miss. Adams shook her head. “She was in great control, I say almost perfect. But she is not what she lets everyone know-“

“We already knew that, giving the way she killed me” Boris angrily interrupted her.

“What I’m saying is that her ‘inner beast’, that thing she is keeping locked up in her mind is- it’s-“. She took a shaky breath and continued “its madness. It’s dark and evil and I don’t know how she managed to keep it under control. It’s huge, almost invading all of her mind. Please sir, I want to help her keep it under control because if she breaks her hold on it, I don’t’ think we will be able to stop her“

Everyone was silent from the revelation. And to think I had to get friendly with that/her.

Well at least she’s smocking hot so I could probably start from there.

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