《Andrew Davila DM'd Me!?!》Chapter - 10


Photo credit: ig - alexabrookeriverah

Hey guys. I have been MIA for so long. But I am back. So how was your weekend?.

Riley's PoV:

It was the shot day. Allie said te shot is going to be outdoor-sy.

I told my parents and my brother about Allie's idea. They were kinda excited to see new faces for "Evans Clothing".

It was Saturday morning 7AM. The shoot is not for another 3 hours.

My phone was buzzing non-stop. My phone was bombarded with many notifications from whatsapp.

Brent has added you to "AMP friends!😎🤩👫👭👬"

Brent: Hi guys. It is the shoot day. Yay.

Lexi R: Brent Brent. It's too early. I can hear your voice from my room.

Brent: Shut up Lexi!

Ben: Guys Chill.

Alan: Thanks for waking me up guys.

Alex: If I have dark circles during the photo shoot, I am killing you all.

Lexi H: Good morning to you excited people!

Allie💃🏻👯: Guys! What's got all of your panties in a twist. People are trying to sleep here.

Me: Allie 😂😂😂😂😂 good one.

Pierson: Thank God. I was wondering when they would stop it. Save the excitement for the show guys.

Brent: Pierson 🤧 way to burst my bubble.

Me: *cough* Brierson.


Drew 😁: tsk tsk. I am awake now. What'd I miss.?

Ben: oh nothing. Brent being Brent.

Allie💃🏻👯: So guys. Meet me at the the beach at 10AM. Now everyone hush and get some sleep.

With that, my phone stopped with the buzzing. I went down to see my mom cooking and da reading th newspaper.

"Hi Mom, Dad. Good morning!" I greeted them while taking a seat near my dad.

"Today's the shoot day, right?" My dad asked.

"Yeah dad. It is". I replied my dad.

"Oh. Next weekend we are going to visit your grandparents. Keep your schedule clear, kid" My dad said rufling my hair.


"Dad. Definitely.! Anything else can wait." I replied side hugging him.

"Alex!, Coming to the photoshoot?" I asked him hoping he would say yes cause I needed a ride. You may ask Allie lives right across to you. Allie is with her parents in their beach house.

"You need a ride. That is why, right?" He asked knowingly.

That idiot is smart. I mean sister like brother.

"Maybe" I said grinning

"What's in to for me?" He asked me grinning back

"Alexander!, Take you sister" My mom said sternly.

I did a victory dance infront of my brother.

"Fine, Mom!" My brother replied annoying

"That is more like it!" My dad said patting his shoulder.

"Younger sibling" My brother said shaking his head.

I ran upstairs and got ready.

"Lex, let's go" I said

"Come on. I am dropping you off and then going to the mall with Sarah" Alex said

"Ooooo. It's date, I see. My brother is in love" I said teasing him.

"Shut up, Riles" he replied blushing.

"Damn my eyes are deceiving me. My brother is blushing" I said teasing him more.

"Hardy har har" My brother replied rolling his eyes.

"Sure. Deny it all you want" I said smacking his head

"Ow ow,Riley. Stop manhandling me." My brother said fake pretending to be in pain.

"Loser" I said with a L sign.

"Manners, Riley!" My brother said shaking his head laughing

"Here we are. Now go out!" He said

"Now who is manhandling" I retorted back his words.

"I thought you well, Riles. Anyways I have few minutes so I can meet this guy my sister supposedly close with." Alex said.

"Thank God. Atleast you didn't assume that we are dating" I replied him sighing in relief.


"Yet, baby sister. Yet. I have to decide after meeting him. He has to know you have a brother who can beat his ass if he breaks your heart" Alex said concerned

"Alex. He already knows about you. Well he knows that I have a brother. And love you for being protective,Alex" I said getting happy that I always know my brother has my back.

"Don't make me cry, Riles" Alex said wiping his car stairs.

"And we are back" I said laughing.

Entire squad was already present in the beach.

"Hey Guys" I greeted everyone.

"Hey Riley" everyone replied

"Guys, Meet my brother, Alex Danes" I said introducing my brother to the squad.

"Hi guys, what's up?" My brother said greeting with a two finger salute.

"Hey my name is Alex too" Alex stokes told my brother shaking hands with my brother

"Man, that makes two of us" my brother said laughing

Meanwhile Marco and Allie joined us as well.

Marco and Alex D acquainted themselves vey well with the squad.

"Riley, I got to go" Alex said while jogging towards his car.

"Bye!" I yelled back.

"So your brother. He is a funny guy" Andrew said slinging his arms around my shoulder.

"Yes he is" I said not paying attention to his words but paying attention to his toned abs.


"Like whatcha seeing" Andrew asked me.

"Yeah right. You wish" I replied

"I wish for many things Red" he said now staring into my eyes.

"Uh. Like what?" I asked nervously looking into his eyes with same intensity.

"Lovebirds. Get to work" Allie said clapping her hands and smirking at me.

Andrew just shrugged and proceeded to get ready.

"Someone's catching feelings, I see" Allie started with her teasing.

"Shut up, Allie!. Always wrong" I replied.

"Whatver you say, Girl" She replied knowingly.

"Let's get to work, shall we.? Mom is not the most patient one" Allie said pulling me to the photoshoot place.

End of chapter 10.

So Riley is getting close with Andrew. What are you thoughts? Please let me know in the comments!

Hey guys! Thank you so much for helping to reach this book #1 in Andrew Davila category. I started this book for fun and this is just wow. Thank you again.!

Also shout out to @. She has been a constant support for this book! Thank you so much!

Word Count: 1053.


***Thank you***

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