《Triplets (girlxgirl)》2- The Hundales'


It was beginning of July, the Hundale family finished moving in their new home a few days ago and were now on their way to the school to get advanced information and regulations they will need during the year. Needless to say that I was excited and a little nervous to meet them.

The Hundale family are not to be reckoned with. Raymond Hundale is a werewolf and one of the greatest Betas ever lived. He could have been an Alpha if he wished because he had the power and the brains but decided to let his position to his younger brother. He works as an accountant for big companies. Kelly Woodfield, is the daughter of the European Queen witch. She is the second most powerful witch in Europe her older sister being the first. But when she moved to North America, it made her the strongest one on the continent. She is in charge of all witches on the continent. Kelly is also one of the finest attorneys around.

So how come is it that their children have vampire genes? Well it was said that when Kelly was pregnant with the girls she was brutally attacked by a vampire. The damage caused and the amount of venom pumped in her should have killed her but her unborn children absorbed all the venom and helped her heal.

Anyway, here we were the principle, secretary, two other students and I, waiting on their arrival in one of the many living rooms of the school.

"They’re coming" said Ren as he straitens himself. He was right; we heard the engine of a car coming closer to the school. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans. I didn't understand why I was so nervous but I had a feeling I was about to find out.

"Well then," the principal said, "here we go!”. The doors opened and the Hundales stepped in the building for the first time. The first person I saw was a girl about average height around 5'5 with shoulder length black hair. She had a playful, yet sexy smirk on her face and her light blue eyes were hard and analyzing. Her skin had a natural tan and she was very muscular as if she trained every day. She wore a sleeveless shirt and short jeans shorts with a brown belt that showed her muscular arms and legs. She had a necklace around her neck and had three piercings on each ear. She came in with her head held high like she owned the place and she had an aura that screamed dominance and confidence. This girl will likely be popular in no time and judging by her entrance, she loves attention.

The second girl that came in looked exactly the same except her long hair was a dark red, with a hint of brown. She had soft grey-blue eyes that held knowledge and kindness. Her lean body was not as muscular as her sister but still well built. She had a light green summer dress with gladiator sandals. Her smile made her entire being shine and the air around her felt like friendship and calmness.


The third sister was completely different. The first thing I noticed was her black hoodie, baggy sweat pants and black sneakers. We were in the middle of July for crying out loud and yet she did not seem to mind the heat. Her brown hair was tied into a bun, her dark blue eyes were cold and distant and her pale face held no emotions except boredom. Everything about her was normal, like she was a normal human being. I couldn't smell her wolf, her magic or her vampire smell no matter how hard I tried. Although there was something off about her but I couldn't put my finger on it. I had a faint feeling when I looked at her that was screaming ‘danger’. The fact that she was giving nothing away made me believe that she was hiding something, something dark. I couldn't keep my eyes off her and the fact that she was gorgeous in her weird and indifferent kind of way did not help. She was no doubt Jimhaya Hundale.

All three sisters were absolutely beautiful, and no matter how much they looked alike they were defiantly and completely different people, personality wise. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the principles cheery voice boomed cheerfully "Welcome to Dawnsville town and Misty High! I hope everything went well today".

"Yes thank you" replied Mr. Hundale. I was so concentrated on the brown haired girl that I did not see the older couple come in. I took a good look at them and was not surprised by their good looks. Raymond was a tall, muscular man with tan skin, dark hair and dark eyes. He was calm and confident and his posture was relaxed. Kelly was shorter than her daughters. She had pale skin, strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. She had the same smile that lit the room as her daughter (the redhead one) but she looked weary. Her shoulders were a little stiff as if she was on her guard.

“Please take a seat and we shall start.”

Raymond and Kelly were sitting with the black hair girl on a sofa while the other two sat together on an armchair. The one I assumed was Jimhaya sat in the chair while the other sat on the arm with her arm sprawled on the top behind Jimhayas head.

“Hello, I’m Raymond, this is my wife Kelly and these are my children” he pointed to the black hair girl, “Jessica”, then to the read head sitting on the armrest “Jazmine and finally Jimhaya” he said in a sour voice as he pointed to the brown hair girl.

"Welcome, these kids are Ren, the blue haired girl is Zoe and the white haired one is Siana" the principals said. Yup, I had white hair. “There are a few rules that need to be understood before school starts. After everything is said there will be an evaluation on your strength and power. In this school, the students are placed into levels depending on their strengths and weaknesses. From there, they are placed in specific classes that will help them blend and live in the ‘outerworld’” Losing interest in his dialogue, my eyes wandered on the family. They all seemed to be listening except for Jimmy aka Jimhaya. Her name is just too long. As if knowing I was looking at her, Jimmy took her eyes off her phone and stared at me. My entire body froze from her gaze; I couldn’t breathe. Her deep blue eyes felt like I was looking in an empty well that went on and on into the abyss. It was strange; I have never felt this way before. I felt violated, naked and she looked at me as if she saw through me, through my soul. After what it seemed like hours but merely seconds she lost interest and went back to her game. Relief washed trough me, I took a deep breath happy that I could breathe normally again.


After a while, I noticed that Kelly was trying to make her daughter drop her phone with no luck. I was still looking at her when Red aka Jasmine (I like giving nicknames) slowly brought her sisters’ phone down with one of her hands. Jimmy looked up and held eye contact with her. After a few seconds, Jimmy sighed and she gave her the phone. I frowned, why would Jimmy not listen to her parents but follow a silent demand from her sister? I guess she didn’t get along with her parents given that her fathers’ voice was sour when he said her name. Interesting, interesting.

“So, you three children will be placed in Level one. This level is the strongest with the star students. You will learn how to fight, how to use magic and most of all, how to control yourselves. You will also have advance classes in all domains such as math, history and so forth. You will learn how to protect yourselves physically and mentally.” The principal said. “In order to do so, we will need to know your weaknesses and your strengths. We will now have a small evaluation shall we?” He clapped his hands and three men and a woman teleported themselves in the room. These four were the best teachers at this school. Boris was our fighting teacher, Mr. Colt was our magic teacher, Mr. Zettra was our supernatural expert teacher and Miss Adam taught us how to control our ‘inner beasts’. She was like a meditator and by far my least favorite teacher. But don’t let looks fool you, all four were very dangerous.

“This is how it’s going to happen; we will evaluate your fighting, your magic and your basic skills. Miss Adam here will also perform an evaluation of her own to judge how good your control of your, shall we say ‘dark side’” Mr.P. laughed with excitement. “I love having new students here. They always bring something new here” He laughed again. Yes our principal is crazy. He is a very happy man, crazy, but happy and he loves new stuff.

“The first thing you need to do is attack our friend Boris. Who wants to go first?”

Jimmy who rose from her chair and pointed to the wall near the television said: “Are all of those movies and tv series?” Everyone was shocked by her answer. It was insulting that she has not paid an ounce of attention to the principal and he knew it. You could see in his face that he was a little insulted. Jessica, the black hair girl rolled her eyes, her father looked angry and her mother looked disappointed. Red just signed and shoved a hand through her curls as if she knew it was going to happen.

“Sure” I said seeing as I was the first to regain my voice. “If there is one movie or show that is not there you can ask for it and it will be bought.”

“Cool” Jimmy replied as she started to move towards the wall covered with DVDs and blue rays. Before she went far Boris moved in front of her blocking her way.

“Not before you attack Boris. If you are afraid of damaging him don’t, he’s immortal. That means he can’t die” Miss Adam said in a French accent.

“I see”. Jimmy looked thoughtful for a moment. She looked back at Red then shrugged. Suddenly, her hands shot up, grabbed Boris’s head and snapped his neck. It was so fast, nobody had time to react. The only sound in the room was our teacher’s lifeless body hitting the floor. Without another glance, Jimmy stepped over the body and slowly walked to the wall. I blinked a few times not sure about what I saw. The principal and I shared a glance of surprise and confusion. This has never happened before. There was only one person who ever managed to beat Boris and that was me. But my fight was full of bloodshed and sweat, it was not like this. Jimmy didn’t even blink when she snapped his neck and she didn’t look like she had any regrets afterwards. Even her parents looked surprised. The only one who didn’t was, Red but she looked sad. It seems that Jimmy’s sister knows a lot more about her than the rest of her family.

Well, it’s official now. Jimmy was dangerous and probably a sociopath. Let’s hope she was not a psychopath.

That would be bad.

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