《Andrew Davila DM'd Me!?!》Chapter - 11


Hey All. Wow would you look at that. Double update in the same day. Cookies for me.

Anyways, How is the above cover.? This is made by my friend Awesome isn't it? Shoutout to her, cause she has been providing immense support to this book.

Riley's PoV:

"So young guys and girls. I hear you all are good at what you are doing. I trust my daughter so I trust you all. Don't disappoint me. I know I am a pain in th ass. Let's face it that is what keeps me going in this business. And yes when it comes to business, I look for perfection" Allie's mom said being honest.

That is what I like about her. She is a classy businesswoman.

All were speachless. Girls were speachless cause they were all in awe looking at the lady who owned such power in this business whereas guys were speachless with fear.

"Ok I ain't going to lie. I think I peed my pants" Ben said looking terrified.

"Chill Ben. She is not going to wat your head." Lexi R said.

"She is like my math teacher who's ready to call me out for my mistakes" Alan said

"I don't even want a revisit to that" Alex said joining his brother.

"Guys. Relax. She's not going to eat your head!" Allie said knowingly.

"Easy for you to say Allie. You are her daughter" Andrew said looking drenched in fear.

"Boys, be like Brent. See how cool he is" I said.

"Yeah right. He is every mom's favorite" Alan said jokingly.

"Guys, cut it out. You guys can ace this. Now go on make us proud." I told them clapping my hands.

"Yes, Mam. Count on us" Ben said and jogged towards the photoshoot area.

"Can I get a good luck kiss?" Andre asked me.

"Nope!" I said plopping the p.

Allie was looking at me amused.

"Anyways. Allie, Marco is joining as well correct?" I asked her

"No he is not. Cause this one for new faces. He decided to sit this one out" She informed me.

"Oh and give Andrew some kisses, will ya?" Allie said teasing me.


I just glared at her.

"Don't deny it. You so wanted to" She replied.

"Get over yourself!" I replied.

"Sure sure" she replied laced with sarcasm.

Things were shaky in the begining but nothing we couldn't handle it. Marco gave few pointers to the boys and girls. After that they seemed to handle it pretty well. Suprised would be an understatement. But Andrew is a work of art.

"Um. Not again,Riley!" My inner voice cautioned.

"What's happening to me?" I asked myself.

"......uh.....you may kinda like him" my inner voice replied.

"Shut up. You are wrong." I replied back

"Whenever I was wrong" my inner voice retorted back

The shoot went pretty smooth.

There were photoshoots of girls and boys together, girls alone, boys alone.

It was pretty good.

"So, how did you all like it?" Allie asked them.



"Loved it"

"My dark circles didn't show".

With this everyone started laughing at Alex.

"Aww. Poor Baby" I said and side hugged him.

"You are cute" Allie said to Alex.

"I hope you mean me" Marco then joined us.

"Of course babe. You are the cutest" Allie said holding his hands.

"Why is no one calling me cute?" Alan asked whining.

"Cause you are not" Lexi H said and Hi-fi'ed her

"Mean girls!" Alan said being dramatic.

"Where is Brent and Pierson?" Lexi R asked looking for her brother and her "future sister in law"

"Uh. I don't know. She was right beside me." Lexi H said

"Something is cooking. Brent calls everyone a SIMP. But I think he is the biggest SIMP of all" I said laughing.

"Not anymore. I think we have a competition now" Ben said.

"And who might that be?" Allie asked

"Andrew. Duh" He said

"Is that right now?" Allie looking sideways at me.

"Yuh-uh" he said jabbing Andrew.

I pretended to not listen to any of that.

"So who's hungry?" I asked changing the topic.

"Well, kids" Allie's mom spoke to all of us.

"Allie really has a nic for recruiting talents. Good thing I gave you all a chance. You kids really out did yourselves. I am proud and I can't wait to show this to the outside world and I look forward to work with the squad again" Allie's Mom said proudly looking at each one of us.


"Thank you. We are very thankful to you for giving us this opportunity" Brent spoke on behalf of the squad

When did he join us.

"So I know you all are hungry. We have food at the beach house. You kids join us for th treat." Allie's mom said assuring us all to get inside the house.

Once we were inside, my tastes buds have spiked up to rocket level.

There were everything. Indian,Italian, American, Chinese and Thai.

"Come on kids,dig in." Allies mom said.

We needn't to be told twice. Table manners were out of the park.

We ate the food like it was our last meal. The squad missed the breakfast since it was a photoshoot day.

Andrew was giving me side eyes and smiling at me. I didn't mind though.

After we were done, it was time for Allie's mom to go back to France. We all bid goodbyes and stayed few minutes in the beach house.

We were just taking selfies and goofing around and getting to know about each other.

"Guys, announcement!" Brent clamped getting our attention.

"Brierson ship has sailed!" Brent said looking at Pierson who was now blushing tomato red.

High-pitched giggles.

"Oh my God. I knew it!" I said jumping up and down.

"Yeah I couldn't take a risk of losing her and she really likes sushi" Brent said sounding happy.

"Finally. I am happy for you man" Ben said doing the "bro-hug"

"So how did it happen?" Allie asked Pierson very excited.

"It happened after the photoshoot. He said how he liked me since the dating show and he didn't want to ruin the friendship by taking risk but he went for it anyway" Pierson said reminding of the time they had a while ago.

"Awwww. It is about time anyways. And my dream has come true" Lexi R said hugging Pierson.

"So Riley. What's going between you and Andrew?" Lexi H asked me.

"What? Don't gang up on me. Nothing's happening." I confirmed them.

"Mmm-hmm. I refuse to believe. He looks at your differently. Like the way Brent looks at me" Pierson said.

"Ha ha. No." I replied laughing.

"The time has not come for you to realise it yet" Lexi R said.

"Please speak some sense into her. I am tired of doing that" Allie said looking at me like a hopeless case.

"Randrew will sail" Lexi H said hopefully

"I think it's time we reveal the news about our collab cause it's already on the website" Allie said.

"So are you excited to see the faces of our new summer collection. It was a pretty great shoot. Checkout our new collection in our official website. @ampwrld @brentrivera


@lexibrookerivera @benazelart

@alanstokes @alexstokes @andrewdavila_ @lexihensler @allie_evans @marco @Riley_Danes


The news was revealed at the same time in Evans clothing and amp world instagram handle.

They are so cute.

Squad goals.

New faces are rocking

Andrew 🤤

Damn the squad is more good looking than me.

Yes when you fav clothing brand and fav squad comes together.

Guess it is time for me to get new clothes.

The squad is overrated. I don't know what the fans see in them anyways.

Both positive and negative of it.

We took more photos in the beach and uploaded it to Instagram post

Andrew was beside me with his arm around my shoulders.

The moment I posted it,my phone has been going non-stop.

@piersonwodzynski goals. SHIP.

@fanaccount#1 all are cute but my eyes on Andrew and Riley. So cute. Look at Andrew's hand protective on Riley's shoulder.

@Alex_Danes bro I am watching you.

@brentrivera SIMP

@fanaccount#2 back off girl. He is mine.

@allie_evans RANDREW!

@benazelart Andrew is whipped

@ajgunn finally someone to tame Andrew

@_calebburton about time.

It was going non stop. It was an eventful day.

End of chapter 11.

Hey. So what did you all think of this chapter?

Have a great rest of the week. Untill next time.

Word Count: 1445.


***Thank You***

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