Triplets (girlxgirl) Chapter 1


"Siana Bane please report to the principal’s office, Siana Bane, thank you". Even in the intercom you can hear the chirpy voice of the school secretary as she called my name for the first time today. I groaned, really? What a sucky timing. Then the fingers inside me hit my soft spot and I moaned.

“Don’t stop now sweetheart” I told the girl on top of me. It wasn’t every day I let someone in control, but this time was worth it.

“And stop whatever you’re doing this instance!” said the voice in the intercom. Ah, she knew what I was doing all right. The girl slid of me and started to put her clothes back on.

“Oh come on, they can wait a couple minutes” I complained.

“Sorry love” she said in her English accent, “but looks like we are going to have to reschedule”.

I groaned again as I put my clothes back, mumbling cursed words to the principal. And the fun was just getting started. After I was decent, and still very frustrated, I made my way through the empty hall towards my destination. The halls would be empty on a Sunday in the middle of June. The final exams were done and summer school was starting. This school was not like any other, it was open every day for the entire year and at least one quarter of the students lived here permanently or until they graduate and find a job. Also, the school provides the money for the students who are not able to provide themselves. To most, this was a haven and to me was one.

“So,” the secretary said with a knowing smirk, “did you dirty the janitor’s closet again?”

Laughing I replied “It was not the janitor’s closet” and went in without knocking. You can that the principal loved to read because this entire room was full of books. It was hard to walk in without stepping on papers or books.


“So I hope we won’t have to wash the janitor’s closet again do we?” the principal said from his desk.

“It was not the closet!” I repeated. “And you don’t have to clean anything; you stopped us before the good stuff”

“Stop, I don’t want to know” he said while putting his hands on his ears.

“It was Mandy the succubus! Do you know how long it took me to have her?” I said.

“I don’t care what you do with girls, I care about where you do it” he grumbled, “why don’t you do it in your room, on your bed?”

“Because it’s too far” I whined. He shook his head, “You’re going to have to do better than that”.

“It’s too comfortable?” I tried again.

“Not good enough”. I took a deep breath, I knew he what he wanted me to say. That man knew me so well; he was the one who raised me after all. No matter how much I lie to people or hide myself to the public I always end up pouring my soul out to him.

“It’s too emotional okay? Plus its boring” I said with a sigh, “people expect more when you sleep with them in your room. And I’m not the feely type”

“So” he dragged out, “having sex on the janitor floor means that there is no feeling?”

“It was not the janitor closet, but ya that’s exactly it”

He huffed and puffed his cheeks, “Kids these days”. Then he became serious “listen I summoned you here because we are having new students next September.” He handed me documents that contained the information.

“Sisters or should I say triplets. They will be in your level and I want you to keep an eye on them. All three have witch, werewolf and vampire blood. Two of the girls have bloomed at least two of their blood. One of them is the future alpha of her pack and her wereolf and vampire side has woken up. The second one is the hair to the Witch Throne and her witch powers and wolf has also woken up”. So far I didn’t understand why he was explaining me this. He took a deep breath and answered my unasked question. “The third girl is a bit of a problem. Apparently nothing has woken up yet”. That was weird. Why or how can two sisters bloom before the other if they were triplets? “Now, logically it means that the third one’s vampire blood will be strongest and her wolf would be weakest. I find it hard to believe that she has not woken up at least her vampire side, but if it did, her parents do not know of it and that frightens me” I was shocked, I have never seen or heard the principal scared and right now he was. Three different powers in one body is hard to control, especially without guidance.


“Listen to me Sy, I want you to read everything about these girls. They will be arriving in less than a month and we will start evaluating and bringing them up to speed on the classes. Now, your mission, should you choose to accept it is to look after the third sister and make sure that she is not, uh, lost in her powers and gone completely mad.” I smiled, that sounded more like Mr. Geek Principal. “I’m concern about the safety of this school with them coming here. This is a safe haven for us people and I intend to keep it so, do you understand?” And were back to serious.

“I do. Don’t worry old man” I said with my signature smirk, “I’ll just have to charm her away.” I flipped my white hair over my shoulder and winked at him as I headed to the door.

“That’s what I’m afraid of” he mumbled

“I heard that” I yelled over my shoulder as I left the office. Now I had unfinished business to attend to.

Now, where was that damn succubus?

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