《Andrew Davila DM'd Me!?!》Chapter - 12


Long time no see. But I am back. Whoo-hoo!

Riley's PoV:

Saturday evening went by a blur. I reached home. Had dinner with the squad and dozed off.

Sunday morning came real quick. It is like I just went to sleep but the sun was very quick to rise. Yawning I woke up from the bed. I realised I had many notifications and DMs from whatsapp and instagram. This has become a usual thing for me ever since Andrew and I become friends. I get tagged in the fan pages edits.

Drew💙: RED. Up to hang out at the twins house?

From the group.

Ben: Guy guys! It is a Sunday!

Lexi R: Ben!. You are near me. STOP SHOUTING! And wow that is a new information

Ben : 😏😏😏 meanie.

Brent: ............

Pierson: Are you speachless for me? Awww

Me: guys please keep it PG.

Drew💙: you heard Riley.

Brent: look who's is talking now. SIMP.

Drew💙: I am not. Yet!

Lexi H: what's the talk on a Sunday morning! People are sleeping here. And oh hey RANDREW!

Me: oh God. It is too early for me to deal with this.

Drew💙: aww RED I feel the love.

Pierson and Lexi R: he calls her RED. Awwwwww. Cute.

Allie💃🏻👯: guys. Cut it out and come to the point!

Me: hello to you sunshine 😂

Drew💙: she never calls me sunshine

Me: David Andrew Davila. Shut up.

Drew💙: yes mam. You have rendered me speachless. 🤭

Me: 🤨🧐🧐🤨

Allie💃🏻👯: ohoo PDA. Anyways guys. Thank you so much for your contribution to the Evans Clothing. Summer collection sales have sky rocketed. Mom and Dad extends their gratefulness to the squad. ❤️

Brent: Awww. Thank you Allie! We are forever grateful.

Drew💙, Ben, Lexi R, Lexi H, Pierson: Thank You Allie.

Brent: so roast marshmallows at my place?

Me: oh marshmallows I am down! 🏃🏻‍♀️

Drew💙, Ben, Lexi R, Lexi H, Pierson: hell yeah!

Alan: wow. 65+ messages.

Alex: good morning beautiful people.

Alex: guys ?

Me: uh. Alex?

Alex: Riley?

Me: Alex?

Alan: Riley?

Me: ok we are going in circles. No one is going to reply dude. Everyone's busy if you know what I mean 🤭

Alex: please I needn't hear that.

Alan: my poor ears.

Me: dramatic. Meet you guys later today.

I proceeded to check my Instagram notifications.

My eyes popped out of my socket. I had so many dms.

U and Andrew are cute. My heart.

Are you both really friends?

We love RANDREW!


Riley, dont think so highly of yourself. Andrew doesn't like you.

You are just like any girls riding on someone else's success.

You are just looking for CLOUT Riley.

You are just a bitch! Hello get over yourself. Andrew is mine. He is dating me!

Aww. I love you Riley. Andrew and U are perfect for eachother.

I never let the negativity get to me but these hit deep. I mean I am not doing anything. I am only his friend.

"Yeah. Friend. Right!" My inner voice rose to the occasion.

"Okay fine.Calm down geez!" I replied.

"Well. We will sort this, girl" my inner voice replied.

Anyways my Sunday morning has been officially ruined.

I walked down to the empty house. Oh right I forgot. My parents are at a friend's retreat. Mom has texted me yesterday evening saying that they would be gone untill Tuesday and cautioned to not burn the house down.

I laughed at the last part. I had my breakfast and went to check for Alex. He should be up by now.

"Alex!" I knocked his door.

No reply.

"Alexander Danes. Wake up!" I shouted

Before I could knock again, he opened the door.

"Stop making so much noise, Riles." he whispered

"Why not?" I asked him suspiciously

"Uh. I may or may not have someone in my room." Alex said scratching his head.

"Alexander Tristan!" I exclaimed

"Shh. Walk with me to the kitchen" he said and practically dragged me.

"Okay. I brought home Sarah yesterday." He said smiling sheepishly.

"What?!!?" I exclaimed once again.

"Actually I told her I liked her. We watched a movie and decided to crash in here" Alex said




"Oh my God! Alex I am happy for you. I am going to have a sister in-law" I said practically jumping up and down

"Whoa. Whoa. Sister in-law. Not yet" he said Chuckling.

"Sister-in-law?" We both turned to see the owner of the voice

"Hi, I am Sarah." She introduced herself to me.

"Hi, I am Riley" I introduced myself as well.

"Riley, good to meet you" she said smiling

"Oh and I ship RANDREW!" she said laughing.

"Not you too, Sarah. We are just friends" I said shaking my head.

"Sure. That is what I kept on saying when I meet your brother. Being in denial wont help you" Sarah told me.

"Uh. Sure. Not that you are wrong. But only friends" I replied assuring her.


"Anyways guys. Continue. I am going to hang out with the twins and Andrew.Oh and Alex made pancakes for you." I said hugging him and Sarah as well.

"Thanks Riles" Both said in unison.

"Aww look at you people getting cute and all" I said and sprinted to my room to get my phone.

Shoot I forgot to reply him.

Me: Drew.

Drew💙: RED?

Me: uh.

Drew💙: what is it?

Me: Yes I would like to hang out with your guys.

Drew💙: ok. I am happy abt that. Tell me what's wrong.

Me: it is nothing Drew.

Drew💙: You never talk like this

Meet me at Starbucks. I would be waiting with you fav drink RED.

Me: wait how you know my fav drink?

Drew💙: uh. Not the point.Just meet me there.

"Guys, I am leaving. Look the door, Alex.!" I yelled and closed the door not waiting for the reply.

I called Allie. Straight to voicemail. I texted her about my whereabouts. I know I won't hear the end of it.

I reached starbucks and there he was waiting with my fav drink in his car.

"Hey" I said getting inside the car.

"Riley, tell me what's wrong?" Andrew asked me concerned

"It is nothing Drew. I am fine honestly" I said assuring him.

He didn't buy it

"Riley I know you. I can help you. You don't look good like this." Andrew said stroking his thumbs on my cheek.

This small gesture made me happy.

"Um. About that. It is few hate DMs I got. Normally I won't let this affect me. But I mean I haven't done anything other than being friends with you. I mean it is fine Drew. I will get over it. It's all just new to me.

Thats it" I told him

"Riley. Let me check your DMs?" He offered

"Uh. Sure." I said and gave him my phone.

"Don't worry, I won't read juicy stuffs" Andrew joked

"Shut up, Andrew" I said rolling my eyes.

He read the DMs and returned my phone.

"I am sorry RED." Andrew said sincerely

"Stupid. Why are you apologizing?. It is not your fault" I replied him

"Still, I couldn't look at you like this. I mean you are always this girl with a beautiful smile. I like to see you happy always" Andrew said.

"Uh. Shakespeare, take notes" I said joking to lighten up.

"I know right. I have a way with words" Andrew replied grinning.

"Cocky much. Why am I even friends with you?" I asked shaking my head

"Cause you like me" Andrew said Chuckling.

"You wish. I like Tokyo. Not you." I said with a smile.

"Ouch,babe. It hurts" Andrew said looking fake hurt.

"Drive. Let's go" I said.

If I am going to be friends with famous people, I am going to have to face these things

We arrived at the stokes home.

"Drew. Thank you for the drink and for today morning" I said hugging him.

He went rigid for a second and hugged me back.

"Girl what have gotten yourself into?" My inner voice asked me.

For the first time I didn't argue with my inner self cause I liked this.

"Guys. Look who's here?" I said once I was inside the home.

"Uh. Emma Watson?" Alex replied laughing.

"Wow. Original!" I replied him.

"Riley! Good to see you!" Alan said hugging me.

And that is how my day got better.

Andrew's PoV:

This girl. I don't know what she is doing to me. I always want her close to me. I really didn't mind the RANDREW thing before. But I feel different when anyone comments that on my post now. Many people DM me asking about Riley and I.

I am tempted to reply to the edits fans are making or like any of the posts but

I don't want to jeopardize my relationship with her. Cause as far as I know she is seeing me only as her friend. I was so deep in thoughts about the girl who is laughing and talking in front of me I didn't notice Alex looking at me.

"What are you thinking?" Alex asked me.

I just shrugged.

I didn't know she would have this much effect on me.

I like to spend time with her.

I like to annoy her.

I like her weirdness.

I like her sarcasm.

I like to know more about her.

She is in my thoughts 24/7.

And then I know that I am screwed.


I like her. A lot.

"Andrew. You are whipped, my man" Alex said patting my back

I didn't even reply cause I know he is right.

End of chapter 12.

I tried my best to write in Andrew's PoV.

But let me know in the comments. Did you like it? How was it? Book is boring? Yay or nay?

Word Count: 1686.

***Thank you***

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