《More Than You Realize》Chapter 2: Who He Really Is
God, my life is messed up now. I should've been stronger. Maybe if I was a better friend, things might've turned out differently. Now, I'm stuck in the middle of two evil characters, apparently, fighting over me!
"Maybe I can just slowly back out of this..." I mumbled to myself as I began backing away from Void Steve and whoever that other guy was.
The mystery figure snapped his head towards me. He disappeared, then reappeared right in front of me.
"AH!" I screamed while falling down on the ground. Pain shot through my back. The mystery figure smirked.
He extended his arm out to grab me, but I wouldn't let that happen. I jumped up and back, away from the evil guy. I began to run, and, of course, didn't make it very far before he teleported in front of me. I glared.
"What do you want from me?" I asked backing away once again, only to have him near me. Fear rose into my chest, nearly suffocating me. I reached back for the Galaxy Sword, but I wasn't quick enough.
The figure grabbed my wrists tightly, cutting off blood circulation. I tried back away, but his grip was like iron; clamped around my wrist and keeping me, strictly, in place.
An anger began to overtake my fear. It boiled in my chest. A burning feeling was, slowly, spreading in my chest. It felt... right, but bad at the same time. It hurt to breath.
"Let... go!" I yelled glaring up into the figures black eyes. He flinched a little, and loosened his grip. 'Come on, he couldn't have been scared of that!'
"Heheheheheheheh," he chuckled, still having a grip on my wrists. "So this is what he's like when mad? Tell me; do you feel a burn in your chest? A feel of anger coursing through your body?"
What is his guys talking about? How does he know how I feel? I feel... different. I can't decided whether it's good or bad, though.
"H-how did you-?" I questioned, letting a little fear stab my chest once again. He was about to answer, but wasn't quite able to.
Void Steve said menacingly. This was definitely weird. Why was Void Steve trying to protect me? The figure frowned some and looked back to Void Steve.
"You can't save him. He will be apart in my master plan," the figure said before turning back to me. He smirked, causing a small pit to form in my stomach.
"SABRE!" a familiar voice yelled out. I looked to where the voice came from. I smiled a little, but not fully since I was still mad. Rainbow Steve stood about 10 blocks away from Void Steve; a panicked looked on his face.
His eyes went wide once he saw I didn't have my blindfold on. His mouth was open, but nothing came out. He was in shock.
"S-Sabre? Y-your eyes!" Rainbow Steve exclaimed pointing to my freakish eyes. I couldn't help but frown a little. "Wait, who's this guy?"
"My name is not important..." the figure said, glaring at Rainbow Steve.
"Get away from Sabre!" Rainbow Steve yelled. The figure gripped my wrists tighter than before.
"AH!" I yelled out in pain. I felt weak in the knees, like I could collapse at any moment. The guy was the only thing keeping that from happen.
Rainbow Steve gasped and glared at the mystery figure.
Suddenly, the figure let go, but I wasn't free. Chains clamped around my wrist and attached itself to the ground. I was pulled down; now kneeing in the red mesa sand.
"You wanna fight, Rainbow Steve? Then let's go!" the figure yelled before charging at Rainbow Steve with a sword in hand.
Rainbow Steve tried to move, but was unable to for some reason. His eyes went wide in fear and shock. His eyes clenched shut, bracing himself for the attack.
My eyes went wide when the figure stopped moving. Tears began to form in my eyes. Void Steve was even in shock.
"N-no..." Rainbow Steve mumbled as he was released from whatever held him in place. Tears ran down his multicolored face.
How he got there, was a mystery. All that matters, though, was how he was ended. Purple Steve backed away from the figure, stumbling backwards.
He held the place where the sword had impaled him. Blood stained the area around the wound as Purple Steve crouched down.
He looked up to me, weakly. A soft and painful smile graced his lips, causing more tears to form in my eyes.
"ssenkeem eht pleh syawla lliw dna ,lufrewop lla si eh tub
ssenkaew a si gnihtyreve dna ,htgnerts on sah eh
yas lliw esoppo ohw ynam tey
yad siht no nrob si roivas a
thgil eht lla seirrac yllautca ohw eno eht si
thgirb enihs ton yam ohw eno eht rof
raef ton od tub
raen si dne eht," his voice rang before stopping.
After he said that, his body collapsed and collided with the ground. We all stared in shock. The figure back up towards me.
He released the chains from my wrist, then went to grab me. I wasn't letting that happen.
I grabbed the Galaxy Sword and swung it close to his neck. All he did was stare and frown. He paid no mind to the weapon, except for the fact it was close to his neck. He knew, one movement, and I would finished the attack.
"Get... away from me!" I yelled, breathing heavily. I glared at him. He smirked and began laughing. He backed away.
"You're braver than I thought. Don't worry, Sabre. I'll be back. Trust me; you won't be free once you're in my grasp," he said before disappearing completely.
Silence. Nothing was said. Rainbow Steve was still recovering from Purple Steve, and Void Steve was too busy recapping what just happened, or so that's what it looked like.
"Purple Steve..." Rainbow Steve mumbled kneeling beside of Purple Steve. I placed the Galaxy Sword back into my inventory. "This... this is... ALL YOUR FAULT!" he yelled at me. I flinched away.
"Wh-what? How is this my fault?" I asked curiously. He stood up and glared at me like I just killed his family.
"How is this your fault? HOW IS THIS YOUR FAULT! THINGS LIKE THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN BEFORE YOU GOT HERE!" he yelled marching his way over to me. I backed away; actually afraid of him. "Purple Steve is dead because of you. Galaxy Steve probably is as well. Ya know, Void Steve was right about you. YOU ARE NOTHING BUT PURE EVIL!"
Void Steve finally said. He hadn't spoken in so long, I somewhat forgot he was here. Rainbow Steve flinched and glanced back over to Void Steve.
"B-but you said," Rainbow Steve said. He shook his head, walking a little closer to us.
Void Steve said stopping extremely close to us.
"Oh, yeah. What was all that about? Who was that guy?" I asked. He bit his lip, as if he were afraid to tell us.
Void Steve said. Suddenly, lighting circled around Rainbow Steve and me.
"What are you doing?" I exclaimed as the lighting almost finished wrapping around the area we were standing in.
Void Steve said just before we were knocked out.
Sabre and Rainbow Steve lied in the middle of a field, surrounded by trees and grass.
Sabre groaned and rolled a little in his sleep. Slowly, he rose his body up. He rubbed his aching head. Rainbow Steve was still knocked out cold.
Sabre didn't say anything, not like he had anything to say to anyone. He just stared at a nearby lake. He watched as the waves and ripples kept the water from sitting still.
He stood up and made his way over to the clear liquid. He didn't have any expression on his face as he stared at himself in the water. The red and yellow eyes stared back into his own.
The events from earlier replayed in his head like a broken film. The clip of that guy stabbing Purple Steve was stuck on replay, and it didn't have a fix. An anger boiled inside of him.
Sabre gritted his teeth together tightly. His face scrunched up, leaving wrinkles and narrowed eyes. Suddenly, his left eye, which was yellow, was now red.
Sabre's breathing was uneven. His pupils were small from the anger and insanity that came with it. He grabbed his head, tangling his fingers in his messy hair.
"What is going on?" Sabre said quietly. His voice wavered.
'They? My parents? What did they know? They hid my eyes for a reason. Something is telling me it wasn't so people wouldn't reject me. What was Void Steve even talking about? I'm special? Much I need to know, yet I can't know just yet? WHAT ARE PEOPLE HIDING FROM ME!'
Questions raced in and out of his head. One after another. If someone was there to answer his questions, they wouldn't have had time before he would spit another question out.
"Hmm... Sabre?" a voice spoke, bringing Sabre away from his thoughts. His left eye converted back to its original yellow, leaving Sabre a little confused. "What's up, dude?"
"Um... nothing," Sabre said looking back to Rainbow Steve. He raised an eyebrow, telling Sabre, Yeah right.
"Sabre... I'm not that stupid," Rainbow Steve said crossing his arms. 'That's debatable... Wait, what am I thinking? I've never said that about anyone!'
"It's just... I'm a freak. Now, this random person is after me... and they just... killed Purple Steve," Sabre said. A little bit of insanity slipped into his sentence. "A-a-and now, I'm losing it-RAINBOW STEVE, I'M GOING INSANE!"
Rainbow Steve flinched but put a gentle hand on his shoulder. Sabre calmed down some, but he was still breathing heavily and staring at Rainbow Steve with his scared expression.
Sabre stood for another moment, but, soon, began twisting his way out of Rainbow Steve's grip. He knocked Rainbow Steve to the ground since that was the only way to get him away from Sabre.
"Sabre... Sabre, dude, calm down!" the multicolored Steve exclaimed as Sabre began to lose himself. "Man, I really don't wanna do this..."
Rainbow Steve used the last of his remaining strength to knock Sabre out once again. The loud atmosphere was silenced after Sabre hit the ground. His eyes were shut, and he actually looked peaceful.
"Rainbow Steve?" the voice of Galaxy Steve asked. Rainbow Steve flinched and turned to where the voice came from. "What did you do to Sabre?"
Galaxy Steve sounded a little mad. His voice made it sound like he was ready to pounce on Rainbow Steve; which was understandable. He did betray the most powerful of all Steve's because of what one Steve told him. Looking back on it now, this entire mess was his fault.
"G-Galaxy Steve! Oh my God you're okay!" Rainbow Steve exclaimed smiling happily. Galaxy Steve just tensed even more.
"Don't act like my friend! What did you do to Sabre!" Galaxy Steve said repeating his question.
"Galaxy Steve, please. Hear me out. Void Steve lied to me. Something, however, is wrong with Sabre. You know how he always hid his eyes?" Rainbow Steve said slowly making his way towards Galaxy Steve.
"Yeah... why?" Galaxy Steve said, not having full confidence in talking to Rainbow Steve.
"Apparently, he hid his eyes because they are different. Some guy showed up and tried to kidnap Sabre. Now that, all of this is happening, he's freaking out," Rainbow Steve said explaining some of the situation.
Galaxy Steve didn't say anything; just stared at Rainbow Steve with an unbelieving look. Galaxy Steve looked at Sabre, then back to Rainbow Steve. He sighed and nodded his head.
"We have a huge threat on our hands, and we can't argue now. Let's wait for Sabre to wake up, then we will head out. Galaxy Steve... Purple Steve," Rainbow Steve said as tears formed in his eyes.
"What about Purple Steve?" Galaxy Steve asked looking at Rainbow Steve with some concern. Rainbow Steve clenched his eyes shut and looked to the ground, his lips pressing together in a narrow line.
"He... saved me. Whoever this figure that's after Sabre tried to kill me. He held me in place, so I couldn't move. Next thing I knew, P-Purple Steve wa-was... s-s-s-stabbed," Rainbow Steve said breaking down into tears.
"N-no! That can't be true! STOP LYING!" Galaxy Steve exclaimed.
"I'm not lying. Before he... died, he said,
"ssenkeem eht pleh syawla lliw dna ,lufrewop lla si eh tub
ssenkaew a si gnihtyreve dna ,htgnerts on sah eh
yas lliw esoppo ohw ynam tey
yad siht no nrob si roivas a
thgil eht lla seirrac yllautca ohw eno eht si
thgirb enihs ton yam ohw eno eht rof
raef ton od tub
raen si dne eht." Rainbow Steve said, repeating word for word what Purple Steve said.
Galaxy Steve's eyes went wide as he stared at Sabre. Many things rushed through his mind; one being,
'Did he know about this?'
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